Pygrr PolyArt
Copyright 2021Dependencies:
Smallest enclosing circle library
Smallest enclosing circle library
Sample streaming Dataflow pipeline written in Python This repository contains a streaming Dataflow pipeline written in Python with Apache Beam, readin
blender_freestyle_line_drawing This is simply repo for line drawing rendering using freestyle in Blender. how to use blender2935 --background --python
AutoViz Automatically Visualize any dataset, any size with a single line of code. AutoViz performs automatic visualization of any dataset with one lin
Data-Visualization-Projects Collection of data visualizing projects through Tableau, Data Wrapper, and Power BI Indigenous-Brands-Social-Movements Pyt
drf-renderer-xlsx provides an XLSX renderer for Django REST Framework. It uses OpenPyXL to create the spreadsheet and returns the data.
Blaze translates a subset of modified NumPy and Pandas-like syntax to databases and other computing systems. Blaze allows Python users a familiar inte
Dashboard and intuitive data downloader for more interactive experience with interpreting osm change data.
Support Vector Machine (SVM) Explorer This app has been moved here. This repo is likely outdated and will not be updated. This is a learning tool and
PyNFT A Pythonic NF (non-fungible token) generator built using Samilla and Matplotlib Use python [amount] The intention behind this generato
Handout for the tutorial "Creating publication-quality figures with matplotlib"
Training-Curve-Vis Visualize the training curve from the *.csv file (tensorboard format). Feature Custom labels Curve smoothing Support for multiple c
Lumen project provides a framework for visual analytics, which allows users to build data-driven dashboards from a simple yaml specification
CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY What does this mean? I do not have time to fix issues myself. The only way fixes or new features will be added is by people submitt
molplotly Plotly scatterplots which show molecule images on hovering over the datapoints! Required packages: pandas rdkit jupyter_dash ➡️ See example.
missingno Messy datasets? Missing values? missingno provides a small toolset of flexible and easy-to-use missing data visualizations and utilities tha
Sorting-Visualizer This is a sorting visualizer made with Tkinter. Make sure you've installed tkinter in your system to use this visualizer pip instal
mrsd: a toolkit to generate MR sequence diagrams mrsd is a Python toolkit to generate MR sequence diagrams, as shown below for the basic FLASH sequenc
Orbitals in Python A small collection of tools made by me, that you can use to visualize atomic orbitals in both 2D and 3D in different aspects, and o
About Sometimes you just want to compute simple 1D or 2D histograms with regular bins. Fast. No nonsense. Numpy's histogram functions are versatile, a
Data Visualisations This is a small repository for me to implement my simply Data Visualisation skills through Python. Steam Population Chart from 10/