Oh-My-PickleDB is an open source key-value store using Python's json module.




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oh-my-pickleDB is a lightweight, fast, and intuitive data manager written in python

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

oh-my-pickleDB is an improved version of PickleDB, with notable differences compared to the original. Most important differences are:

  • Cryptographic utils - Encrypt/Decrypt data content using FERNET symmetric encryption
  • Code improvements - More readable documentation, improved code, etc...
  • Data conversions - Byte, json, or str conversions
  • More flexibility - Save/load data as bytes, json or str, you decide!
  • Utilities - Export data as XML

🏁 Getting Started




# Using python pip
$ pip install oh-my-pickledb

# Using git
$ git clone https://github.com/tory1103/oh-my-pickledb.git
$ cd oh-my-pickledb
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python setup.py install

🔧 Running the tests

Tests are found on tests folder.
In future versions, tests will be added inside code documentation as multi-row comments.

Break down into end to end tests

cd /tests
python3 <test_name>.py

🎈 Usage

from my_pickledb import PickleDB

database = PickleDB("test.json")  # PickleDB object

database.set('key', 'value')  # Creates new key and value
database.get('key')  # Must return 'value'
database.save.as_json()  # Must save database to file on specified path

🚀 Deployment

oh-my-pickleDB is a python library, when installed, just import it to your project.

import my_pickledb
from my_pickledb import *

⛏️ Built Using

  • Python
  • Json
  • Data Structures

✍️ Authors

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

🎉 Acknowledgements

Useful links

Adrián Toral
self-learning student interested in improving coding skills and keep learning about technology
Adrián Toral
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