A curated list of awesome Python asyncio frameworks, libraries, software and resources


Awesome asyncio Awesome

A carefully curated list of awesome Python asyncio frameworks, libraries, software and resources.

The Python asyncio module introduced to the standard library with Python 3.4 provides infrastructure for writing single-threaded concurrent code using coroutines, multiplexing I/O access over sockets and other resources, running network clients and servers, and other related primitives.

Asyncio is not really a brand-new technology however it appears to be very trending since a few years - especially in the Python community and with the release of Python 3.4 in March 2014. Thus, it's pretty hard to keep yourself up-to-date with the most awesome packages out there. Find some of those awesome packages here and if you are missing one we count on you to create an Issue or a Pull Request with your suggestion.


Web Frameworks

Libraries to build web applications.

  • aiohttp - Http client/server for asyncio (PEP-3156).
  • sanic - Python 3.5+ web server that's written to go fast.
  • Quart - An asyncio web microframework with the same API as Flask.
  • Vibora - Performant web framework inspired by Flask.
  • cirrina - Opinionated asynchronous web framework based on aiohttp.
  • autobahn - WebSocket and WAMP supporting asyncio and Twisted, for clients and servers.
  • websockets - A library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python with a focus on correctness and simplicity.
  • Tornado - Performant web framework and asynchronous networking library.
  • Japronto! - Experimental http toolkit built on top of uvloop and picohttpparser.
  • Starlette - A lightweight ASGI framework/toolkit for building high performance services.
  • uvicorn - The lightning-fast ASGI server.
  • FastAPI - A very high performance Python 3.6+ API framework based on type hints. Powered by Starlette and Pydantic.

Message Queues

Libraries to implement applications using message queues.

  • aioamqp - AMQP implementation using asyncio.
  • pyzmq - Python bindings for ZeroMQ.
  • aiozmq - Alternative Asyncio integration with ZeroMQ.
  • crossbar - Crossbar.io is a networking platform for distributed and microservice applications.
  • asyncio-nats - Client for the NATS messaging system.
  • aiokafka - Client for Apache Kafka.

Database Drivers

Libraries to connect to databases.

  • asyncpg - Fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio.
  • asyncpgsa - Asyncpg with sqlalchemy core support.
  • aiopg - Library for accessing a PostgreSQL database.
  • aiomysql - Library for accessing a MySQL database
  • aioodbc - Library for accessing a ODBC databases.
  • motor - The async Python driver for MongoDB.
  • aioredis - aio-libs Redis client (PEP 3156).
  • asyncio-redis - Redis client for Python asyncio (PEP 3156).
  • aiocouchdb - CouchDB client built on top of aiohttp (asyncio).
  • aioinflux - InfluxDB client built on top of aiohttp.
  • aioes - Asyncio compatible driver for elasticsearch.
  • peewee-async - ORM implementation based on peewee and aiopg.
  • GINO - is a lightweight asynchronous Python ORM based on SQLAlchemy core, with asyncpg dialect.
  • Tortoise ORM - native multi-backend ORM with Django-like API and easy relations management.
  • Databases - Async database access for SQLAlchemy core, with support for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.


Libraries to communicate in your network.

  • AsyncSSH - Provides an asynchronous client and server implementation of the SSHv2 protocol.
  • aiodns - Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
  • httpx - asynchronous HTTP client for Python 3 with requests compatible API.


Libraries to build GraphQL servers.

  • Ariadne - Schema-first Python library for implementing GraphQL servers.
  • Tartiflette - Schema-first Python 3.6+ GraphQL engine built on top of libgraphqlparser.


Libraries to test asyncio based applications.

  • aiomock - A python mock library that supports async methods.
  • asynctest - Enhance the standard unittest package with features for testing. asyncio libraries
  • pytest-asyncio - Pytest support for asyncio.
  • aresponses - Asyncio http mocking. Similar to the responses library used for requests
  • aioresponses - Helper for mock/fake web requests in Python aiohttp package.

Alternative Loops

Alternative asyncio loop implementations.

  • uvloop - Ultra fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv.


Other awesome asyncio libraries.

  • aiocache - Cache manager for different backends.
  • aiofiles - File support for asyncio.
  • aiodebug - A tiny library for monitoring and testing asyncio programs.
  • aiorun - A run() function that handles all the usual boilerplate for startup and graceful shutdown.
  • aioserial - A drop-in replacement of pySerial.
  • aiozipkin - Distributed tracing instrumentation for asyncio with zipkin
  • asgiref - Backend utils for ASGI to WSGI integration, includes sync_to_async and async_to_sync function wrappers.
  • ruia - An async web scraping micro-framework based on asyncio.


Documentation, blog posts, and other awesome writing about asyncio.


Recordings of awesome talks about asyncio.

Alternatives to asyncio

Alternative approaches to async programming in Python, some of which attempt to support some compatibility with asyncio, others are not compatible at all.

  • curio - The coroutine concurrency library.
  • trio - Pythonic async I/O for humans and snake people.
    • trio-asyncio - re-implementation of the asyncio mainloop on top of Trio
Timo Furrer
Enthusiastic Hacker who loves Free Open Source Software, Linux, Python, Machine Learning and :penguin:. Commits are my own.
Timo Furrer
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