The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python



The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python

Status | Quick Start | Advanced Installation | Usage | Docker Images | Troubleshooting | Licensing | Credits


Travis build status PyUp updates Codacy grade Code style: black CLA assistant

pyLoad Next is the newest version of pyLoad.

Developed in the main branch on GitHub and deployed as pyload-ng on PyPI, works on Python 3.6+ and is currently in alpha phase.

The old stable version of pyLoad resides in the stable branch and is compatible with Python 2 only.

Quick Start

PyPI status PyPI version PyPI format PyPI python version PyPI implementation PyPI license

Open a terminal window and install pyLoad typing:

pip install --pre pyload-ng[all]

To start pyLoad use the command:


See the usage section for information on all available options.

If you want to uninstall pyLoad:

pip uninstall pyload-ng

Advanced Installation

Stable Release

Get the latest stable release of pyLoad:

pip install pyload-ng

Note: No stable release is available. pyLoad is still in pre-release phase.

Available modules

  • pyload.core: pyLoad's heart.
  • pyload.plugins: the collection of officially supported plugins for pyLoad.
  • pyload.webui: a web interface to interact with pyLoad.

Development Release

You can force the installation of the latest development release of pyLoad, appending the option --pre to the installation command:

pip install --pre pyload-ng

Do not use development releases in production. Unexpected crashes may occur.

Extra Dependencies

Extra dependencies are non-essential packages that extend or unlock some features of pyLoad.

To install them you have to append a specific tag name to the installation command.

Available tags

  • plugins: packages required by some plugins to work.
  • build: packages required to build translations.
  • all: shortcut to apply all available tags.

You can use a tag in this way:

pip install pyload-ng[plugins]

Or group more together:

pip install pyload-ng[plugins][build]

Build Translations

Note: You don't have to build the translations files if you installed pyLoad through pip, because they're already included.

Use the command build_locale to retrieve and build the latest locale files (translations):

python build_locale

Invoke build_locale before building the package (eg. bdist_wheel).


usage: pyload [-h] [--version] [-d] [--userdir USERDIR] [--tempdir TEMPDIR]
              [--daemon] [--restore]

The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python

optional arguments:
  -h, --help               show this help message and exit
  --version                show program's version number and exit
  -d, --debug              enable debug mode
  --userdir USERDIR        use this location to store user data files
  --tempdir TEMPDIR        use this location to store temporary files
  --storagedir STORAGEDIR  use this location to save downloads
  --daemon                 run as daemon
  --restore                reset default username/password

To start pyLoad, type the command:


This will create the following directories (if they don't exist already):

  • ~/Downloads/pyLoad: where downloads will be saved.
  • ~/.pyload: where user data (configuration files) are stored.
  • /pyLoad: where temporary files are stored. is platform-specific.

Note: On Windows, user data are saved by default in the directory ~\AppData\Roaming\pyLoad.


To show an overview of the available options, type:

pyload --help

Web Interface

Open your web browser and visit the url http://localhost:8000 to have access to the pyLoad's web interface.

  • Default username: pyload.
  • Default password: pyload.

It's highly recommended to change the default access credentials on first start.

Docker Images

Docker build status MicroBadger layers MicroBadger size

Available images

  • pyload/pyload:ubuntu: default docker image of pyLoad (amd64, arm, arm64v8).
  • pyload/pyload:ubuntu-arm32v7: default docker image of pyLoad (arm32v7).
  • pyload/pyload:alpine: alternative docker image of pyLoad (maybe smaller).
  • pyload/pyload: alias of pyload/pyload:ubuntu.

Create Container

docker create --name=pyload -v :/config -v :/downloads --restart unless-stopped pyload/pyload

Replace with the location on the host machine where you want that downloads will be saved.

Replace with where you want that user data files (configurations) are stored.

Start Container

docker start pyload

Stop Container

docker stop pyload

Show Logs

docker logs -f pyload

Docker Compose

Compatible with docker-compose v2 schemas:

version: 2
    image: pyload/pyload
    container_name: pyload
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - :/config
      - :/downloads
      - 8000:8000
    restart: unless-stopped

Replace with the location on the host machine where you want that downloads will be saved.

Replace with where you want that user data files (configurations) are stored.


pip not found

Retry replacing the command pip with pip3:

pip3 install pyload-ng

If fails again, you may not have the Python interpreter or the pip package manager installed on your system.

