Poetry version must be greater or equal than 1.1.8. Otherwise it won't be able to install SQLAlchemy.
python3 -m pip install fastapi_template
python3 -m fastapi_template
# or fastapi_template
# Answer all the questions
# πͺ Enjoy your new project πͺ
cd new_project
docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml --project-directory . build
docker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose.yml --project-directory . up --build
If you want to install in from sources then try this:
python3 -m pip install poetry
python3 -m pip install .
python3 -m fastapi_template
Also you can use it with docker.
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/projects" s3rius/fastapi_template
One of the coolest features is that this project is extremely small and handy. You can choose between different databases and even ORMs. Currently SQLAlchemy1.4, TortoiseORM and Ormar are supported.
TUI and CLI and excellent code documentation.
Generator features:
- Different databases support;
- Different ORMs support;
- Optional migrations for each ORM;
- redis support;
- different CI\CD;
- Kubernetes config generation;
- Demo routers and models;
- Pre-commit integrations;
- Generated tests;
- Tests for the generator itself.
This project can handle arguments passed through command line.
$ python -m fastapi_template --help
usage: FastAPI template [-h] [--version] [--name PROJECT_NAME]
[--db {none,sqlite,mysql,postgresql}]
[--orm {ormar,sqlalchemy,tortoise}]
[--ci {none,gitlab,github}] [--redis] [--migrations]
[--kube] [--dummy] [--routers] [--swagger] [--force]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version, -V Prints current version
--name PROJECT_NAME Name of your awesome project
Project description
--db {none,sqlite,mysql,postgresql}
--orm {ormar,sqlalchemy,tortoise}
--ci {none,gitlab,github}
Choose CI support
--redis Add redis support
--migrations Add migrations support
--kube Add kubernetes configs
--dummy, --dummy-model
Add dummy model
--routers Add exmaple routers
--swagger Eanble self-hosted swagger
--force Owerrite directory if it exists