Tsunami-Fi is simple multi-tool bash application for Wi-Fi attacks


🪴 Tsunami-Fi 🪴

Русская версия README

🌿 Description 🌿

Tsunami-Fi is simple multi-tool bash application for Wi-Fi WPS PixieDust and NullPIN attack, Wi-Fi Handshake attack, help with MITM attacks

🌴 Used Instruments 🌴




  • Ettercap Graphical (GitHub)
  • Burpsuite Graphical (Site)

🍀 Screenshots 🍀




🌵 To Do 🌵


  • Window resize disable option
  • English language
  • Skip intro option
  • Skip update check
  • Skip check required instruments
  • Disable AutoHack start with system


  • English language
  • Update check
  • Check required instruments and install


  • Choose Wi-Fi AP or AP's (This assumes that script can hack many AP's with one command, simply with list choosed AP's)

  • AutoHack Wi-Fi AP's and try hack it with PixieDust or Handshake attack in specified interval. Instrument can start with system if "Start with system" option is enabled

  • WEP Attack

  • DOS Wi-Fi Attack

  • Beacons Flood

  • Power up adapter

  • Brute force admin panel

  • Handshake decryption

🌱 Contacts 🌱

Developer email [email protected]

👨‍💻𝐂# 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 & 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯👨‍💻 👤MySQL, Kotlin, Python, Lua👤
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