Python / C++ based particle reaction-diffusion simulator



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ReaDDy (Reaction Diffusion Dynamics) is an open source particle based reaction-diffusion simulator that can be configured and run via Python. Currently supported platforms are Mac and Linux.


The preferred way of installing the software is by using the conda package manager:

# optional: create environment for readdy, switch to that environment
conda create -n readdy
conda activate readdy

# add conda-forge channel
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge

# install readdy with a specified Python version
conda install python=3.9 readdy


A documentation and a few examples are provided at

Core features

  • particle based simulation of reaction-diffusion systems in 3D
  • particles diffuse via Brownian dynamics
  • reactions between single instances of particles (unimolecularly and bimolecularly)
  • particle interaction potentials for modeling
    • space exclusion
    • molecular crowding
    • aggregation
  • particle complexes via harmonic bonds, angles, and cosine dihedrals for modeling, e.g.,
    • domain structure
    • polymer chains
  • spatially and temporally triggered changes in the particle complexes
  • simulation output in a compact hdf5 file
  • single-threaded and pthread-parallelized implementations available
  • Network fusion

    Network fusion

    Dear developers, thank you for the nice simulation framework. I'm interested in simulating cross-linked biopolymer networks with readdy. I added one feature for my simulations, which I happily share, if you think others might find it useful:

    • The descriptor language was extended for topology-topology fusion reactions. One can now specify for example [network>5], which is similar to self fusion with [self=true], but checks whether two particles within the same topology are separated by at least 6 edges from each other.
    • Only if the number of edges is larger than the specified value, the fusion can happen.
    • This can be used to e.g. have all initial separate polymers fuse to one single network topology.
    • With [self=true], I wouldn't be able to do that, since I would not be able to stop direct neighbors within one topology from fusing.
    • An example can be seen in the added tests in readdy/test/TestTopologyReactions.cpp, where I created a structure of 4 rectangular polymers, that touch each other on the 4 corners and can fuse to one connected topology.
    opened by ilyasku 8
  • Units and sanity checking for box potential with non-periodic b.c.

    Units and sanity checking for box potential with non-periodic b.c.


    Introduced a runtime dependency to pint. Units can now be used in all relevant api functions:

    Construct a system with a simulation box size of (10, 10, 10) and units of: - length in nanometers - time in nanoseconds - energy in kJ/mol The temperature is defaulted to 2.437 kJ/mol, all boundaries are set to be periodic.

    import readdy
    system = readdy.ReactionDiffusionSystem([10., 10., 10.])

    The simulation box size is the only required constructor argument of a reaction diffusion system.

    Construct a system with a simulation box size of (10, 10, 10) and units of: - length in kilometers - time in hours - energy in kcal/mol

    import readdy
    system = readdy.ReactionDiffusionSystem([10, 10, 10] * readdy.units.meters,
                length_unit='kilometer', time_unit='hour', energy_unit='kilocal/mol')
    >>> [ 0.01  0.01  0.01] kilometer
    >>> 0.5824569789674953 kilocalorie / mole

    The room temperature as well as any other units of time/length/energy will be automatically converted to this particular set of system units.

    Construct a unitless system with a simulation box size of (10, 10, 10):

    import readdy
    system = readdy.ReactionDiffusionSystem([10, 10, 10], length_unit=None, time_unit=None,
    >>> [ 10.  10.  10.]
    >>> 2.437

    If time, length, and energy units are set to None or empty strings, the system will be treated as completely unitless system.

    If properties are set without providing a particular unit, e.g.,

    system.potentials.add_harmonic_repulsion("A", "B", force_constant=10., 

    the system's units are assumed without further conversion, i.e., energy/length**2 for the force constant, and length for the interaction distance. Providing a unit will trigger a conversion:

    from readdy import units as units
    sys = readdy.ReactionDiffusionSystem(box_size=[1., 1., 1.])
    sys.add_species("A", 1.)
    sys.add_species("B", 1.)
    sys.potentials.add_harmonic_repulsion("A", "B", 
        force_constant=10. * units.kilocal / (units.mol * units.mile**2), 

    or also trigger an error if the dimensionality does not match:

    sys.potentials.add_harmonic_repulsion("A", "B", 
        force_constant=10. * units.kilocal / (units.mol * units.mile**3), 

    raises an

    DimensionalityError: Cannot convert from 'kilocalorie / mile ** 3 / mole' ([mass] / [length] / [substance] / [time] ** 2) to 'kilojoule / mole / nanometer ** 2' ([mass] / [substance] / [time] ** 2)