Try reinstalling Python to fix this issue.

Visit to get the proper Python 3 release for your system.

pyload-ng not found

Check the version of the Python interpreters installed on your system.

To show the version of your default Python interpreter, type the command:

python --version

If the version is too old, try to upgrage Python, then you can retry to install pyLoad.

Python releases below version 3.6 are not supported!

Setuptools is too old

To upgrade the setuptools package, type the command:

pip install --upgrade setuptools

Permission denied

Under Unix-based systems, try to install pyLoad with root privileges.

Prefix the installation/uninstallation command with sudo:

sudo pip install pyload-ng

sudo pip uninstall pyload-ng

Under Windows systems, open a Command Prompt as administrator to install pyLoad with root privileges.

You can also try to install the pyload-ng package without root privileges.

Append the option --user to the installation command:

pip install --user pyload-ng


Open Source License

You are allowed to use this software under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Please refer to the LICENSE for the full license.

Alternative License

With an explicit permission of the pyLoad team you may use or distribute this software under a different license according to the agreement.

Contributor License Agreement

Please refer to the CLA for the full agreement conditions.

This is essentially what you will be agreeing to:

  • You claim to have the right to make the contribution (i.e. it's your own work).
  • You grant the project a perpetual, non-exclusive license to use the contribution.
  • You grant the project rights to change the outbound license that we use to distribute the code.
  • You retain full ownership (copyright) of your submission and are free to do with it as you please.

Contact us at [email protected] for any question about pyLoad licensing policy.


Please refer to the AUTHORS for the full credits.

© 2020 pyLoad team
  • ReCaptcha v2 forced Javascript

    ReCaptcha v2 forced Javascript


    since today I can't load files from ShareOnlineBiz. Something with the captchas:

    351	24.01.2018 18:09:39	DEBUG	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Plugin version: 0.66
    352	24.01.2018 18:09:39	DEBUG	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Plugin status: testing
    353	24.01.2018 18:09:39	WARNING	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Plugin may be unstable
    354	24.01.2018 18:09:39	INFO	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Grabbing link info...
    355	24.01.2018 18:09:39	DEBUG	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Link info: {'status': 2, 'hash': {}, 'name': 'BlaSai200307.part1.rar', 'url': u'', 'pattern': {'ID': u'58RFGIXOR22'}, 'size': 524288000, 'md5': '173a3daca0a8d77762d5b70cd9c27333', 'fileid': '58RFGIXOR22'}
    356	24.01.2018 18:09:39	DEBUG	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Previous link info: {}
    357	24.01.2018 18:09:39	INFO	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Link name: BlaSai200307.part1.rar
    358	24.01.2018 18:09:39	INFO	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Link size: 500.00 MiB (524288000 bytes)
    359	24.01.2018 18:09:39	INFO	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Link status: online
    360	24.01.2018 18:09:39	INFO	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Processing url:
    361	24.01.2018 18:09:39	INFO	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Looking for direct download link...
    362	24.01.2018 18:09:39	DEBUG	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: LOAD URL | redirect=True | cookies=True | get={} | req=None | decode=True | multipart=False | post={} | ref=True | just_header=True
    363	24.01.2018 18:09:39	INFO	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Direct download link not found
    364	24.01.2018 18:09:39	DEBUG	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: LOAD URL | redirect=True | cookies=True | get={} | req=None | decode=True | multipart=False | post={} | ref=False | just_header=False
    365	24.01.2018 18:09:39	INFO	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Processing as free download...
    366	24.01.2018 18:09:39	DEBUG	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: WAIT set to timestamp 1516813783.318401 | Previous waitUntil: 0.000000
    367	24.01.2018 18:09:39	INFO	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: Waiting 3 seconds...
    368	24.01.2018 18:09:43	DEBUG	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: LOAD URL | redirect=True | cookies=True | get={} | req=None | decode=True | multipart=False | post={'dl_free': '1', 'choice': 'free'} | ref=True | just_header=False
    369	24.01.2018 18:09:43	DEBUG	CAPTCHA ShareonlineBiz[124]: ReCaptcha | Detected Recaptcha v2
    370	24.01.2018 18:09:43	WARNING	CAPTCHA ShareonlineBiz[124]: ReCaptcha | Secure Token pattern not found
    371	24.01.2018 18:09:43	DEBUG	HOSTER ShareonlineBiz[124]: LOAD URL | redirect=True | cookies=True | get={} | req=None | decode=True | multipart=False | post={} | ref= | just_header=False
    372	24.01.2018 18:09:43	DEBUG	ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_processed`
    373	24.01.2018 18:09:43	WARNING	Download failed: BlaSai200307.part1.rar | Bad server response: 400 Bad Request
    opened by poet-of-the-fall 221
  • QNAP: Error importing xxxx: invalid syntax (, line 118)

