A web project to control the daily life budget planing


Budget Planning - API

In this repo there's only the API and Back-End of the this project.

Install and run the project

# install
virtualenv --python=python3 .virenv
source ./virenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# create 1º super user
python manage.py createsuperuser

# run
cd djangoUserAuth
python manage.py runserver

Project Requirements

  1. Manage user's access control to the system
    1. The user's can be:
      1. Super user ─ there can be only one
      2. Guest ─ can only see the data
      3. Trusty ─ can do everythig in the sytstem, except deleting it and changing the user user.
    2. The user must have the power of giving the super user power to another user.
  2. Manage Incomes
    1. Date of the Income
    2. Recurrency of the Income
    3. etc...
  3. Manage Bill
    1. Date of the Income
    2. Recurrency of the Income
    3. The user can classify each bill, as a tag.
    4. A bill is always associated with a Transference in an Account or with a Cred Card
  4. The user must be capable if deviding a bill between this user and other people that he will indicate.
  5. Manage Borrowing
    1. By who?
    2. When is it going to be paind?
    3. How much is it going to be payed per time (per mounth, week, etc...)
  6. Manage Savings
  7. BI, that is, the system must be capable of showing some basic statistic charts for the user
  8. Manager Account:
    1. Managing Transferences in an account. They can be made:
      1. Between Accounts
      2. To pay some Bill
      3. From an Income
      4. From a Borrowing payment
      5. The money the user has in his pocket is considered to be a type of account.
  9. Manage Cred Cards
    1. Cards has model of use:
      1. Credit
      2. Debit
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