    PBC and box potentials

    Upon simulation start there will be a check on the particle types together with periodicity of the simulation box and box potentials, in particular:

    If the simulation box is not completely periodic and if the particle types in that box have no box potential to keep them contained in the non-periodic directions, i.e.,

    box_lower_left[dim] >= potential_lower_left[dim] 
        or box_upper_right[dim] <= potential_upper_right[dim] 

    is true for any non-periodic dim, an exception is thrown.

    opened by clonker 8
  • Rate function spatial reaction

    Rate function spatial reaction

    This is what I got so far after our discussion in issue #191 . It's not finished yet, so no need to merge it right away, but maybe you can already take a look at it. Rate functions for spatial reactions works only for TT reactions yet, because I ran into some issues with std::variant and pushed resolving them aside for now. But I can try to get it working next.

    For structural reactions, there a _cumulativeRate gets updated with calls to GraphTopology::updateReactions. I implemented an analogous GraphTopolgy::updateSpatialReactions, which do not update the _cumulativeRate. Instead, the current rates get added to _cumulativeRate in the kernels' EvaluateTopologyReactions::gatherEvents methods, just as it was with constant rates as well. I hope that is o.k. for dynamic rates, too. I'm not completely sure, because the tests that I implemented in TestTopologyReactions.cpp only produce constant rates (the functions simply return a constant). I'll probably have to come up with some distinct tests.

    SpatialTopologyReaction::rate() throws an error, if the evaluated rate functions leads to a negative rate. First I had a variant where I instead cut it at 0.0, but I think it's more user friendly if the user gets an error, so he/she gets some feedback that there is something wrong with the rate function provided.

    opened by ilyasku 7
  • Spatial Topology Reactions with Rate Function

    Spatial Topology Reactions with Rate Function

    It is currently not possible to define a rate function for spatial topology reactions. I would like to use a function there, to account for an (implicit) background concentration of some protein. Would it be possible to implement it such that a function as well as a float can be used as the rate argument in system.topologies.add_spatial_reaction ?

    opened by ilyasku 7
  • Updated reaction handling

    Updated reaction handling

    The KernelContext does not depend on the ReactionFactory anymore and the Kernel itself dispatches the reactions into the context. Further, the argument sequence for reactions has been unified: First the name, then educts, then products, then the educt distance, then the product distance and then weights (some of them omitted depending on which reaction type is considered). Also, with respect to issue #17, added an action parameter (create=default/clear) to the UpdateNeighborList program such that the neighbor list is cleared after a simulation run().

    opened by clonker 7
  • Unable to open file from killed simulation run

    Unable to open file from killed simulation run

    Hi, I'm trying to recover data from a run that was killed (due to timeout). When I try to open the file I get:

    t = readdy.Trajectory(file) OSError: Unable to open file (file is already open for write (may use to clear file consistency flags))

    I tried: $ h5clear -s file

    But now I get: t = readdy.Trajectory(file) RuntimeError: Unable to get link info (bad object header version number)

    Is this expected and/or is there some other way I could recover the trajectory?

    Thanks Jan

    opened by jansteinkuehler 6
  • Diffusion Patterns Repeating

    Diffusion Patterns Repeating

    I encountered some issue in long simulations of linear polymers. I wanted to validate that my polymers show expected diffusion of polymers. For that I revert the minimum image projection similar to the way in your MSD validation example. I look at the trajectories of a beads that are rather central in the polymer for my analysis. But the trajectories show a repeating pattern:


    I was certain I must have done something stupid in the minimum image reversion, or in interactions between the particles and the polymer topolgy or something like that. But the pattern shows also with the minimum image projection (in some examples where the long-term direction is along one of the cardinal axes, this is nicely visible; sorry the plots are not that nice, color coded is the time, dark blue at the beginning of the simulation, light yellow at the end):


    I tried to reproduce this with rather simple code as well, e.g. with:

