A program to read, edit, and write save files for the game Railroads! Online


RROSE - v0.3.6

This program is intended to be used as an external tool to Railroads Online server hosts. It will read save files, allow to modify entries within it, and then save the file (creating a backup file in the process).

There are two ways to use the program. You can either:

  • Have a python installation, with required modules, and use the released .pyz files.
    • Advantages: you only have to download the .pyz file to update the program, which is quite light, and you'll be able to use other python programs from other sources.
    • Disadvantages: you need to properly setup your python environment the first time, though once it's done it will be straightforward to add the newly required modules with each update.
  • Use the standalone .exe files.
    • Advantages: only one file to download and execute, theoretically no need to install python or anything else.
    • Disadvantages: the executable is heavier, you'll have to fully download it with each update, it can only run on Windows, and might not run at all depending on your configuration.

Below is the detailed guide for using the .pyz files.

Using the .exe is straightforward: download the .exe file, place it in the same folder as your saves, and execute it.


With each release will be included the SHA-256 hash of the .pyz and .exe files. This made to check that the files haven't been tempered with since they were prepared for release (meaning that no one modified them). To check that the hash is correct, open a command prompt (powershell) at the location of the downloaded file, and type: Get-FileHash <filename> -Algorithm SHA256 | Format-List. Compare the result to the hash given with the release notice.


  • Having a working Python 3 install. Development was made using Python 3.8, so the program will warn you if you try using an older version, but allow you to continue if it's a Python 3 version.
  • Having necessary python modules installed:

Setting up pip so that you can easily install python modules is recommended. More requirements will be added in the future.

Installation and Use

  1. Save your game.
  2. Download the last .pyz file from the release list (https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/releases) and place it inside your save folder (should be located somewhere around C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\arr\Saved\SaveGames ). No need to decompress the file, if your python install was properly made, windows will correctly detect it as a python program.
  3. Even though the program will create backups of your saves, it is still recommended to create your own backups.
  4. Double-click on the .pyz file, and follow instructions. At any point, you can exit the program by pressing Ctrl+D (or less cleanly by pressing Ctrl+C)
  5. Likewise, you can always go back to previous menu by pressing Escape (escaping from the savefile selection menu will exit the program).
  6. Exit the current session in-game or start the game, and load the file you edited.


Currently, functionnalities are limited to:

  • Editing xp value for each player;
  • Editing money value for each player;
  • Editing rolling stock names and numbers;
    • Editing is limited to what can be displayed on each rolling stock. Override by starting with \i when entering a new value.
  • Rolling stock clean-up (EXPERIMENTAL):
    • Attempts to detect rolling stock which fell through the map, and moves them high up in the air, for you to recover them and rerail them. Watch out for your head!
  • Reset trees (EXPERIMENTAL) back to the state they are in when starting a new game.

In the work

  • Editing rolling stock contents
  • Plotting a map of the network
  • Build new tracks
  • Better tree reset feature (avoid existing tracks)
  • Exporting SVG files of the network
  • Editing industries contents
  • Editing water, sand and firewood places contents
  • Teleportation of rolling stock and players, as well as rerailing
  • Deletion of rolling stock, tracks, or players
  • A "No cheat" mode, which will allow to take loans, sell unused rolling stock (at a lower price), order refills for water, sand or firewood...
  • Improvements of the UI
  • GUI


  • The program starts, but doesn't find any savefile
    • Check that the program is placed in the right folder, next to your saves
    • If it is, then it's most likely an issue with your python installation. Reinstall it from the official https://www.python.org/downloads/. Also check you're using a version 3.x. Installation from Windows Store will not work !
  • The program starts, but tells me a module is not found
    • Install the python module that was not found using pip. Check below for detailed instruction.
  • The UI is not yet functionnal with Unix sytems, and hasn't been tested with Mac (probably not working either).
  • If you can't find a solution to your issue, the preferred way is to open an new issue on GitHub, and if necessary join your savefile there: https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/issues

Setting up the environment

  • First go to the official https://www.python.org/downloads/, download Python 3 (latest release recommended), and install it. When asked so, add pip to Path.
  • Open a command prompt (cmd or powershell) as administrator, and type in:
    • pip install numpy

