A Python script that wraps the gitleaks tool to enable scanning of multiple repositories in parallel



build Code Grade complexity vulnerabilities python

A Python script that wraps the gitleaks tool to enable scanning of multiple repositories in parallel.

The motivation behind writing this script was:

  • implement workaround for gitleaks intermittent failures when cloning very large repositories
  • implement ability to scan multiple repostiories in parallel
  • implement ability to scan repositories for a user, a specified organization or read from a file


  • the script uses https to clone the repos
    • you must set the USERNAME and PASSWORD environment variables - this credential needs to have access to the repos being scanned
    • if using --file then https clone urls must be supplied in the file
  • the maximum number of background processes (workers) that will be started is 35
    • if the number of repos to process is less than the maximum number of workers
      • the script will start one worker per repository
    • if the number of repos to process is greater than the maximum number of workers
      • the repos will be added to a thread-safe queue and processed by all the workers
  • the Docker container must run with a bind mount to the working directory in order to access logs/reports
    • the repos will be cloned to the ./scans/clones folder in the working directory
    • the reports will be written to the ./scans/reports/ folder in the working directory
    • a summary report will be written to mpgitleaks.csv


usage: mpgitleaks [-h] [--file FILENAME] [--user] [--org ORG] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--include INCLUDE] [--debug]

A Python script that wraps the gitleaks tool to enable scanning of multiple repositories in parallel

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --file FILENAME    scan repos contained in the specified file
  --user             scan repos for the authenticated GitHub user where user is owner or collaborator
  --org ORG          scan repos for the specified GitHub organization
  --exclude EXCLUDE  a regex to match name of repos to exclude from scanning
  --include INCLUDE  a regex to match name of repos to include in scanning
  --debug            log debug messages to a log file


Set the required environment variables:

export USERNAME='--username--'
export PASSWORD='--password-or-token--'

If using --user or --org options and GitHub instance is not api.github.com:

export GH_BASE_URL='--api-address-to-github-instance--'

Execute the Docker container:

docker container run \
--rm \
-it \
-e http_proxy \
-e https_proxy \
-v $PWD:/opt/mpgitleaks \
soda480/mpgitleaks:latest \

Note: the http[s]_proxy environment variables are only required if executing behind a proxy server


Scan all repos contained in the file repos.txt but exclude the repos that match the specified regex, an example of a repos.txt can be found here:

mpgitleaks --file 'repos.txt' --exclude 'soda480/mplogp'


Scan all repos for the authenticated user but exclude the repos that match the specified regex:

mpgitleaks --user --exclude 'intel|edgexfoundry|soda480/openhack'

Scan all repos in the specified organization but only include the repos that match the specified regex:

mpgitleaks --org 'myorg' --include '.*-go'


Clone the repository and ensure the latest version of Docker is installed on your development server.

Build the Docker image:

docker image build \
--target build \
--build-arg http_proxy \
--build-arg https_proxy \
-t \
mpgitleaks:latest .

Run the Docker container:

docker container run \
--rm \
-it \
-e http_proxy \
-e https_proxy \
-v $PWD:/code \
mpgitleaks:latest \

Build application:

pyb -X
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