Turtle graphics || Python
Rainbow (রংধনু) :
Human robot (মানব রোবট) :
Orthocoronavirinae (করোনাভাইরাস ):
Turtle graphics || Python
Rainbow (রংধনু) :
Human robot (মানব রোবট) :
Orthocoronavirinae (করোনাভাইরাস ):
Oraxen-item-to-yml With this simple py script you will be able to get all the .png from a folder and generate a yml for Oraxen How to use Install the
这是我一个视频的配套代码。 视频是:利用近邻法的弱点实现图片缩小后变成另一张图 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Lf4y1r7dZ 配套代码中,仅generate.py是核心文件,其余的图片神马的,都是赠品。 这个核心文件利用了近邻法缩放的弱点,可以将图a的像素按
Computer Art There is no must in art because art is free. Introduction The following tutorial exaplains how to generate computer art based on a series
PyTorusThreePoints Draw a torus passing through three given points. Usage import numpy as np import pyvista as pv from torus_three_points.main import
napari-apr-viewer A simple plugin to view APR images in napari This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiecutter-napari-
Vignette Vignette is a Python library to create and manage thumbnails following the FreeDesktop standard. Thumbnails are stored in a shared directory
Convert the SVG code to PNG and replace the line by a call to the image in markdown
BeeRef — A Simple Reference Image Viewer BeeRef lets you quickly arrange your reference images and view them while you create. Its minimal interface i
These are some basic algorithms that I have implemented by my hands in the process of learning digital image processing, such as mean and median filtering, sharpening algorithms, interpolation scalin
GAS - Generative Art Synthesizer Generative Art Synthesizer - a python program that generates python programs that generates generative art. Examples
WobblyStitcher Introduction A scalable implementation of WobblyStitcher Dependencies $ python -m pip install numpy scikit-image Visualization ImageJ
ImageGen Stitches multiple image layers together into one image. Run usage: stitch.py [-h] backgrounds_dir dinos_dir traits_dir texture_file
Maze-Generator Maze generator with most popular shapes - hexagon, triangle, square (sqaure not implemented yet): Theory: Planar Graph https://en.wikip
Pnuemonia Normal detection by using XRay images. Got image datas from kaggle(link is given in sources.txt file) also normal xray images from other site (also link is given) in order to avoid data dis
This piece of code is a User Welcomer with Image Manipulation using Python and Pillow (PIL).
neural-hash-collider Find target hash collisions for Apple's NeuralHash perceptual hash function. For example, starting from a picture of this cat, we
An executor that performs standard pre-processing and normalization on images.
Pose2Img Upper body image synthesis from skeleton(Keypoints). Sub module in the ICCV-2021 paper "Speech Drives Templates: Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis
imgAnalyser - Un script pour obtenir la liste des pixels d'une image correspondant à plusieurs couleurs Ce script à pour but, à partir d'une image, de
Convert Image to ASCII Art Persiapan aplikasi ini menggunakan bahasa python dan beberapa package python. oleh karena itu harus menginstall python dan