A Discord Mod Mail bot made in python



The mod mail bot for Fish Hosting
Note: You are not allowed to remove the names in the credit command
Note: If you want any ideas/commands added to the bot please tell me here
Note: If you need help with the setup join our discord

Installing Modules

Run in command prompt

# Linux/macOS
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# Windows
py -3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Make sure to have these on

Turn them on here here

How to set up

Make a .env file, Just like this


You can get a mongo link here

Setting up config.py

TICKET_CATEGORY=#category for the tickets
GUILD_ID=#server id
STAFF_ROLE=#staff role id
PREFIXES=['<', '?']

How to run

# Linux/MacOS
python3 main.py

# Windows
py main.py


This is what you should see when the bot is running


?close [reason]
?reply [message]
?areply [message]
?block [user]
?unblock [user]


If you need help

You can add me on discord my username is Blue.#1270 DO NOT ADD ME WITHOUT A REASON

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