Python Programming Bootcamp



Python Programming Bootcamp

Begin: 27th August 2021 End: 8th September 2021

Registration deadline: 22nd August 2021 Fees: No course or registration fee required Accreditation: The bootcamp is not a formal UNSW course or research program

The goal of this bootcamp is to enable algorithmic thinking and problem solving with practical examples. The target audience is postgraduate research students and students with a general interest in areas of Data Mining and Machine Learning. Although the bootcamp is aimed at beginners, intermediate and advanced Python users can also take advantage of certain exercises that will help improve programming and problem-solving skills. The topics include 1. variables, 2. lists which include NumPy lists and matrices, 3. advanced list and matrix operations for data processing, 4. functions and modular design, 5. object-oriented programming, and 6. design of algorithms. Those enrolled in the bootcamp will need to attend and participate in all the sessions. The course material and videos will be available online for future use.

Schedule (Sydney time):

  • Pre-session: Wednesday 25th August, 2021, 5pm - 6 pm, Introductory Webinar

  • Session 1: Friday 27th August, 11am to 1pm : Introduction to Python: Arrays (lists and numpy), Loops (Exercise 1 given)

  •   	Weekend (work on Exercise 1)
  • Session 2: Monday 30th August, 11am to 1pm: Functions and data processing (Solution to Exercise 1)

  • Session 3: Tuesday 31st August, 11am to 1pm: Design of Vending machine (Exercise 2 given)

  •   	Wednesday: 1st September: No class (work on Exercise 2)
  • Session 4: Thursday 2nd September, 11am to 1pm: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) (Solution to Exercise 2)

  • Session 5: Friday 3rd September, 11am to 1pm: Vending machine revisited with OOP (Exercise 3 given)

  •   	Weekend (work on Exercise 3)
  • Session 6: Monday 6th September, 11am to 1pm: Design of Algorithms (Solution to Exercise 3, Exercise 4 given)

  •   	Tuesday  7th September, No class (work on Exercise 4)
  • Session 7: Wednesday: 8th September, 11am to 1pm: Software design (Solution to Exercise 4 )

Exercise Solutions



The resources from this bootcamp is part of the Transitional Artificial Intelligence Reserach Group. Examples of Open Source Software developed for research purpose can be found at Software Portfolio


  • Dr Pavel Krivitsky, UNSW Sydney (bootcamp planning and review)
  • Prof. Christian Omlin, University of Agder, Norway (development of certain worksheets and exercises)

Citation and Usage

  • R. Chandra, and C. W. Omlin, "Python Programming Bootcamp", Transitional Artifical Intelligence Research Group, Sydney, Australia, 2021:
  • We encourage educators (University Lecturers and Primary-Secondary school Teachers) to use the videos and code/exercises from this bootcamp in their classes or websites and cite as needed. Please contact R. Chandra if you wish to extend this further or if any aissistance is needed.
Rohitash Chandra
Research interests include the methodologies and applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
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