If you already had installed Python, but the pip command doesn't work, then you'll need to add pip to Path yourself (you probably didn't check the option originally). To do so:

  • In the Windows search bar, look for "Environment Variables", and open the tool that shows up.
  • In that tool, click "Environment Variables"
  • Select the "Path" variable, and click "Modify"
  • Do not delete anything there. Add a new line, in which you will put the Path/To/Python/Install/Scripts (Usually C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Scripts)
  • Apply your changes and exit the tool. Now pip should work well.
  • Issue with modified save

    Issue with modified save

    The attached save is not loading properly in game once edited. Symptoms are:

    • game freezes for a while when selecting that save in the host server menu (RAM goes up as well)
    • apparently there's nothing in game (no more tracks, trees reset, ...) once the save is loaded.

    Things noticed : One of the player's name contains special characters, which mess up the ui a bit.

    opened by JennyKmu 5
  • Rolling Stock: Teleport back to depot

    Rolling Stock: Teleport back to depot

    Not only Jester in Discord asked for it, I also already thought this was neat.

    Proposed functionality:

    • "Reset Rolling Stock" Menu
    • choose Rolling Stock via a list that shows type, number, name (we have that already) and location.
    • set brakes if applicable (handbrakes should be fine, air brakes are influenced by whether it has air anyway)
    • set coordinates/rotation to one of a set of coordinates/rotation that are the spawn rails
      • need to be extracted first
      • proximity check to determine which spot is free before placing
      • in case of no free spots: Error
    opened by Leif-The-Head 4
  • Cursor overflow

    Cursor overflow

    When there is exactly 10 items in a menu, there is some interaction with cursor movement making it possible to go to 11th line (causing an error if trying to edit there)

    opened by JennyKmu 3
  • Not reading save file

    Not reading save file

    Hi All. Im getting the following when I attempt to run 0.38.exe file "RRO_savefile_editor|main.py", line 134, in inner_main file "RRO_savefile_editor|main.py", line 127, in loop file "RRO_savefile_editor|GVAS\GVAS.py", line 17 in init utf-16-le' codec cant decode bytes in position 38-39: unexpected end of data

    attached is my save https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wxDO-PsmCZGnoKgSyytiPpA8oeJJvJ_9/view?usp=sharing

    (hopes this works, not used github to leave a post before)

    opened by Tenshine1 2
  • Frontend: Improved interface modularity

    Frontend: Improved interface modularity

    The goal is to make the ui function into ui classes, which are instanciated for each menu and submenu. Actual methods editing the save file should then be moved to a separate api submodule, which will allow for later modularity once we get to the gui.

    opened by JennyKmu 2
  • Feature: improved tree reset

    Feature: improved tree reset

    Improve the tree reset tool so that it does not reset trees which would interfere with layed track/ballast/or utility. It shouldn't reset trees which are already deleted in a blank save.

    opened by JennyKmu 2
  • Rolling Stock Relocate/Respawn

    Rolling Stock Relocate/Respawn

    Include the location of these if possible as not being named it makes it difficult to know location.

    Using Ians map tool it labels one of my cars near 'Iron Mine' which I know is the one that flew away. If you had the location option for rolling stock this could help.

    opened by fbane 2
  • WARNING: None Property encountered !

    WARNING: None Property encountered !

    WARNING: None Property encountered ! 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name' Please send the above error to the dev team. Press any key to leave.

    While opening this save file: slot7.zip

    opened by StukaRT 2
  • Unable to access Save-Files

    Unable to access Save-Files

    Tested all Rose Versions on the release page with .exes.

    .exes older than 039.beta will not detect the save files, but the 3 newest will. However, all three have the same issue when selecting a save file;

    GVASFileFormatError.init() missing 1 required positional argument: 'msg' Please send the above error to the dev team. Press any key to leave.

    This happens with ANY save files, either autosaves or custom named save files.

