The earliest beta version of pytgcalls on Linux x86_64 and ARM64! Use in production at your own risk!


Public beta test. Use in production at your own risk!

tgcalls - a python binding for tgcalls (c++ lib by Telegram);

pytgcalls - library connecting python binding for tgcalls and Pyrogram.


Only for Linux systems on x86_64 and ARM64 platform!


  • Python solution
  • Join to voice chats
  • Payout from file
  • Output (recording) to file
  • Change files at runtime
  • Speaking status with levels inside and outside of VC
  • Stop payout/output
  • Multiply chat (CPU load)


  • Payout and output by bytes from Python
  • Incoming and Outgoing calls (already there and working, but not in beta)
  • Video calls (video from a file etc)
  • Additional things for working with ffmpeg
  • Convenient callbacks and methods
  • Mac OS builds
  • Maybe ARM support
  • Windows instruction how to build (maybe)

Audio file formats

RAW files are now used. You will have to convert to this format yourself using ffmpeg. This procedure may become easier in the future.

From mp3 to raw (to play in voice chat):

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -f s16le -ac 2 -ar 48000 -acodec pcm_s16le input.raw

From raw to mp3 (files with recordings):

ffmpeg -f s16le -ac 2 -ar 48000 -acodec pcm_s16le -i output.raw clear_output.mp3

For playout live stream you can use this one:

ffmpeg -y -i -f s16le -ac 2 -ar 48000 -acodec pcm_s16le input.raw

And set input.raw as input filename.


-pre argument is necessary! --upgrade is necessary if you installed v1 beta

pip install --upgrade --pre pytgcalls

How to test

No docs, but example!

import os
import asyncio

import pytgcalls
import pyrogram

API_ID = None
CHAT_ID = '@tgcallschat'
INPUT_FILENAME = 'input.raw'
OUTPUT_FILENAME = 'output.raw'

async def main(client):
    await client.start()
    while not client.is_connected:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

    # you can pass init filenames in the constructor
    group_call = pytgcalls.GroupCall(client, INPUT_FILENAME, OUTPUT_FILENAME)
    await group_call.start(CHAT_ID)

    # to change audio file you can do this:
    # group_call.input_filename = 'input2.raw'

    # to change output file:
    # group_call.output_filename = 'output2.raw'

    # to restart play from start:
    # group_call.restart_playout()

    # to stop play:
    # group_call.stop_playout()

    # same with output (recording)
    # .restart_recording, .stop_output

    # to mute yourself:
    # group_call.set_is_mute(True)

    await pyrogram.idle()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pyro_client = pyrogram.Client(
        os.environ.get('SESSION_NAME', 'pytgcalls'),
        api_hash=os.environ.get('API_HASH', API_HASH),
        api_id=os.environ.get('API_ID', API_ID)

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Issues, bugs, questions

I know that debug logs are enabled.


You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are described and licensed for free under LGPL-3. Derivatives works (including modifications or anything statically linked to the library) can only be redistributed under LGPL-3, but applications that use the library don't have to be.

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