LTGen provides classic algorithms used in Language Theory.

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LTGen stands for Language Theory GENerator and provides tools to implement language theory.

Command Line

LTGen is a collection of tools to implement basic algorithms used in Language Theory. The command line arguments are mostly the same for the provided tools:


Where GRAMMAR is path to a file containing the grammar to work with (format is detailed below).

OPTIONS are detailed in the following sections but some (provided below) are shared by all tools:

  • --k -- select the lookup depth used in the tools.
  • --table -- output the analysis table (if any).
  • --gen-csv -- output the analysis table in CSV (if any).
  • --output|-o PATH? -- output to the analysis table to a file (with the given PATH or to path derived from the grammar file).
  • --word|-w "WORD" -- scan the WORD with the current analysis (separate non-terminals in the word by spaces).
  • --print -- print the current grammar (useful un conjunction with --word).

If no options is given, the used grammar is just displayed.

LL(k) Analysis

LTgen provides basics for LL(k) analysis:

  • --first -- computes first_k(X) for all or for listed non-terminals,
  • --follow -- computes follow_(k) for all or for listed non-terminals,
  • --lookahead -- computes k-lookahead(X -> s) for all or for listed nion-terminal productions.
  • --ll -- Test if the given grammar is LL(k).

.gram Files

Grammar can be expressed using .gramfiles. The format is very simple:

  • Rules are organized by lines.
  • A rule has the format: NAME -> SYM1 SYM2 ...
  • A symbol or a rule name can be any sequence of character that do contain spaces or tabulations.
  • The name of the first rule is the axiom of the grammar.
  • Empty lines are accepted.
  • Comments spans from the # to the end of the line.
  • Notice that the symbol $ is reserved to mark the end of word.

Example of grammar:

S'	->	S
S	->	a S b
S	->	R
R	->	b
R	->	c R


Unit is performed using pytest with the command:

$ pytest
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