    Attaching a save file for troubleshooting Firsts - Copy.zip .

    opened by PiperMp3 1
  • Nonetype object error

    Nonetype object error

    When I select Players I get this error

    Select the submenu (press ENTER to confirm):

    • Players
    • Teleport
    • Rolling stock
    • Environment
    • Save & Exit
    • Exit File "C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\arr\Saved\SaveGames\ROSE_039.pyz\main.py", line 163, in inner_main 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data' Please send the above error to the dev team. Press any key to leave.
    opened by Mag20KC 1
  • 'NoneType' object has no 'data' error?

    'NoneType' object has no 'data' error?

    @JennyKmu Or @Leif-The-Head i keep getting this error no matter what version of sav editor. Here is a image of when i tried to press enter on players Imgur

    opened by GamingPlus 1
  • Bring Back Support 4 Python 3.8!

    Bring Back Support 4 Python 3.8!

    Since python stop supported win7 at 3.9 make half users lost new futures of this app..

    Can you add to latest version support for last version of 3.8? (what was 3.8.12)

    There also are new bugs and issues on python 3.10 so well maybe support before version will also fix those problems for all users

    opened by AQ-TEAM 2
  • Backend: Turn the GVAS module into an API

    Backend: Turn the GVAS module into an API

    • Improve current GVAS object interface
    • Create objects representing data stored in the GVAS object more conveniently
    • Create API calls for complex treatment over the gvas data
    opened by JennyKmu 0
  • Feature: Spline editor

    Feature: Spline editor

    The goal is to allow edition of splines within ROSE.

    • splines to edit should be selected on a map
    • possibility to remove unnecessary hidden spline segments
    • possibility to merge splines together, giving a better curve in game when loading.
    • possibility to link a track spline with a groundwork spline
    • possibility to duplicate selection to build parallel tracks with ballast

    This feature is dependant on the track map implementation, which should be in a separate thread to allow interaction with both the map and the feature ui.

    opened by JennyKmu 0
  • v0.3.10(Mar 27, 2022)

    What's changed

    Update to save version 220127 (still in current release 220221)

    • Now displaying unique world ID as "Created"
    • Now displaying unique save ID as "Last Host"
    • Player's Steam IDs shown in money/XP menu
    • Player Edit and Teleport moved to a common sub menu
    • Industry Edit menu can be navigated with arrow keys only
      • This mitigates being unable to switch through pages on some laptop keyboards, but is not a final fix (see #57 )


    • If you used the same save before physics beta (jan 5th), in first physics beta (until jan 20th) and in current physics beta, your name could be up to three times in the savefile, plus your Steam ID as name once.
      • Your currently used stats should be the one associated with a Steam ID, which should be the first occurence in the list.
      • A routine to remove these double entries is pushed back to a major rework under the hood, which is likely happening after the spline update
    • If you run into any problems, open an issue here, describe what you were doing, what you wanted to do, and attach your savefile (may need to rename it to save.txt in order to upload).


    ROSE_0310.pyz - 2F5E37F1FE10C15960A3845C19A787C4CBC9072A553D71697DBCB8FA70C55653 - SHA256 ROSE_0310.exe - 88E76B04471760BED53336BDDA641D0969CEF22E303BC240ABC22A626A30AB81 - SHA256

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    ROSE_0310.exe(18.14 MB)
    ROSE_0310.pyz(1.79 MB)
  • v0.3.10-beta(Jan 26, 2022)

    What's changed

    Update to save version 220120 (current physics beta branch): NOTE: This version also works with current release 220201. Type 'YES' to proceed when prompted.

    • Now displaying save ID
    • Now displaying steam IDs in the money/XP menu
    • Player Edit and Teleport moved to a common sub menu, called "Players" (obvsly)
    • Other necessary save structure adaptations as documented in the inofficial RRO modder discord


    • If you used the same save before physics beta (jan 5th), in first physics beta (until jan 20th) and in current physics beta, your name could be up to three times in the savefile, plus your Steam ID as name once.
    • Your currently used stats should be the one associated with a Steam ID, which should be the first occurence in the list.
    • I am currently working on a routine to remove these duplicates, but this takes more testing and time. Hence this beta release.
    • If you run into any problems specifically regarding player values, open an issue here, describe what you were doing, what you wanted to do, and attach your savefile (may need to rename it to save.txt in order to upload).


