5 Repositories
Latest Python Libraries
A minimal open source mtg-like tcg game made in python that can be played on a terminal emulator using a keyboard.
TCG-TERM Project state: 🔧 🚧 🚧 🚧 Incomplete, In development 🚧 🚧 🚧 👷 (Keep in mind that at the moment, This project is currently undone, and wil
A minimal open source mtg-like tcg game made in python that can be played on a terminal emulator using a keyboard.
A minimal open source mtg-like tcg game made in python that can be played on a terminal emulator using a keyboard.
Learning based AI for playing multi-round Koi-Koi hanafuda card games. Have fun.
Koi-Koi AI Learning based AI for playing multi-round Koi-Koi hanafuda card games. Platform Python PyTorch PySimpleGUI (for the interface playing vs AI
Guess Your Card - A Multiplayer Python Game
Guess Your Card - A Multiplayer Python Game This is a guessing card game having two levels - Developed in Python and can be played between two to four
A comprehensive, feature-rich, open source, and portable, collection of Solitaire games.
PySol Fan Club edition This is an open source and portable (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) collection of Card Solitaire/Patience games written in Python