A weekly dive into commonly used modules in the Rust ecosystem, with story flavor!


Rust Module of the Week

A weekly dive into commonly used modules in the Rust ecosystem, with story flavor!

Build status

  • Release
    • Rust examples
    • Content
  • Draft
    • Rust examples
    • Content

The goal

The goal of this project is to bring the same concept as PyMOTW to the Rust world. PyMOTW was an invaluable resource for me when I was learning Python years ago, and I hope that I can help someone in a similar way. Each week we'll dive into a module and explore some of the functionality that we can find there while following along the adventures of some colourful characters.

Why the story?

I have always found that I learn better when there's a story behind something I'm learning, a purpose. I've looked at my fair share of documentation but I've found that a lot of code samples can be hard to follow without broader context. So I've decided that every issue will include the story of one or more characters and their problems that only Rust can solve.


See the examples README for how to run them.


Feel free to fork and open Pull Requests about any past or potential future content! I would especially welcome any code feedbacks as I'm sure there'll be lots of chances to improve my code. A proper development guide is planned.

  • [Error] Compilation error in the first example

    [Error] Compilation error in the first example


    First of all - great initiative.

    I'm a complete Rust noob and this is exactly what I was looking for - an easily digestible, short articles on Rust stdlib.

    Now, when I try to execute the first example:

    use std::{fs, io};
    const PHOTO_HOME: &str = "/home/user/motw/week-1/";
    fn main() {
        let entries = fs::read_dir(PHOTO_HOME)?
            .map(|entry_res| entry_res.map(|entry| entry.path()))
            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, io::Error>>()?;
        println!("{:?}", entries);

    I get the following error:

    error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be used in a function that returns `Result` or `Option` (or another type that implements `FromResidual`)
      --> src/main.rs:6:43
    5  | / fn main() {
    6  | |     let entries = fs::read_dir(PHOTO_HOME)?
       | |                                           ^ cannot use the `?` operator in a function that returns `()`
    7  | |         .map(|entry_res| entry_res.map(|entry| entry.path()))
    8  | |         .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, io::Error>>()?;
    9  | |
    10 | |     println!("{:?}", entries);
    11 | | }
       | |_- this function should return `Result` or `Option` to accept `?`
       = help: the trait `FromResidual<Result<Infallible, std::io::Error>>` is not implemented for `()`
       = note: required by `from_residual`
    error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be used in a function that returns `Result` or `Option` (or another type that implements `FromResidual`)
      --> src/main.rs:8:48
    5  | / fn main() {
    6  | |     let entries = fs::read_dir(PHOTO_HOME)?
    7  | |         .map(|entry_res| entry_res.map(|entry| entry.path()))
    8  | |         .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, io::Error>>()?;
       | |                                                ^ cannot use the `?` operator in a function that returns `()`
    9  | |
    10 | |     println!("{:?}", entries);
    11 | | }
       | |_- this function should return `Result` or `Option` to accept `?`
       = help: the trait `FromResidual<Result<Infallible, std::io::Error>>` is not implemented for `()`
       = note: required by `from_residual`

    Version of Rust in use is:

    stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
    rustc 1.54.0 (a178d0322 2021-07-26)

    Could you provide hints on what could be wrong in my example?

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by matejrisek 2
  • Fix clippy lints

    Fix clippy lints

    In group_files_by_date the clone is not needed. or_insert_withis more efficient in the case where a value already exists, because the closure or function provided to it are only executed if needed, while or_insert always creates the value.

    BTW keep up the good work. I really enjoyed those posts! :)

    opened by Lesstat 1
  • Alternative implementation of visit_dirs

    Alternative implementation of visit_dirs

    fn visit_dirs(dir: &Path) -> io::Result<Vec<PathBuf>> {
        let mut stack = vec![fs::read_dir(dir)?];
        let mut files = vec![];
        while let Some(dir) = stack.last_mut() {
            match dir.next().transpose()? { // r: dir.find_map(|r| r.ok())
                None => {
                Some(dir) if dir.file_type().map_or(false, |t| t.is_dir()) => {
                    stack.push(fs::read_dir(dir.path())?); // stack.extend(fs::read_dir(dir.path()))
                Some(file) => files.push(file.path()),

    Recursion in Rust isn't specially optimised, so iterative solutions are often faster (in this case 3x). I think it would be good to make a note of this.

    Also, it's often better to just ignore errors returned from the ReadDir since they can have different permission flags etc. In these cases discarding the rest of the results can be overly pessimistic.

    opened by Plecra 1
  • Wrapping up some build automation

    Wrapping up some build automation

    As mentioned in #7 I wanted to have a clean build and release process. It's working for the draft branch, now it's time to bring it to the main branch before content changes/suggestions come in.

    opened by slyons 0
  • Enable continuous testing for examples

    Enable continuous testing for examples

    Enable continuous testing by some means. Whether through doctests or unit tests it would behoove us to have automatic testing and use it as a barrier to any merges.

    opened by slyons 0
  • Run code samples in CI and in the browser

    Run code samples in CI and in the browser

    #9 addresses a bug in one of the code samples. That made me thinking.

    What if we the examples can be tested automatically, similar to Rust's doc tests? Than issue like the one reported in #9 can be prevented.

    And what do you think about making the code sample executable in the web browser? The rust book offers that for many of it's examples.

    opened by OrangeTux 1
  • # std::fs Part 2

    # std::fs Part 2

    Rudgal gets serious about organizing. Will have to include some sort of generating function so the moving/organizing can be demonstrated.

    • DirBuilder
    • Permissions
    • Copying/removing files.
    opened by slyons 0
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