    ROSE_0310b.pyz - 691A1E59024769AEC52862F37BF8027C4A8FEE13772F46C1D27F9EEA6AE77690 - SHA256 ROSE_0310b.exe - 37D580864314DC5D0C1340ED355007E4E5F34CE4A8566ED8C90396870316E61D - SHA256

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    ROSE_0310b.exe(18.14 MB)
    ROSE_0310b.pyz(1.79 MB)
  • v0.3.9(Jan 16, 2022)

    Important Information

    This version does not work with releases from 220120-beta, 220201 or newer. Go to v0.3.10-beta or newer.

    What's Changed

    • New Feature: Teleport in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/42
    • New Feature: Interchange flatcar types
    • Revisited Interface in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/44 - fixes #24 #26
    • Some additional small things under the hood
    • GAME UPDATE 211204 in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/45:
      • Added sander level to restock menu by
      • Updated standard and better removed trees
      • Added SaveGameVersion check to avoid future compability issues
    • GAME UPDATE 211220 in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/46:
      • Cabooses added to rename and restock menu and as teleport target
      • New Feature: Repaint Sheds
      • Updated tree replant feature to respect sheds
      • QOL update: Where you could select from multiple types, now the cursor is set to the current type rather the firstmost option
      • Fixes for some edge cases leading to a crash because some things just weren't present in the save file
    • Update from Beta: Further crash prevention


    ROSE_039.pyz - 478035CF72FEA3307A0334859B607892C22624A5A2ECBAC0E623AB4BD81F63B2 - SHA256 ROSE_039.exe - 8FF1EF3310DB93FCC5799480C9AC9FBE8C3F8C9DDC5C07114A0144799F2B18AB - SHA256

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    ROSE_039.exe(18.14 MB)
    ROSE_039.pyz(2.15 MB)
  • v0.3.9-beta(Dec 21, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • New Feature: Teleport in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/42
    • New Feature: Interchange flatcar types
    • Revisited Interface in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/44 - fixes #24 #26
    • Some additional small things under the hood
    • GAME UPDATE 211204 in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/45:
      • Added sander level to restock menu by
      • Updated standard and better removed trees
      • Added SaveGameVersion check to avoid future compability issues
    • GAME UPDATE 211220 in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/46:
      • Cabooses added to rename and restock menu and as teleport target
      • New Feature: Repaint Sheds
      • Updated tree replant feature to respect sheds
      • QOL update: Where you could select from multiple types, now the cursor is set to the current type rather the firstmost option
      • Fixes for some edge cases leading to a crash because some things just weren't present in the save file


    ROSE_039_beta.pyz - 85826AD74F5E663F153392876AA5ACAD391CAF0618B3BA163A7EB3DEF304B46E - SHA256 ROSE_039_beta.exe - 84F62847FD7A2313E842E8618CD0C8E447F8D8856778BDF9DC4DA76C3A20C3B1 - SHA256

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    ROSE_039_beta.exe(18.14 MB)
    ROSE_039_beta.pyz(2.15 MB)
  • v0.3.8(Nov 15, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Feature: Smart Tree Respawn by @JennyKmu in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/29
    • Feature: Industry Content Editor by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/33
    • Feature: Edit Attachments by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/35
    • Hotfix: corrected Issue with Smart Tree Respawn by @JennyKmu in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/38

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/compare/v0.3.7...v0.3.8


    ROSE_038.pyz - 66F790BDD783B167F2979B47301ED7CEF0A554AE05045E52F83444F9D8EE387A - SHA256 ROSE_038.exe - 1E4565F8E878EC1CE64B5FA2816B5DDBF6E07D59CBF37BE63A2736569195F16C - SHA256

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    ROSE_038.exe(18.71 MB)
    ROSE_038.pyz(581.19 KB)
  • v0.3.8-beta(Nov 12, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Feature: Smart Tree Respawn by @JennyKmu in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/29
    • Feature: Industry Content Editor by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/33
    • Feature: Edit Attachments by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/35

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/compare/v0.3.7...v0.3.8-beta


