Additional useful operations for Python


Pyteal Extensions

Additional useful operations for Python

Available Operations

  • MulDiv64: calculate m1*m2/d with no overflow on multiplication (TEAL 3+)
  • Min, Max: calculate minimum/maximum of 2 expressions, without using slots or evaluating arguments more than once (TEAL 4+)
  • LazyAnd, LazyOr: lazily evaluate arguments in And/Or operation

State manipulation

GlobalState and LocalState allow for manipulating global and local state respectively. They both have the same interface.

from pyteal import App, Bytes, Int, Seq, TealType
from pytealext import LocalState

user_counter = LocalState("UC", TealType.uint64)
program = Seq(
    # increment using pyteal local state
    App.localPut(Int(0), Bytes("UC"), App.localGet(Int(0), Bytes("UC")) + Int(1)),
    # increment using put/get
    user_counter.put(user_counter.get() + Int(1)),
    # increment using add_assign
    # decrement

Example usage

Example usage for LazyAnd:

from pyteal import Gtxn, TxnType, Bytes, Int
from pytealext import LazyAnd

# Evaluate fields of some transaction but don't panic if an argument down the line would panic
validation = LazyAnd(
    Gtxn[0].type_enum() == TxnType.ApplicationCall,
    Gtxn[0].application_args.length() == Int(1),
    Gtxn[0].application_args[0] == Bytes("AX"),


pip install pytealext



Created by Łukasz Ptak and Paweł Rejkowicz

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