End-To-End Crowdsourcing


End-To-End Crowdsourcing

Comparison of traditional crowdsourcing approaches to a state-of-the-art end-to-end crowdsourcing approach LTNet on sentiment analysis. LTNet is adapted from "Facial Expression Recognition with Inconsistently Annotated Datasets" to text data. It encompasses a simple attention based neural network and utilizes confusion matrices as a noise reduction technique. For comparison, the traditional ground truth estimators "Fast-Dawid-Skene" and "MACE" are applied.

This codebase was used in both "End-to-End Annotator Bias Approximation on Crowdsourced Single-Label Sentiment Analysis" and "Deep End-to-End Learning for Noisy Annotations and Crowdsourcing in Natural Language Processing".


This is an example training procedure for the TripAdvisor dataset. The dataset and solver objects are initialized before a standard LTNet model is trained for 300 epochs.

import torch
import pytz
import datetime

from datasets.tripadvisor import TripAdvisorDataset
from solver import Solver
from utils import *

# gpu
DEVICE = torch.device('cuda')

# cpu
# DEVICE = torch.device('cpu')

label_dim = 2
annotator_dim = 2
loss = 'nll'
one_dataset_one_annotator = False
dataset = TripAdvisorDataset(device=DEVICE, one_dataset_one_annotator=one_dataset_one_annotator)

lr = 1e-5
batch_size = 64
current_time = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin')).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
hyperparams = {'batch': batch_size, 'lr': lr}
writer = get_writer(path=f'../logs/test',
                    current_time=current_time, params=hyperparams)

solver = Solver(dataset, lr, batch_size, 

model, f1 = solver.fit(epochs=300, return_f1=True,

These initialization and training steps of a network are abstracted away into src/training. Scripts with many more details on training procedures and different configurations can be found in src/scripts. All are best loaded into an ipython terminal with the %load command.


How to use them from outside the src folder?

It makes us able to refer to the classes properly.

import sys

Pass the root folders of the embeddings and the data.

from datasets.emotion import EmotionDataset

dataset = EmotionDataset(
        text_processor_filters=['lowercase', 'stopwordsfilter'],

Datasets are available at "TripAdvisor", "Emotion" and "Organic".

TripAdvisor Dataset


from datasets.tripadvisor import TripAdvisorDataset

dataset = TripAdvisorDataset(text_processor='word2vec', text_processor_filters=['lowercase', 'stopwordsfilter'])

print(f'Dataset is in {dataset.mode} mode')
print(f'Train-Validation split is {dataset.train_val_split}')
print(f'1st train datapoint: {dataset[0]}')


Dataset is in train mode
Train-Validation split is 0.8
1st train datapoint: {'label': 0, 'annotator':'f', 'rating': 4, 'text': 'I realise ...', 'embedding': array}

Emotion Dataset

Every headline has been annotated on each emotion. One can select one emotion as the label by the set_emotion method.


from datasets.emotion import EmotionDataset

dataset = TripAdvisorDataset(text_processor='word2vec', text_processor_filters=['lowercase', 'stopwordsfilter'])

print(f'Dataset is in {dataset.mode} mode')
print(f'Train-Validation split is {dataset.train_val_split}')
print(f'1st train datapoint: {dataset[0]}') # select anger_label as label
print(f'1st train datapoint: {dataset[0]}') # select disgust_label as label


Dataset is in train mode
Train-Validation split is 0.8
1st train datapoint: {'label': 0, 'annotator':'xxx1', 'anger_response':0, 'anger_label':0, 'anger_gold'=1, 'disgust_response':0 ... 'text': 'I realise ...', ... 'embedding': array}
1st train datapoint: {'label': 1, 'annotator':'xxx1', 'anger_response':0, 'anger_label':0, 'anger_gold'=1, 'disgust_response':0 ... 'text': 'I realise ...', ... 'embedding': array}
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