    QNAP: Error importing xxxx: invalid syntax (, line 118)

    Getting an error loading plugins, from, and

    was working all fine for months yesterday, stopped working on mine and my mates QNAP (Firmware not changed)

    Anyone else getting this? thanks

    opened by h1ghju1ce 158
  • 1Fichier Filename problem

    1Fichier Filename problem

    I read it was an old issue, but with a premium account and, Pyload dont detect the good filename as you can see on my screenshot here :

    plugin bug 
    opened by pinedours 113
  • ExternalScripts - Move downloads to different folders using Tags

    ExternalScripts - Move downloads to different folders using Tags

    Given a specific download name, for example "DOC - Name_you_want", is it possible to automatically move it, after download completed, to a specific folder, in this example "Documents", so that you don't have only a folder ("Downloads" or what you set) with a lot of different files but different folders for different types of files?

    Something like: if $ARG1 - Name_You_Want then, after download, move it to ARG1 folder.

    I know it's not a common requested feature but it can be useful if you download a lot of different documents and you want to order these automatically.

    question outdated 
    opened by Ryan747800B 100
  • Archive error | Process return code: 10

    Archive error | Process return code: 10

    Hi, i just started using Pyload again and now I am not able to extract the archives by Pyload in 8 of 10 downloads.


    4266 | 07.12.2019 20:10:46 | INFO | ADDON ExtractArchive: Check package: BLA - -- | -- | -- | -- 4267 | 07.12.2019 20:10:47 | INFO | ADDON ExtractArchive: YiY14534620191115161856.part1.rar | Extract to: /i-data/md1/admin/pyload-download/ENTPACKT/BLA - 4268 | 07.12.2019 20:10:47 | ERROR | ADDON ExtractArchive: YiY14534620191115161856.part1.rar | Archive error | Process return code: 10 4269 | 07.12.2019 20:10:47 | ERROR | ADDON ExtractArchive: YiY14534620191115161856.part1.rar | Extract failed 4270 | 07.12.2019 20:10:47 | INFO | ADDON ExtractArchive: YiY14534620191115161856.part1.rar | Extract to: /i-data/md1/admin/pyload-download/ENTPACKT/BLA - 4271 | 07.12.2019 20:10:48 | INFO | ADDON ExtractArchive: YiY14534620191115161856.part1.rar | CRC Error 4272 | 07.12.2019 20:10:48 | ERROR | ADDON ExtractArchive: YiY14534620191115161856.part1.rar | CRC mismatch | Archive damaged 4273 | 07.12.2019 20:10:48 | ERROR | ADDON ExtractArchive: YiY14534620191115161856.part1.rar | Extract failed

    Using Winrar on the pc the files can be extractet without any problem. it is working fine.

    opened by Bava1980 96
  • api change api change

    Real-debrid must have disabled the old api a few days ago. As result, pyload does not treat the account as premium account and does not use it for downloading.

    Every call to* in /module/plugins/accounts/ returns

    Disabled, please upgrade, check out

    Some of the available methods in the new api, e. g. getting the user status, do need an api token for authentication. The easiest way would be, to use the private token. The user would have to go to to get his personal token and serve it to the plugin through a config variable.

    A more user-friendly way would be the "Workflow for old apps" but this seems a bit more complex to implement.

    There is also a new way to unrestrict links which might lead to changes in the handle_premium() method in /module/plugins/hoster/

    duplicate plugin bug 
    opened by tod31 88
  • C'n'L v2 isn't recognized C'n'L v2 isn't recognized

    Hi again, today I tried to use a C'n'L v2 Button from, but the Button is saying that I should start JDL. When the Button is "warming up", I get incomming connections on pyload:

    23.12.2015 16:10:01 INFO      ADDON UpdateManager: All plugins are up to date!
    23.12.2015 16:10:07 INFO      ADDON RestartFailed: Restarting all failed downloads...
    23.12.2015 16:10:07 INFO      ADDON ClickNLoad: Proxy listening on
    23.12.2015 16:11:13 DEBUG     ADDON ClickNLoad: Connection from
    23.12.2015 16:11:13 DEBUG     ADDON ClickNLoad: Connection from

