Crypto App developed for Android to read public keys from a variety of API's Libraries: datetime: requests: json: Bitcoin: Ethereum: Solana: Binance Smart Chain:
CryptoApp - Python code to pull wallet balances from a variety of different chains through nothing other than your public key.
Apple iTunes In-app purchase verification tool
itunes-iap v2 Python 2 & 3 compatible! Even with :mod:`asyncio` support! Source code: Documentation: http://i
Twitter-redesign - Twitter Redesign With Django
Twitter Redesign A project that tests Django and React knowledge through a twitt
A Python interface to AFL, allowing for easy injection of testcases and other functionality.
Fuzzer This module provides a Python wrapper for interacting with AFL (American Fuzzy Lop: It supports starting an A
An advanced telegram movie information finder bot
An advanced telegram movie information finder bot
Webservice that notifies users on Slack when a change in GitLab concern them.
Gitlab Slack Notifier Webservice that notifies users on Slack when a change in GitLab concern them. Setup Slack Create a Slack app, go to "OAuth & Per
Braintree Python library
Braintree Python library The Braintree Python library provides integration access to the Braintree Gateway. TLS 1.2 required The Payment Card Industry
A lightweight Python wrapper for the IG Markets API
trading_ig A lightweight Python wrapper for the IG Markets API. Simplifies access to the IG REST and Streaming APIs with a live or demo account. What
A fully decentralized protocol for private transactions FAST snipe BUY token on LUANCH after add LIQUIDITY
TORNADO CASH Pancakeswap Sniper BOT 2022-V1 (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) ⭐️ A fully decentralized protocol for private and safe transactions ⭐️ AUTO DO
Sync mastodon toot and Telegram channel or group in both direction.
Sync mastodon toot and telegram channel or group in both direction.
Sukoshi is a proof-of-concept Python implant that leverages the MQTT protocol for C2 and uses AWS IoT Core as infrastructure.
Sukoshi | 少し Overview Sukoshi is a proof-of-concept Python implant that leverages the MQTT protocol for C2 and uses AWS IoT Core as infrastructure. It
A smooth and powerful Telegram Userbot made to make Telegram easier.
| Xᴇɴᴏ Bᴏᴛ Is One Of The Fastest & Smoothest Bot On Telegram Based on Telethon|
Tomli is a Python library for parsing TOML. Tomli is fully compatible with TOML v1.0.0.
Tomli A lil' TOML parser Table of Contents generated with mdformat-toc Intro Installation Usage Parse a TOML string Parse a TOML file Handle invalid T
A Python script to update Spotify Playlist data every 5 minutes.
Spotify Playlist Updater A Python script to update Spotify Playlist data every 5 minutes. Description An automatic playlist updater using Spotify API
Telegram Google Translater Bot Can Translate Any Language To Your Selected Language
Telegram Userbot built with Pyrogram
Pyrogram Userbot A Telegram Userbot based on Pyrogram This repository contains the source code of a Telegram Userbot and the instructions for running
=>|<= the MsgRoom bot for Windows 96
=|= bot A MsgRoom bot in Python 3 for The bot joins as =|=, if parameter name_lasts is not true and default_name is =|=. The full
Wrapper for vk_api lib for faster bot buliding
Welcome to VKBotPod repository! Wrapper for vk_api lib for faster bot buliding Features Simple syntax Rich functionality Special thanks to movpushmov
A script written in python3 for bruteforcing Gmail accounts.
GmailBruteforce Made for bruteforcing gmail accounts. It needs Less Secure Apps setting turned on in order to work. Installation For windows git clone
This repository contains free labs for setting up an entire workflow and DevOps environment from a real-world perspective in AWS
DevOps-The-Hard-Way-AWS This tutorial contains a full, real-world solution for setting up an environment that is using DevOps technologies and practic
An advanced Filter Bot with nearly unlimitted filters
Telegram MTProto API Framework for Python Documentation • Releases • Community Pyrogram from pyrogram import Client, filters app = Client("my_account