PyTorch Implementation for Deep Metric Learning Pipelines


Easily Extendable Basic Deep Metric Learning Pipeline

Karsten Roth ([email protected]), Biagio Brattoli ([email protected])

When using this repo in any academic work, please provide a reference to

    title={Revisiting Training Strategies and Generalization Performance in Deep Metric Learning},
    author={Karsten Roth and Timo Milbich and Samarth Sinha and Prateek Gupta and Björn Ommer and Joseph Paul Cohen},

Based on an extendend version of this repo, we have created a thorough comparison and evaluation of Deep Metric Learning:

The newly released code can be found here:

It contains more criteria, miner, metrics and logging options!

For usage, go to section 3 - for results to section 4

1. Overview

This repository contains a full, easily extendable pipeline to test and implement current and new deep metric learning methods. For referencing and testing, this repo contains implementations/dataloaders for:

Loss Functions

Sampling Methods



NOTE: PKU Vehicle-ID is (optional) because there is no direct way to download the dataset, as it requires special licensing. However, if this dataset becomes available (in the structure shown in part 2.2), it can be used directly.

1.1 Related Repos:

2. Repo & Dataset Structure

2.1 Repo Structure

│   ### General Files
│   requirements.txt    
|   ### Main Scripts
|     (main training script)
|   (collection of loss and sampling impl.)
│ (dataloaders for all datasets)
│   ### Utility scripts
|  (set of useful utilities)
|     (set of evaluation functions)
│   ### Network Scripts
|       (contains impl. for ResNet50)
|    (contains impl. for GoogLeNet)
└───Training Results (generated during Training)
|    │   e.g. cub200/Training_Run_Name
|    │   e.g. cars196/Training_Run_Name
└───Datasets (should be added, if one does not want to set paths)
|    │   cub200
|    │   cars196
|    │   online_products
|    │   in-shop
|    │   vehicle_id

2.2 Dataset Structures


|    └───001.Black_footed_Albatross
|           │   Black_Footed_Albatross_0001_796111
|           │   ...
|    ...

Online Products

|    └───bicycle_final
|           │   111085122871_0.jpg
|    ...
|    │   bicycle.txt
|    │   ...

In-Shop Clothes

|    └─MEN
|         └─Denim
|               └─id_00000080
|                  │   01_1_front.jpg
|                  │   ...
|               ...
|         ...
|    ...
|  │   list_eval_partition.txt

PKU Vehicle ID

|     │   <img>.jpg
|     |   ...
|     |   test_list_800.txt
|     |   ...

3. Using the Pipeline

[1.] Requirements

The pipeline is build around Python3 (i.e. by installing Miniconda') and Pytorch 1.0.0/1. It has been tested around cuda 8 and cuda 9.

To install the required libraries, either directly check requirements.txt or create a conda environment:

conda create -n <Env_Name> python=3.6

Activate it

conda activate <Env_Name>

and run


Note that for kMeans- and Nearest Neighbour Computation, the library faiss is used, which can allow to move these computations to GPU if speed is desired. However, in most cases, faiss is fast enough s.t. the computation of evaluation metrics is no bottleneck.
NOTE: If one wishes not to use faiss but standard sklearn, simply use to replace when importing the libraries.

[2.] Exemplary Runs

The main script is If running without input arguments, training of ResNet50 on CUB200-2011 with Marginloss and Distance-sampling is performed.
Otherwise, the following flags suffice to train with different losses, sampling methods, architectures and datasets:

python --dataset <dataset> --loss <loss> --sampling <sampling> --arch <arch> --k_vals <k_vals> --embed_dim <embed_dim>

The following flags are available:

  • <dataset> <- cub200, cars196, online_products, in-shop, vehicle_id
  • <loss> <- marginloss, triplet, npair, proxynca
  • <sampling> <- distance, semihard, random, npair
  • <arch> <- resnet50, googlenet
  • <k_vals> <- List of Recall @ k values to evaluate on, e.g. 1 2 4 8
  • <embed_dim> <- Network embedding dimension. Default: 128 for ResNet50, 512 for GoogLeNet.

For all other training-specific arguments (e.g. batch-size, num. training epochs., ...), simply refer to the input arguments in

NOTE: If one wishes to use a different learning rate for the final linear embedding layer, the flag --fc_lr_mul needs to be set to a value other than zero (i.e. 10 as is done in various implementations).

Finally, to decide the GPU to use and the name of the training folder in which network weights, sample recoveries and metrics are stored, set:

python --gpu <gpu_id> --savename <name_of_training_run>

If --savename is not set, a default name based on the starting date will be chosen.

If one wishes to simply use standard parameters and wants to get close to literature results (more or less, depends on seeds and overall training scheduling), refer to, which contains a list of executable one-liners.

[3.] Implementation Notes regarding Extendability:

To extend or test other sampling or loss methods, simply do:

For Batch-based Sampling:
In, add the sampling method, which should act on a batch (and the resp. set of labels), e.g.:

def new_sampling(self, batch, label, **additional_parameters): ...