    import numpy as np
    import readdy
    import os
    stride = int(1e5)
    n_steps = int(1e8)
    progress_output_stride = int(1e5)
    dt = 1e-3
    system = readdy.ReactionDiffusionSystem(box_size=[60., 60., 60.],
    system.add_topology_species("Head", 1.)
    system.add_topology_species("Core", 1.)
    system.topologies.configure_harmonic_bond("Head", "Core", force_constant=70, length=1.)
    system.topologies.configure_harmonic_bond("Core", "Core", force_constant=70, length=1.)
    system.topologies.configure_harmonic_angle("Core", "Core", "Core", force_constant=5., equilibrium_angle=np.pi)
    system.topologies.configure_harmonic_angle("Core", "Core", "Head", force_constant=5., equilibrium_angle=np.pi)
    system.topologies.configure_harmonic_angle("Head", "Core", "Head", force_constant=5., equilibrium_angle=np.pi)
    simulation = system.simulation(kernel="SingleCPU")
    init_top_pos = np.zeros((10, 3))
    init_top_pos[:, 0] = np.arange(-5, 5)
    top = simulation.add_topology("Polymer", ["Head"] + ["Core"]*8 + ["Head"], init_top_pos)
    for i in range(9):
        top.get_graph().add_edge(i, i+1)
    simulation.output_file = "data.h5"
    simulation.progress_output_stride = progress_output_stride
    if os.path.exists(simulation.output_file):
        os.remove(simulation.output_file), timestep=dt)

    This code leads to similar patterns. And even for diffusion of single particles without any interactions (I had 9 particles in a box simulated for 1e10 time steps, recorded every 1e4 steps, D=1, dt=1e-3, box=[50, 50, 50]), here shown for the first 60000 recorded frames of one of the particles:


    For other particles in the box, the same pattern shows, but they start at a different point of the cycle:


    I am not sure what to make of this. Did I miss something obvious? Do I have to do something like choose a proper random number generator for rather long simulations? Or is this an expected behaviour in simulations of free diffusion for many time steps due to limitations of pseudo random number generators? Can you reproduce this or is this an artifact specific to my set up (I already tried it on 3 devices, but the set up might be very similar on all)?

    opened by ilyasku 6
  • Decoupled CPU and SingleCPU Kernel

    Decoupled CPU and SingleCPU Kernel

    Mainly: Decoupled CPU and SingleCPU kernel

    Other than that, added a small performance test suite, made core library tests parameterizable with respect to the kernel against which is to be tested.

    opened by clonker 6
  • Simulation run problems

    Simulation run problems

    Hi! I have faced with a non trivial problem to me while trying to run simulation with different initial conditions. I was trying to simulate simple bimolecular reaction A+B->C in two cases:

    1. Equal initial concentrations of A and B species D_A = 1, D_B = 1, D_C = 1 L_x, L_y, L_z = 300, 300, 300 R_f = 500 N_A_0 = 50000, N_B_0 = 50000 T = 300 R_AB = 1
    2. Species B in excess as compared to A species D_A = 1, D_B = 1, D_C = 1 L_x, L_y, L_z = 1300, 1300, 1300 R_f = 500 N_A_0 = 50000, N_B_0 = 5000000 T = 300 R_AB = 1 In both cases other parameters were identical: simulation = system.simulation(kernel="CPU") simulation.output_file = "A+B-C.h5" simulation.reaction_handler = "Gillespie"

    initial_coords_A = L_xnp.random.random((N_A_0, 3)) - L_x/2 initial_coords_B = L_xnp.random.random((N_B_0, 3)) - L_x/2

    simulation.add_particles(type = "A", positions = initial_coords_A) simulation.add_particles(type = "B", positions = initial_coords_B)

    simulation.observe.number_of_particles(stride=1, types = ["A"]), timestep=1e-2) But final step (, timestep=1e-2)) was failed in the second case (in the excess of B particles). Timestep=1e-2 was the same in the first case and simulation showed nice results.

    opened by kaa-git 5
  • Problems while trying to get the index of a vertex neighbor

    Problems while trying to get the index of a vertex neighbor

    Hello there,

    I've found an error while trying to get the index of the neighbors of a particular vertex. Here is an example of the code I wrote to perform this action:

    for v in vertices: a = vertices[v].neighbors()[0] b = vertices.index(a)

    The error says: ValueError: Vertex[particleIndex= n, data=, neighbors=[n, n]] is not in list

    but if I print "vertices" I see that this vertex ("a") is indeed in the list.

    Is it possible to check the index of a particular vertex's neighbor in "vertices"?

    Hope it's clear!




    opened by miglesias92 4
  • make_checkpoints function

    make_checkpoints function


    from the online documentation I understand, that the function should work as follows:

    simulation.make_checkpoints(1000, output_directory="checkpoints/", max_n_saves=10) simulation.make_checkpoints(stride=1000, output_directory="checkpoints/", max_n_saves=10)

    However, I get the error, that "output_directory" is an unexpected keyword and if I leave it out (by writing simulation.make_checkpoints(1000)), the simulation runs but no checkpoints are saved.

    Is there anything obvious that I am doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance, Julia

    opened by JoulesJ 4
  • set random seed for batch job

    set random seed for batch job


    I am using Readdy for a reversible A + B <-> C simulation. I want to compute some statistics to high accuracy and so I am running a lot of trials, which would best be done as a batch job. Is there a way to set the seed for the random number generator for each job?


