Python Programmma

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Python Programmma

O'rganish va rasmlarni ko'riosh

sqlmap - bu SQL in'ektsiya kamchiliklarini aniqlash va ulardan foydalanish va ma'lumotlar bazasi serverlarini o'z zimmasiga olish jarayonini avtomatlashtiruvchi ochiq manbali penetratsion test vositasi. U kuchli detektorli dvigatel, yakuniy kirishni tekshiruvchi uchun ko'plab tokcha funktsiyalari va ma'lumotlar bazasidan barmoq izini olish, ma'lumotlar bazasidan ma'lumotlarni olish, asosiy fayl tizimiga kirish va operatsion tizimdagi buyruqlarni tashqaridan boshqarish orqali o'z ichiga oladi. tarmoqli ulanishlar.

Siz vikidagi ba'zi xususiyatlarni ko'rsatadigan ekran tasvirlari to'plamiga tashrif buyurishingiz mumkin.

O'rnatish Siz bu erni bosish orqali eng yangi tarbolni yoki bu erga bosish orqali eng so'nggi zipbolni yuklab olishingiz mumkin.

Tercihen, Git omborini klonlash orqali sqlmap -ni yuklab olishingiz mumkin:

git klon-chuqurlik 1 sqlmap-dev sqlmap har qanday platformada Python 2.6, 2.7 va 3.x versiyalari bilan ishlaydi.

Foydalanish Asosiy variantlar va kalitlarning ro'yxatini olish uchun quyidagilarni ishlating:

python -h Barcha variantlar va kalitlarning ro'yxatini olish uchun quyidagilarni ishlating:

python -hh Siz bu erda namunaviy namunani topishingiz mumkin. Sqlmap imkoniyatlari, qo'llab -quvvatlanadigan funktsiyalar ro'yxati, barcha variantlar va kalitlarning tavsifi, misollar bilan bir qatorda, foydalanuvchi qo'llanmasiga murojaat qilish tavsiya etiladi.

Create rangebased on lists or values of the range itself. Range any type. Can you imagine?

funcao-allrange-for-python3 Create rangebased on lists or values of the range itself. Range any type. Can you imagine? WARNING!!! THIS MODULE DID NOT

farioso-fernando 1 Feb 09, 2022
This is an implementation of NeuronJ work with python.

NeuronJ This is an implementation of NeuronJ work with python. NeuronJ is a plug-in for ImageJ that allows you to create and edit neurons masks. Image

Mohammad Mahdi Samei 3 Aug 28, 2022
Basic code and description for GoBigger challenge 2021.

GoBigger Challenge 2021 en / 中文 Challenge Description 2021.11.13 We are holding a competition —— Go-Bigger: Multi-Agent Decision Intelligence Challeng

OpenDILab 183 Dec 29, 2022
Write Streamlit apps using Notion! (Prototype)

Streamlit + Notion test app Write Streamlit apps using Notion! ☠️ IMPORTANT: This is just a little prototype I made to play with some ideas. Not meant

Thiago Teixeira 22 Sep 08, 2022
Um jogo para treinar COO em python

WAR DUCK Este joguinho bem simples tem como objetivo treinar um pouquinho de POO com python. Não é nada muito complexo mas da pra se divertir Como rod

Gabriel Jospin 3 Sep 19, 2021
Hook and simulate global keyboard events on Windows and Linux.

keyboard Take full control of your keyboard with this small Python library. Hook global events, register hotkeys, simulate key presses and much more.

BoppreH 3.2k Jan 01, 2023
Syarat.ID Source Code - Syarat.ID is a content aggregator website

Syarat.ID is a content aggregator website that gathering all informations with the specific keyword: "syarat" from the internet.

Syarat.ID 2 Oct 15, 2021
Streamlit Component, for a Chatbot UI

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freeCodeCamp Scientific Computing with Python Project for Certification.

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Rajdeep Mondal 1 Dec 23, 2021
Runtime fault injection platform by Daniele Rizzieri (2021)

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Daniele Rizzieri 1 Dec 07, 2021
Regular Expressions - Use regular expressions to detect date format

A list of all the resources used - To test regex https://w

Ravika Nagpal 1 Jan 04, 2022
Junos PyEZ is a Python library to remotely manage/automate Junos devices.

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Juniper Networks 623 Dec 10, 2022
A VirtualBox manager with interactive mode

A VirtualBox manager with interactive mode

Luis Gerardo 1 Nov 21, 2021
A joke conlang with minimal semantics

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Leo Treloar 1 Dec 07, 2021
Show Public IP Information In Linux Taskbar

IP Information In Linux Taskbar 📍 How Use IP Script? 🤔 Download script and save somewhere in your system. Add command applet in your taskbar a

HOP 2 Jan 25, 2022
A place where the most basic, basic of python coding exists

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Script to use SysWhispers2 direct system calls from Cobalt Strike BOFs

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A multi purpose password managing and generating tool called Kyper.

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Jan Dorian Poczekaj 1 Feb 05, 2022
An extremely configurable markdown reverser for Python3.

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ThatXliner 5 Jun 27, 2022
Automatic certificate unpinning for Android apps

What is this? Script used to perform automatic certificate unpinning of an APK by adding a custom network security configuration that permits user-add

Antoine Neuenschwander 5 Jul 28, 2021