The presented desktop application was made to solve 1d schrodinger eqation. It implements Numerov's algorithm (step by step description available in this paper: in
The GUI is in the it uses eel package (all requirements in requirements.txt), html, css and javascript.
To run this application you need to:
- install python (I use 3.9.x);
- install all packages, e.g. use pip: pip install -r requirements.txt.
- Run
To build it into desktop executable app, you need to install pyInstaller and run:
python -m eel web --onefile --noconsol --i "Absolute location to icon.ico"
Quick start guide:
- Fill all fields like in the picture:
- Press "Calculate" button.
- You will get matplotlib plot:
(analitical solutions for harmonic oscillator (F = x^2 / 2 in this case) are: E = 1.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.5).
Enjoy it!
This work was done during the quantum mechanics university course.