    Max Heldman

    opened by mheldman 6
  • Recentre atoms based on centre-of-mass of topology

    Recentre atoms based on centre-of-mass of topology

    Is it possible to recentre the whole system so that all of the particles a translated by a distance vector [x, y, z] so that a single topology's centre of mass is at [0, 0, 0] ?

    opened by debeshmandal 8
  • Association reaction of identical particles

    Association reaction of identical particles

    Hi there, we apply the simulation for different types of bimolecular reactions, and discovered some problems in the reaction of identical particles like A+A->Product. We use the following setup of ReaDDy sistem: `system = readdy.ReactionDiffusionSystem([L_x, L_y, L_z], temperature=T*readdy.units.kelvin) system.add_species("A", diffusion_constant = D_A) system.add_species("C", diffusion_constant = D_C)

    system.reactions.add_fusion(name="fus", type_from1="A", type_from2="A", type_to="C", rate=R_f, educt_distance = R_AA)

    initial_coords_A = L_x*np.random.random((N_A_0, 3)) - L_x/2 simulation.add_particles(type = "A", positions = initial_coords_A)`

    But analysing the deviation of observable kinetics from the kinetics of the mass action law we found fundamental contradiction. The results shows that the simulation system behaves like there two kinds of particles A (type_from1 and type_from2, and they interacts just between type_from1 and type_from2, but doesn't interact between type_from1 and type_from1, and type_from2 and type_from2 ), while the total number of A particles is equal to 2*N_A_0. It's worth noting that the kinetics of the mass action law in this case is correct. Could you clarify the issue? Thanks!

    opened by kaa-git 19
  • Hierarchical Grids for Polydisperse Systems

    Hierarchical Grids for Polydisperse Systems

    Hi @clonker and @chrisfroe, have you considered implementing hierarchical grids for polydisperse systems, i.e. linked cells of different cuboid sizes for particles/reactions with different interaction radii? Ogarko2012 Iwai1999 I guess that would be a not so small incision into the core algorithm? My simulations are largely monodisperse, but with a few large particles. Run times with size ratio of 1:7 are still feasible, but this already has a huge impact on performance. I guess the cuboid size is determined by the largest interaction radius? I think this woul lead to a exponential increase in run time with the size ratio, which is what I see in my simulations: run_time

    opened by ilyasku 2
  • Python - Disable all reactions for a simulation run and then enable them later in the same object

    Python - Disable all reactions for a simulation run and then enable them later in the same object

    Is it possible to run simulations without any reactions occurring for equilibration purposes.

    e.g. something like:

    # get Simulation object
    simulation = system.simulation()
    # equilibrate
    simulation.evaluate_topology_reactions = False
    simulation.reaction_handler = None
    # run with reactions
    simulation.evaluate_topology_reactions = True
    simulation.reaction_handler = "Gillespie"
    opened by debeshmandal 1
  • Towards a RAII Kernel implementation

    Towards a RAII Kernel implementation

    What @chrisfroe and I came up with during a discussion:

    • the context should be restructured so that there is a separation between system and simulation (similar to python api)
    • the kernel is created with a context and instantiates everything as necessary (eg observables etc)
    • since the context is then also carrying information about the observables that should be evaluated, it can be logically consistent (things like evaluateVirial() etc can be set automatically in the context)
    • simulation is performed by creating actions and performing them or running a default loop
    opened by clonker 0
  • v2.0.12(Jul 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • compile cpu kernel directly into library by @clonker in
    • catch2 v2 -> v3 by @clonker in
    • Pybind11 via submodule by @clonker in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.11(Dec 3, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • compile-time index loop unroll by @clonker in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.10(Nov 22, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • compiler support for standard library features on macos by @chrisfroe in
    • Fix frozen dict implementation by @clonker in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.7(Oct 5, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Remove some submodule dependencies for easier conda-forge integration by @clonker in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.6(Oct 4, 2021)

    Patch release

    What's Changed

    • Diffusion constant can be vec3 by @clonker in
    • read back older file versions by @clonker in
    • capsule compartment by @clonker in
    • Unify compartments and harmonic potentials via geometries by @clonker in
    • Buildsys by @clonker in
    • Cleanup by @clonker in
    • compartments in simulation loop by @clonker in
    • Fixes by @clonker in
    • Libstructure by @clonker in
    • remove variant, can be introduced easier with custom integrator by @clonker in
    • Get trajectory length from Trajectory instance by @clonker in
    • cmake cleanup by @clonker in
    • Cleanup by @clonker in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.3(May 6, 2020)

