"Hacking" the (Telekom) Zyxel GPON SFP module (PMG3000-D20B)


"Hacking" the (Telekom) Zyxel GPON SFP module (PMG3000-D20B)

The SFP can be sourced very easily and is widely available in Germany.


Checkout the three options for configuring your SFP.


  1. Configure the ethernet interface the SFP is in with the IP
  2. Port-forward the SFPs web interface to your local machine via SSH: ssh -L .
  3. Access the web-interface on http://localhost:8080, username admin, password 1234.

2. CLI (on the SFP)

Note: The PLOAM ID has to be HEX encoded, in case yours is a 10-character string, you can transform it using python3 -c 'print(hex(" "))' . Omit the 0x prefix.

  1. Configure the ethernet interface the SFP is in with the IP
  2. SSH into the module using [email protected], password admin.
  3. Login into the CLI with user admin, paddword 1234.
  4. Change the PLOAM/SLID/Installationskennung by entering following commands followed by a newline:
    • hal
    • password

3. CLI (remote)

Note: requires Python >= 3.8

    zyxel_gpon_sfp.py --sfp_addr=

    zyxel_gpon_sfp.py --sfp_addr= - COMMAND

    COMMAND is one of the following:





My ISPs (Deutsche Telekom) FTTH offering uses on a GPON network and distributes ONUs with a 1G (or 2.5G Ethernet) for non-business customers. I intended to run the fiber directly into my Linux router (using one of the SFP+ ports). Looking at the business offerings building upon the same technology revealed SFPs distributed only business customers using the Digitalisierungsbox Premium 2. The mentioned SFP is made by Zyxel with the identifier PMG3000-D20B and sold as Digitalisierungsbox Glasfaser Modem (Telekom only sells it to business customers but it is available online for ~40 Euros).

Accessing the module

After reverse engineering (this time it has been a fzf through all files, not analysing the binaries) the firmware of Telekom Digitalisierungsbox 2, I've identified the IP address of the module being based on a SQL statement with a comment:

-- BS-6456: remove marker 'RESERVED' from static IP used to access the SFP module
UPDATE Ip SET Name="" WHERE IpAddress="" AND Interface="eth1" AND LogicalInterface="eth1";

Digging a bit further in plaintext SQL statements reveals the credentials.

-- ...
INSERT INTO SshConfiguration VALUES ( 1, 0, 5, 22, 'Access only for authorized persons!', 0, '' );
INSERT INTO SshUser VALUES ( 1, 0, 'admin', 'admin', 0 );
-- ...
INSERT INTO GPONConfig VALUES ( 1, 1, '', 'admin', '1234', '', '' );

Well, let's give it a try. SSH access sounds like a charm and is confirmed by nmap:

[email protected] ~ % nmap
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-02-02 06:31 UTC
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00079s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed ports
22/tcp open  ssh
80/tcp open  http
MAC Address: <redacted> (Zyxel Communications)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.15 seconds

Let's give it a try with ssh [email protected]:

#                                                     #
# Please login to CLI mode. Then You can do commands. #
#                                                     #

Entering character mode
Escape character is '^]'.

Login: admin
  linuxshell  Enter linux shell
  show        show
ZYXEL# show version
Project Name:              TW2362H-CDEL
Client Product Name:       GTO100I_SFP_ZYXEL
Internal Product Name:     GTO100I_SFP_ZYXEL
Hardware Version:          PMG3000-D20B
Boot Version:              V1.0.0
Client Software Version:   V1.0.0
Internal Software Version: V1.0.0
Build User:                jiangyuanqi
Build Time:                2021-05-08 11:28:36
Build Method:              export ONU=gto100i_sfp_zyxel && cd ../drv && make install && cd .. && make rootfs && make install
GIT Info:                  TW2362H-CDEL_lantiq98035/customize/TW2362H-CDEL_lantiq98035_general_20150131:e057bd83


So, we can get a linux shell, nice. My SFP is running a (very old) release of OpenWrt:

ZYXEL# linuxshell
BusyBox v1.19.4 (2014-06-30 12:00:02 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT (Attitude Adjustment, 12.09_ltq)
  * 1/4 oz Vodka      Pour all ingredients into mixing
  * 1/4 oz Gin        tin with ice, strain into glass.
  * 1/4 oz Amaretto
  * 1/4 oz Triple sec
  * 1/4 oz Peach schnapps
  * 1/4 oz Sour mix
  * 1 splash Cranberry juice
[email protected]:~# uname -a
Linux SFP 3.10.12 #2 Wed Jul 12 12:01:33 CST 2017 mips GNU/Linux
[email protected]:~#

Changing GPON Serial Number / PLOAM Password

ZYXEL# hal
  linuxshell  Enter linux shell
  show        show HAL configuration
  sn          change ont parameters
  password    change ont password
  set         set ont parameters
  to1         change ont to1 interval
  to2         change ont to2 interval
  berinterval change BER interval
  sfthreshold change SF threshold
  sdthreshold change SD threshold
  tcont       add tcont
  no          delete HAL item
  gemport     add HAL item
  reset       Reset all pon configurations
  get         get
  omci        omci
  stream      stream
  mvlanaction mvlanaction
  uni         PPTP UNI configuration
  mtu         MTU R/W
  multicast   multicast configartion
  iphost      iphost
  init        init
  deny        deny
  permit      permit
  monitor     monitor
  mac         mac
  storm       storm
  print       print
  igmp        igmp
  mcastfilt   McastFilt
Hal# sn
     change ont serial number
Hal# password


The password seems to consist of 10 bytes, entered hex encoded. This is likely the PLOAM password / SLID / Installationskennung / whatever you'd like to call it. The sn seems to change the serial number of the ONU (ONT) itself, I did not test that so far.

I assumed the CLI is using the configuration interface of OpenWRT under the hood; turns out I was right:

uci show gpon
gpon.ploam.nPassword=0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
gpon.gtc.nDyingGaspMsg=0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

Observing the GPON SN and Password in real time.

Serial and Password

The onu command helps debugging the system:

  • onu gtcpg: Retrieve password
  • onu gtcsng: Retrieve serial number

Connection state

Connected (curr_state=5)

[email protected]:~# onu ploamsg
errorcode=0 curr_state=5

Disconnected (curr_state=1):

[email protected]:~# onu ploamsg
errorcode=0 curr_state=1 previous_state=0 elapsed_msec=16907701


Only after getting SSH access I discovered the SFP comes with a WebUI and a sort of API. The CLI zyxel_gpon_sfp.py makes use of this API to remotely configure the PLOAM password and possibly SN (again, didn't check it).


  • Prometheus exporter
  • Integrate into OpenWRT
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