Python virtualenvs in Debian packages



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dh-virtualenv is a tool that aims to combine Debian packaging with self-contained virtualenv based Python deployments.

The idea behind dh-virtualenv is to be able to combine the power of Debian packaging with the sandboxed nature of virtualenvs. In addition to this, using virtualenv enables installing requirements via Python Package Index instead of relying on the operating system provided Python packages. The only limiting factor is that you have to run the same Python interpreter as the operating system.

For complete online documentation including installation instructions, see the online documentation.

Presentations, Blogs & Other Resources

Here are a few external resources that can help you to get a more detailed first impression of dh-virtualenv, or advocate its use in your company or project team.

Using dh-virtualenv

Using dh-virtualenv is fairly straightforward. First, you need to define the requirements of your package in requirements.txt file, in the format defined by pip.

To build a package using dh-virtualenv, you need to add dh-virtualenv in to your build dependencies and write following debian/rules file:

          dh $@ --with python-virtualenv

Note that you might need to provide additional build dependencies too, if your requirements require them.

Also, you are able to define the root path for your source directory using --sourcedirectory or -D argument:

          dh $@ --with python-virtualenv --sourcedirectory=root/srv/application

NOTE: Be aware that the configuration in debian/rules expects tabs instead of spaces!

Once the package is built, you have a virtualenv contained in a Debian package and upon installation it gets placed, by default, under /opt/venvs/<packagename>.

For more information and usage documentation, check the accompanying documentation in the doc folder, also available at Read the Docs.

How does it work?

To do the packaging, dh-virtualenv extends debhelper's sequence by inserting a new dh_virtualenv command, which effectively replaces the following commands in the original sequence:

  • dh_auto_clean
  • dh_auto_build
  • dh_auto_test
  • dh_auto_install
  • dh_python2
  • dh_pycentral
  • dh_pysupport

In the new sequence, dh_virtualenv is inserted right before dh_installinit.

Running tests

$ nosetests ./test/

Building the package in a Docker container

To build dh-virtualenv itself in a Docker container, call docker build --tag dh-venv-builder .. This will build the DEB package for Debian stable by default. Add e.g. --build-arg distro=ubuntu:bionic to build for Ubuntu LTS instead.

The resulting files must be copied out of the build container, using these commands:

mkdir -p dist && docker run --rm dh-venv-builder tar -C /dpkg -c . | tar -C dist -xv

There is also a short-cut for all this, in the form of invoke bdist_deb [--distro=‹id›:‹codename›].

Building the documentation locally

If you execute the following commands in your clone of the repository, a virtualenv with all necessary tools is created. invoke docs then builds the documentation into doc/_build/.

command . .env --yes --develop
invoke docs

To start a watchdog that auto-rebuilds documentation and reloads the opened browser tab on any change, call invoke docs -w -b (stop the watchdog using the -k option).

Releasing a new version

Follow these steps when creating a new release:

  1. Check version in dh_virtualenv/ and debian/changelog.
  2. Make sure doc/changes.rst is complete.
  3. Bump release date in debian/changelog (dch -r).
  4. Tag the release and git push --tags.
  5. Edit release entry on GitHub (add changes).
  6. Update the Ubuntu PPA.
  7. Bump to next release version in dh_virtualenv/
  8. Open new section in debian/changelog (with …-0.1+dev added).
  9. Open a new section in doc/changes.rst, so it can be maintained as features are added!

Code of conduct

This project adheres to the Open Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to honor this code.


Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Spotify AB

dh-virtualenv is licensed under GPL v2 or later. Full license is available in the LICENSE file.

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