5 Repositories
Latest Python Libraries
The Main Pythonic Version Of Twig Using Nextcord
The Main Pythonic Version Of Twig Using Nextcord
A method to check whether a Discord user is using the client or not.
Discord Captcha Method This is an example, of a verification trough a check, if the user loads the picture send with the verification-message. This ma
Celestial - a Python regex Discord chatbot who can talk with you.
Celestial a Python regex Discord chat bot who can talk with you. Invite url: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=927573556961869825&per
Discord Mafia Game Bot using nextcord
Mafia-Bot Discord Mafia Game Bot using nextcord Features Mafia Game Game Replays Installation Run the following command to install required modules: p
A fork of lavalink.py built for nextcord
nextcord-ext-lava is a wrapper for Lavalink which abstracts away most of the code necessary to use Lavalink, allowing for easier integration into your projects, while still promising full API coverag