5 Repositories
Latest Python Libraries
Astroquery is an astropy affiliated package that contains a collection of tools to access online Astronomical data.
Astroquery is an astropy affiliated package that contains a collection of tools to access online Astronomical data.
IPython: Productive Interactive Computing
IPython: Productive Interactive Computing Overview Welcome to IPython. Our full documentation is available on ipython.readthedocs.io and contains info
A lightweight Traits like module
Traitlets home https://github.com/ipython/traitlets pypi-repo https://pypi.org/project/traitlets/ docs https://traitlets.readthedocs.io/ license Modif
High-level library to help with training and evaluating neural networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently.
TL;DR Ignite is a high-level library to help with training and evaluating neural networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently. Click on the image to
SciPy library main repository
SciPy SciPy (pronounced "Sigh Pie") is an open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It includes modules for statistics, optimiza