




执行流程:获取指令 -> rsshub获取资源 -> 下载图片 -> 发送图片



    RSSHUB = 'https://rsshub.app/' # 默认值,如果有自建可以替换

    # 需要一点魔法才能获取到图片
    # 示例:''

    LOCAL_PROXY = ''               # 本地代理,如果本地网络无法访问RSSHUB,建议使用代理



__rank_usage__ = P站排行榜帮助:
    1. 日排行
    2. 周排行
    3. 月排行
    4. 原创排行
    5. 新人排行
    6. R18日排行
    7. R18周排行
    8. R18受男性欢迎排行
    9. R18重口排行【慎重!】
p站排行榜 [参数] [数量](可选) [日期](可选)
    p站排行榜   (无参数默认为日榜)
    p站排行榜 1
    p站排行榜 1 5
    p站排行榜 1 5 2018-4-25

__search_usage__ = '''P站搜图帮助:
    搜图 [关键词] [数量](可选) [排序方式](可选) [r18](可选)
        搜图 樱岛麻衣
        搜图 樱岛麻衣 5 1
        搜图 樱岛麻衣 5 2 r18
    【默认为 热度排序】



  • 添加了一个requirements.txt
User-friendly, tiny source code searcher written by pure Python.

User-friendly, tiny source code searcher written in pure Python. Example Usages Cat is equivalent in the regular expression as '^Cat$' bor class Cat

Furkan Onder 106 Nov 02, 2022
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for searching data on Google Drive.

This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for searching data on Google Drive. Supports multiple Shared Drives (TDs). Manual Guide for deploying the bot

Levi 158 Dec 27, 2022
An open source, non-profit search engine implemented in python

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Search emails from a domain through search engines

EmailFinder - search emails through Search Engines

Josué Encinar 155 Dec 30, 2022
This project is a sample demo of Arxiv search related to AI/ML Papers built using Streamlit, sentence-transformers and Faiss.

This project is a sample demo of Arxiv search related to AI/ML Papers built using Streamlit, sentence-transformers and Faiss.

Karn Deb 49 Oct 30, 2022


34 Dec 05, 2022
A simple tool for searching images inside a local folder with text/image input using CLIP

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5 Dec 25, 2022
Pythonic search engine based on PyLucene.

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Modular search for Django

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Jina allows you to build deep learning-powered search-as-a-service in just minutes

Cloud-native neural search framework for any kind of data

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Pysolr — Python Solr client

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cve-search - a tool to perform local searches for known vulnerabilities

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ForFinder is a search tool for folder and files

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GitScanner is a script to make it easy to search for Exposed Git through an advanced Google search.

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Reverse-ikea-image-search - A simple image of ikea search using jina.ai

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Yet another googlesearch - A Python library for executing intelligent, realistic-looking, and tunable Google searches.

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115 Dec 29, 2022
Full text search for flask.

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txtai executes machine-learning workflows to transform data and build AI-powered semantic search applications.

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NeuML 3.1k Dec 31, 2022
Inverted index creation and query search mechanism on Wikipedia pages.

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Pythonic Lucene - A simplified python impelementaiton of Apache Lucene

A simplified python impelementaiton of Apache Lucene, mabye helps to understand how an enterprise search engine really works.

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