    ROSE_038.pyz - 1D00A8D8BE98AED727EAD45694BDA78B8A2C2F040747B5C1DE63F3646AB3E09E - SHA256 ROSE_038.exe - 98A61C0C98B95C3DC39012913A7EB7041B4BB816CB8AE2595164D3C1765AF0E7 - SHA256

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    ROSE_038.exe(18.71 MB)
    ROSE_038.pyz(2.97 MB)
  • v0.3.7(Nov 9, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • New name: The program is now named 'Rose'
    • Feature: Editable cars contents by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/13
    • Feature: Editable loco/tender contents by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/19
    • Feature: Rolling stock teleport to depot by @JennyKmu in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/21
    • Feature: Utility refill added by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/23
    • Hotfix: Corrected write error for save files with players having UTF16 characters in their names by @JennyKmu in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/issues/25

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/compare/v0.3.6...v0.3.7


    ROSE_037.pyz - B99F40766ED21D359EF553668EA52C954B0A91CFBD0E764A609E1DD1D736977C - SHA256 ROSE_037.exe - 5F4E31FDC2C799F471D7EF8D5FB89041F9470D54DEDE0C68317CE69EB88B1A32 - SHA256

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    ROSE_037.exe(18.71 MB)
    ROSE_037.pyz(427.08 KB)
  • v0.3.7-beta(Nov 7, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Editable car contents by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/13
    • Editable loco/tender contents by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/19
    • Rolling Stock teleport to depot by @JennyKmu in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/21
    • Utility refill by @Leif-The-Head in https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/pull/23

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/compare/v0.3.6...v0.3.7-beta


    RROSE_037.pyz - 475CFF20AA6F3451A6262804EC50C1EB9653DACBFB2B85CECC521CC685CDA52E - SHA256 XRROSE_037.exe - D9A7DB05AAD4F809E3F6B6E1C3EB3D037A6557595DFA12E6DEF740413D11AF9A - SHA256

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    RROSE_037.pyz(431.05 KB)
    XRROSE_037.exe(18.71 MB)
  • v0.3.6(Nov 4, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Now comes with a standalone executable.

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/compare/v0.3.5...v0.3.6


    RROSE_036.pyz - 02B64029ED117399534C99BDCD1E6C9DD7FA7EE63A305E657EFA7ECA131BE8C8 - SHA256 XRROSE_036.exe - 98CC20B4F4ACE529F8C042F273A220042115C4AD62CBB2D10CE99DA4E1F94F60 - SHA256

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    RROSE_036.pyz(558.96 KB)
    XRROSE_036.exe(15.53 MB)
  • v0.3.5-hotfix-1(Nov 4, 2021)

  • v0.3.5(Nov 3, 2021)

  • v0.3.4(Nov 3, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Rolling Stock Name Limiter (by @Leif-The-Head).
    • Rolling Stock Cleaner (EXPERIMENTAL): attempts to move back above the ground rolling stocks that might have fell through the map.

    New Contributors

    • @Leif-The-Head made their first contribution!

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/JennyKmu/RRO_savefile_editor/compare/v0.3.3...v0.3.4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    RRO_savefile_editor_034.pyz(354.22 KB)
  • v0.3.3(Nov 2, 2021)

  • v0.3.2(Nov 1, 2021)

  • v0.3.1(Nov 1, 2021)

  • v0.3.0(Nov 1, 2021)

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Implementation of the Spider-Man Game

Projeto FPRO FPRO/LEIC, 2021/22 Francisco Campos (up202108735) 1LEIC08 Objetivo Criar um clone do clássico Spider-Man em Pygame... Repositório de códi

1 Dec 24, 2021
Tictactoe py tkinter canvas - Tic Tac Toe written in Python 3 with tkinter mainly using canvas

Python 3 Tic Tac Toe with tkinter This is a tkinter version of my Tic Tac Toe ga

Bojan Adzic 1 Jan 09, 2022
Overview: copain, your friendly AI framework to learn and play games

Overview: copain, your friendly AI framework to learn and play games Interface fceux with python and run reinforcement learning. Compatibility Current

fcharras 1 Dec 16, 2021