👷 Build images with images



👷 Build images with images.


Tiler is a tool to create an image using all kinds of other smaller images (tiles). It is different from other mosaic tools since it can adapt to tiles with multiple shapes and sizes (i.e. not limited to squares).

An image can be built out of circles, lines, waves, cross stitches, legos, minecraft blocks, paper clips, letters, ... The possibilities are endless!


  • Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/nuno-faria/tiler.git;
  • Install Python 3;
  • Install pip (optional, to install the dependencies);
  • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Make a folder with the tiles (and only the tiles) to build the image;
    • The script gen_tiles.py can help in this task; it builds tiles with multiple colors based on the source tile (note: its recommended for the source file to have an RGB color of (240,240,240)). It is used as python gen_tiles.py path/to/image and creates a folder with a 'gen_' prefix in the same path as the base image.
  • Run python tiler.py path/to/image path/to/tiles_folder/.


All configurations can be changed in the conf.py file.


  • DEPTH - number of divisions in each color channel (ex: DEPTH = 4 -> 4 * 4 * 4 = 64 colors);
  • ROTATIONS - list of rotations, in degrees, to apply over the original image (ex: [0, 90]).


  • COLOR_DEPTH - number of divisions in each color channel (ex: COLOR_DEPTH = 4 -> 4 * 4 * 4 = 64 colors);
  • RESIZING_SCALES - scale to apply to each tile (ex: [1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25]);
  • PIXEL_SHIFT - number of pixels shifted to create each box (ex: (5,5)); if None, shift will be the same as the tile dimension);
  • OVERLAP_TILES - if tiles can overlap;
  • RENDER - render image as its being built;
  • POOL_SIZE - multiprocessing pool size;
  • IMAGE_TO_TILE - image to tile (ignored if passed as the 1st arg);
  • TILES_FOLDER - folder with tiles (ignored if passed as the 2nd arg);
  • OUT - result image filename.



Various sizes

Original cake image by pongsakornred from FLATICON.


  • 10x10

- 25x25

- 50x50

Paper clips

Cross stitch (times)



Minecraft blocks

Stripes (lines)


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👷 Build images with images

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