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Latest Python Libraries
👋 corpwechat-bot是一个python封装的企业机器人&应用消息推送库,通过企业微信提供的api实现。 利用本库,你可以轻松地实现从服务器端发送一条文本、图片、视频、markdown等等消息到你的微信手机端,而不依赖于其他的第三方应用,如ServerChan。 如果喜欢该项目,记得给个
RockNext is an Open Source extending ERPNext built on top of Frappe bringing enterprise ready utilization.
RockNext is an Open Source extending ERPNext built on top of Frappe bringing enterprise ready utilization.
Keep your company's passwords behind the firewall
TeamVault TeamVault is an open-source web-based shared password manager for behind-the-firewall installation. It requires Python 3.3+ and Postgres (wi