    • checkpoints are stored in separate files so corruption is not fatal for the whole simulation (#160)
    • reaction counts can be obtained for spatial and structural topology reactions (#162)
    • structural topology reactions now need to have a unique name to make them identifiable (#162)
    • removed ostream redirect in simulation run loop, could lead to segfault (#162, #161)
    • spatial topology reaction counts indexed by name, not descriptor (#163)
    • allow spherical barrier with negative height (#164)
    • Draw simulation box optionally when converting to xyz (#165)
    • Context and simulation workflow also in c++ top level (#167)
    • New action BreakBonds that can remove edges in the topology graph, if the potential energy of the corresponding bond exceeds a certain threshold energy (#170)
    • Finding all edges in the graph (linked list) is expensive, thus cache all found edges and only update when necessary (#170)
    • added graph distance check to topology-topology self-reaction (thanks @ilyasku )
    • (corner case) fix collection of dihedral terms (#172)
    • Integration test for topology reactions (#173)
    • reworked graph library, major refactoring and simplification of codebase (#176)
    • custom python simulation loops (#178)
    • migrate from travis to github actions (#179)
    • use different random number generator with longer period (#181)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.2(Jun 3, 2019)

    • Trajectory with topology observable data can be read back into memory chunk-wise (#147)
    • Checkpointing, i.e. make snapshots of the system in regular intervals and save them to file, to continue simulating from there at a later time (#148)
    • Remove architecture-invasive timer (#149)
    • Change unit testing framework from gtest to Catch2 (#151)
    • Refactor and prepations for first-passage time diffusion integrator (#152)
    • New topology operation for structural reaction recipes to create a new particle in place and attach it to the topolgy (#153, #154)
    • Bugfix in spatial topology reactions ( #155)
    • Bugfix in CPU UncontrolledApproximation reaction handler (#158)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.1(Nov 2, 2018)

  • v2.0.0(Oct 23, 2018)

    • relicense to BSD3 (#137)
    • fixes and improvements in topology reactions (#138, #142, #143, #145)
    • state model can be cleared (#139)
    • improved unit handling (#140)
    • allow zero force on harmonic bonds in topology (#144)
    • new cylinder potential (#146)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.2(Jul 22, 2018)

    • DB reaction handler for single cpu (#122, #123)
    • added numerical integration tools (#122)
    • install headers with conda package (#124)
    • easy way + template to define custom potentials and actions in c++ (#125, #128, #131)
    • various improvements of the c++ codebase (#127, #130)
    • diffusion constants can be interpreted as given at room temperature in the python layer (#129)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.1(Apr 20, 2018)

    • added assertions and tests for units (#101)
    • reworked cpu kernel (#103)
    • compile with gcc7 and c++17 (#103, #107)
    • added energy observable (#104)
    • added readdy.__version__ (#107)
    • optimized neighbor list (#107)
    • added virial and pressure observables (#109, #110)
    • added topologies observable (#111, #112)
    • fixed topology reactions (#114, #115, #119)
    • updated periodic boundary handling (#120)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(Apr 20, 2018)

    Initial release of ReaDDy. Features:

    • particle based reaction-diffusion simulation engine
    • reactions:
      • fusion, fission, conversion, decay, enzymatic type
      • uncontrolled approximation
      • Gillespie reaction order
    • particle propagation:
      • brownian motion
      • external and pair potentials:
        • box potential
        • spherical potential
        • harmonic repulsion
        • lennard-jones
        • piecewise harmonic
        • screened electrostatics
    • particle complexes (topologies)
    • spatial and temporal changes of these complexes (topology reactions)
    • observables:
      • radial distribution function
      • occurred reactions
      • particle positions
      • particles
      • number of particles (per type or in total)
      • forces per particle
      • reaction counts
    • kernels:
      • singlecpu
      • cpu (pthread parallelization)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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Scott Smitelli 10 Dec 02, 2022
This is a library for simulate probability theory problems specialy conditional probability

This is a library for simulate probability theory problems specialy conditional probability. It is also useful to create custom single or joint distribution with specific PMF or PDF to get probabilit

Mohamadreza Kariminejad 6 Mar 30, 2022
CuraMultiplyByGrid - Cura Плагин для размножения детали сеткой на весь стол автоматически без поворота

CuraMultiplyByGrid Cura Плагин для размножения детали сеткой на весь стол автоматически без поворота. Размножение в куре настолько ужасно реализовано,

3 Dec 02, 2022