3 Repositories
Latest Python Libraries
Script for polybar to display and control media(not only Spotify) using DBus.
polybar-now-playing Script for polybar to display and control media(not only Spotify) using DBus Python script to display and control current playing
Exposè for i3 WM. Fork of https://gitlab.com/d.reis/i3expo to fix crashes and improve features/usability
Overwiew Expo is an simple and straightforward way to get a visual impression of all your current virtual desktops that many compositing window manage
Alacritty terminal used with Bash, Tmux, Vim, Mutt, Lynx, etc. and the many different additions added to each configuration file
Alacritty terminal used with Bash, Tmux, Vim, Mutt, Lynx, etc. and the many different additions added to each configuration file