4 Repositories
Latest Python Libraries
A collection of intelligence about Log4Shell and its exploitation activity
Log4Shell-IOCs Members of the Curated Intelligence Trust Group have compiled a list of IOC feeds and threat reports focused on the recent Log4Shell ex
A simple Log4Shell Scan with python
🐞 Log4Scan 🔧 Log4Shell 简单的主动和被动扫描脚本 Log4scan 针对header头和fuzz参数的主动批量扫描,用于大批量黑盒检测
CVE-log4j CheckMK plugin
CVE-2021-44228-log4j discovery (Download the MKP package) This plugin discovers vulnerable files for the CVE-2021-44228-log4j issue. To discover this
logmap: Log4j2 jndi injection fuzz tool
logmap - Log4j2 jndi injection fuzz tool Used for fuzzing to test whether there are log4j2 jndi injection vulnerabilities in header/body/path Use http