git clone
cd email-osint && cd email-osint
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -h
• License • Issues • Project • Wikipedia • Я не несу ответственности за ваши действия. Скачивая программное обеспечение из этого репозитория, вы согла
Django SMTP Protocol with Gmail This is the free service from gmail to send and receive emails. What we need for this things done, Python/pip install
autoMail Automated email sending application. This application sends email to a user when added to database. Email message contains the temperature of
Nylas Sync Engine The Nylas Sync Engine provides a RESTful API on top of a powerful email sync platform, making it easy to build apps on top of email.
Search email inbox with python and filter with search criteria via IMAP4 and fastapi or console
mails-in-support-of-UA Using this repository you can send mails to multiple recipients.Was created in support of Ukraine, to turn society`s attention Python library for sending emails. Installation git clone cd python install Usage Imp
Salmon - A Python Mail Server Download: Source: Docs:
disposable-email-validator installation pip install disposable-email-validator
emailCLI A CLI client for sending text emails. (Currently only gmail supported)
Python Email Sender (PES) is a program made with Python using smtplib, socket and tkinter. This program was made for sender email to be a gmail account because that's what I used when testing it out,
python-mail A python mailserver meant for friends who value privacy and a hard to use interface.... Basic info This mailserver was just a random proje
Email-Fake Fast Anonymous Email Sending Tool 🏆 Github Statistics : Termux For Install: pkg install python pkg install python2 git clone https://githu
Flanker - email address and MIME parsing for Python Flanker is an open source parsing library written in Python by the Mailgun Team. Flanker currently
djmail djmail is a BSD Licensed, simple and nonobstructive django email middleware. Why use djmail? Because it: Sends emails asynchronously without ad
SecretService Decoy Encrypted Emailer
Email-bomber - Email bomber unlike other email bombers u don't need your gmail email id to use this
SMTP checker to check Mail Access via SMTP with easy usage ! Medusa has been written and tested with Python 3.8. It should run on any OS as long as Python and all dependencies are installed.
SMTP-Sender ONYX SMTP Sender est un tool qui vous serviras à envoyer des email html à une liste d'email (en .txt) c'est la première version du tool et
This Python program generates a random email address and password from a 2 big lists and checks the generated email.