Simple Microservice to control 433Mhz wireless sockets over HTTP, e.g. on a RaspberryPi


REST-light Logo

REST-light is a simple microservice to control 433Mhz wireless sockets over HTTP, e.g. on a RaspberryPi. The main usage is an easy integration of 433Mhz wireless sockets in SmartHome Tools like openHAB or ioBroker.

The project is an API-Wrapper around the famous 443Utils project.

How to Use

The setup is very simple. There is nothing to configure, except running the container. For the app to be able to persist the API-Key, ensure the mounted volume is writeable for UID/GID 33.

  1. Install Docker on your RaspberryPi
  2. Attach a 433Mhz transmitter to WiringPi Pin 2 of your RaspberryPi
  3. Run REST-light and receive the generated API-Key from docker logs on first startup.
  4. Try your first request! For an example, see section "curl request example"

GPIO access

For the app to be able to use the Pi's GPIO-PINs, they need to be exposed to the container. There are multiple options to do this, as explained here.

From the ones available, i had the best experience using the "device-approach" as stated below.

docker run

docker run -d --device /dev/gpiomem -v <your-path>/rest-light:/etc/rest-light -p 4242:4242 uupascal/rest-light:DEV-latest


version: "3.8"

    container_name: REST-light
    image: "uupascal/rest-light:latest"
    restart: unless-stopped
        - "<your-path>/rest-light:/etc/rest-light"
        - /dev/gpiomem
        - 4242

curl request example

curl \
    --data-urlencode "api_key=<key from docker logs>" \
    --data-urlencode "system_code=10000" \
    --data-urlencode "unit_code=2" \
    --data-urlencode "state=0" 

curl \
    --data-urlencode "api_key=<key from docker logs>" \
    --data-urlencode "decimalcode=500000"

Security considerations

Although this project was developed with current security best-practices in mind, it is still built around software which was not updated for at least 6 years. I would therefor strongly encourage you to only use this container on private & trusted networks and to never expose it to the internet. As the license implies, this software is provided without warranty of any kind.

Versioning & docker tags

Use the docker tag latest to always get the latest stable image.

The images are also tagged with the current timestamp, so to pin to a static version, you can for example use the tag 2022.01.09-1746.

Unstable/Development versions are prefixed with DEV- and should only be used for testing purposes.


We love your input! For details see


The project relies on 443Utils.

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    Missing parameters for codesend

    Hello Pascal,

    codesend from 433Utils uses some optional paramters which can't be passed with REST-light:

        unsigned long code = strtoul(argv[1], &eptr, 10);
        if (argc >= 3) protocol = atoi(argv[2]);
        if (argc >= 4) pulseLength = atoi(argv[3]);
        if (argc >= 5) bitLength = atoi(argv[4]);

    In my case a pulseLength of 150 is needed to get things working. Can you please add the optional parameters?

    opened by Yordan1976 0
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