Ergonomic option parser on top of dataclasses, inspired by structopt.

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Ergonomic option parser on top of dataclasses, inspired by structopt.


from typing import Optional
from oppapi import from_args, oppapi

class Opt:
    Option parser using oppapi

    host: str
    """ This will be positional argument of type `str` """

    port: Optional[int] = 8000
    """ Optional argument will be option argument """

opt = from_args(Opt)

The code above generates such option parser that

  • Generates parser description from class's docstring
  • Generates argument description from field's docstring
  • A field will be a positional argument
  • An optional field will be an optional argument

See the parser help message:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-p PORT] host

Option parser using oppapi

positional arguments:
  host                  This will be positional argument of type `str`

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Optional argument will be option argument

Running the program deserializes the command line arguments into an object of the declared class.

$ python localhost -p 20000
Opt(host='localhost', port=20000)

Supported types


oppapi generates flag names automatically, but you can specify arbitrary short/long names.

from typing import Optional
from oppapi import from_args, oppapi, field

class Opt:
    host: Optional[str] = field(short="-n", long="--hostname")


enum.Enum and enum.IntEnum will be an argument with choices parameter.

class Food(Enum):
    A = "Apple"
    B = "Beer"
    C = "Chocolate"

class Price(IntEnum):
    A = 10
    B = 20
    C = 30

class Opt:
    food: Food
    price: Optional[Price]

usage will be like this:

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p {10,20,30}, --price {10,20,30}

oppapi converts the command line arguments back to Enum.

$ python Apple --price 20
Opt(food=<Food.A: 'Apple'>, price=<Price.B: 20>)


List will be an arbitrary number of arguments (nargs="+"). Tuple will be a fixed number of arguments (nargs=NUM).

class Opt:
    values: List[int]
    opts: Optional[Tuple[int, str, float, bool]]
$ python 1 2 3 --opts 10 foo 10.0 True
Opt(values=[1, 2, 3], opts=(10, 'foo', 10.0, True))


Union will be subcommands.

from typing import Optional, Union
from oppapi import from_args, oppapi

class Foo:
    a: int

class Bar:
    b: Optional[int]

class Opt:
    cmd: str
    sub: Union[Foo, Bar]

def main():
    opt = from_args(Opt)
$ python -h

usage: [-h] cmd {foo,bar} ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit




This project is licensed under the MIT license

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