This function should, if it needs to run with existing losses, a list of tuples containing indexes with respect to the batch, e.g. for sampling methods returning triplets:

return [(anchor_idx, positive_idx, negative_idx) for anchor_idx, positive_idx, negative_idx in zip(anchor_idxs, positive_idxs, negative_idxs)]

Also, don't forget to add a handle in Sampler.__init__().

For Data-specific Sampling:
To influence the data samples used to generate the batches, in edit BaseTripletDataset.

For New Loss Functions:
Simply add a new class inheriting from torch.nn.Module. Refer to other loss variants to see how to do so. In general, include an instance of the Sampler-class, which will provide sampled data tuples during a forward()-pass, by calling self.sampler_instance.give(batch, labels, **additional_parameters).
Finally, include the loss function in the loss_select()-function. Parameters can be passed through the dictionary-notation (see other examples) and if learnable parameters are added, include them in the to_optim-list.

[4.] Stored Data:

By default, the following files are saved:

|  checkpoint.pth.tar   -> Contains network state-dict.
|  hypa.pkl             -> Contains all network parameters as pickle.
|                          Can be used directly to recreate the network.
| log_train_Base.csv    -> Logged training data as CSV.                      
| log_val_Base.csv      -> Logged test metrics as CSV.                    
| Parameter_Info.txt    -> All Parameters stored as readable text-file.
| InfoPlot_Base.svg     -> Graphical summary of training/testing metrics progression.
| sample_recoveries.png -> Sample recoveries for best validation weights.
|                          Acts as a sanity test.

Sample Recoveries Note: Red denotes query images, while green show the resp. nearest neighbours.

Sample Recoveries Note: The header in the summary plot shows the best testing metrics over the whole run.

[5.] Additional Notes:

To finalize, several flags might be of interest when examining the respective runs:

--dist_measure: If set, the ratio of mean intraclass-distances over mean interclass distances
                (by measure of center-of-mass distances) is computed after each epoch and stored/plotted.
--grad_measure: If set, the average (absolute) gradients from the embedding layer to the last
                conv. layer are stored in a Pickle-File. This can be used to examine the change of features during each iteration.

For more details, refer to the respective classes in

4. Results

These results are supposed to be performance estimates achieved by running the respective commands in Note that the learning rate scheduling might not be fully optimised, so these values should only serve as reference/expectation, not what can be ultimately achieved with more tweaking.

Note also that there is a not insignificant dependency on the used seed.


Architecture Loss/Sampling NMI F1 Recall @ 1 -- 2 -- 4 -- 8
ResNet50 Margin/Distance 68.2 38.7 63.4 -- 74.9 -- 86.0 -- 90.4
ResNet50 Triplet/Softhard 66.2 35.5 61.2 -- 73.2 -- 82.4 -- 89.5
ResNet50 NPair/None 65.4 33.8 59.0 -- 71.3 -- 81.1 -- 88.8
ResNet50 ProxyNCA/None 68.1 38.1 64.0 -- 75.4 -- 84.2 -- 90.5


Architecture Loss/Sampling NMI F1 Recall @ 1 -- 2 -- 4 -- 8
ResNet50 Margin/Distance 67.2 37.6 79.3 -- 87.1 -- 92.1 -- 95.4
ResNet50 Triplet/Softhard 64.4 32.4 75.4 -- 84.2 -- 90.1 -- 94.1
ResNet50 NPair/None 62.3 30.1 69.5 -- 80.2 -- 87.3 -- 92.1
ResNet50 ProxyNCA/None 66.3 35.8 80.0 -- 87.2 -- 91.8 -- 95.1

Online Products

Architecture Loss/Sampling NMI F1 Recall @ 1 -- 10 -- 100 -- 1000
ResNet50 Margin/Distance 89.6 34.9 76.1 -- 88.7 -- 95.1 -- 98.3
ResNet50 Triplet/Softhard 89.1 33.7 74.3 -- 87.6 -- 94.9 -- 98.5
ResNet50 NPair/None 88.8 31.1 70.9 -- 85.2 -- 93.8 -- 98.2

In-Shop Clothes

Architecture Loss/Sampling NMI F1 Recall @ 1 -- 10 -- 20 -- 30 -- 50
ResNet50 Margin/Distance 88.2 27.7 84.5 -- 96.1 -- 97.4 -- 97.9 -- 98.5
ResNet50 Triplet/Semihard 89.0 30.8 83.9 -- 96.3 -- 97.6 -- 98.4 -- 98.8
ResNet50 NPair/None 88.0 27.6 80.9 -- 95.0 -- 96.6 -- 97.5 -- 98.2


  1. Regarding Vehicle-ID: Due to the number of test sets, size of the training set and little public accessibility, results are not included for the time being.
  2. Regarding ProxyNCA for Online Products and In-Shop Clothes: Due to the high number of classes, the number of proxies required is too high for useful training (>10000 proxies).


  • Fix Version in requirements.txt
  • Add Results for Implementations
  • Finalize Comments
  • Add Inception-BN
  • Add Lifted Structure Loss
Karsten Roth
PhD (IMPRS-IS, ELLIS) EML Tuebingen | prev. @VectorInstitute, @mila-iqia and @aws.
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