A System Metrics Monitoring Tool Built using Python3 , rabbitmq,Grafana and InfluxDB. Setup using docker compose. Use to monitor system performance with graphical interface of grafana , storage of influxdb and message queuing of rabbitmq
This repository has code to setup a system monitoring tool
The tools used are the follows
The directories have the following code
database: setup influxdb database connection
monitor: collect system metircs like cpu usage , network usage etc
rabbitmq: rabbitmq server and client configuration and processes setup
Steps to Run
- Create directories grafana_data , rabbitmq_data , influxdb_data
- Provide permissions to the grafana directory
sudo chown -R $USER grafana_data
sudo chmod -R 777 grafana_data
- setup virtualenv using any of your preferred step
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install packages required
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Start the containers using the docker compose file
sudo docker-compose up -d
- Add influxdb as a datasource in grafana
- Start the server and client scripts seperately
python3 server.py
python3 client.py
- Setup grafana dashboards
Images to Get you started
Start docker compose and server client
Run all scripts
RabbitMq Queue Setup which happens through code
RabbitMq Message Viewing
Grafana DashBoard View
Dipto Chakrabarty
@SummerofBitcoin21 @utreexo | Developer | SysAdmin | Devops Enthusiast | Maintainer and Projects Lead @CodeChefVIT
Create charts with Python in a very similar way to creating charts using Chart.js. The charts created are fully configurable, interactive and modular and are displayed directly in the output of the t