    But the Button on won't be clickable. I also tried to open the link directly in pyload, which sent me to The used link had no "link list" included, so you have to use C'n'L to download the content. Is share-links broken or the C'n'L recognition in pyload?

    plugin bug 
    opened by gr0ebi 81
  • Parse error: No file downloaded | Plugin may be out of date

    Parse error: No file downloaded | Plugin may be out of date


    Sorry for my i'm french

    I allow myself to write to you because I meet several problems with PyLoad

    My configuration: 1 odroid C2 with a LibreElec distribution (Mix 32 / 64bits)

    I install PyLoad under LibreElec and I access it via the Web interface

    Python: | 2.7.14 (default, Jan 8 2018, 12:09:29) [GCC 7.2.0] -- | -- OS: | posix linux2 Linux LibreELEC 3.14.29 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 11 12:28:40 CET 2018 aarch64 Version de pyLoad: | 0.4.9

    I have a premium account 1file, when I enter it in Pyload everything is OK but as soon as I restart Pyload, the account is in Limited must I delete it and enter it again,

    In short when the account is OK, I put several premium link to DL, the first it makes me wait 1:30 while I am premium, after he puts this DL, however the second link to link it puts me this error : Parse error: No file downloaded | Plugin may be out of date

    What should I do?

    Help me

    LOG : `

    308 | 21.01.2018 05:36:55 | INFO | Download starts: -- | -- | -- | -- 309 | 21.01.2018 05:36:55 | WARNING | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Plugin may be unstable 310 | 21.01.2018 05:36:55 | INFO | ACCOUNT OneFichierCom: Relogin user '[email protected]... 311 | 21.01.2018 05:36:55 | INFO | ACCOUNT OneFichierCom: Grabbing account info for user[email protected]... 312 | 21.01.2018 05:36:56 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Grabbing link info... 313 | 21.01.2018 05:36:56 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Link name: ?58fggwoyww&af=105612 314 | 21.01.2018 05:36:56 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Link size: N/D 315 | 21.01.2018 05:36:56 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Link status: démarrage 316 | 21.01.2018 05:36:56 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Processing url: 317 | 21.01.2018 05:36:56 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Looking for direct download link... 318 | 21.01.2018 05:36:58 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Direct download link detected 319 | 21.01.2018 05:36:58 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Downloading file... 21.01.2018 05:36:58 | ERROR | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: -- | -- | -- 321 | 21.01.2018 05:36:58 | WARNING | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Premium download failed \| IOError 2 322 | 21.01.2018 05:36:58 | INFO | Download restarted: ?58fggwoyww&af=105612 \| Fallback to free processing 323 | 21.01.2018 05:36:58 | INFO | Download starts: ?58fggwoyww&af=105612 324 | 21.01.2018 05:36:58 | WARNING | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Plugin may be unstable 325 | 21.01.2018 05:36:58 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Grabbing link info... 326 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Link name: ?58fggwoyww&af=105612 327 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Link size: N/D 328 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Link status: démarrage 329 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Processing url: 330 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Looking for direct download link... 331 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Direct download link not found 332 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Checking for link errors... 333 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: No errors found 334 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Grabbing link info... 335 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Link name: ?58fggwoyww&af=105612 336 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Link size: N/D 337 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Link status: démarrage 338 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Processing as free download... 339 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | HOSTER OneFichierCom[5]: Checking download... 340 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | WARNING | Download failed: ?58fggwoyww&af=105612 \| Parse error: No file downloaded \| Plugin may be out of date 341 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | ADDON UnSkipOnFail: Looking for skipped duplicates of: ?58fggwoyww&af=105612 (pid:5) 342 | 21.01.2018 05:36:59 | INFO | ADDON UnSkipOnFail: No duplicates found

    opened by t3uch1 79
  • Pyload on DSM 6.0-7321

    Pyload on DSM 6.0-7321

    Hi All;

    Since my morning update of my NAS in 6.0-7321, my Pyload package doesn't start and doesn't work fine.

    Do you have an idea of what to do ?

    Thanks to all of you !


    question feedback wanted Linux 
    opened by aronze06 74
  • Uploadgig plugin not functioning correctly

    Uploadgig plugin not functioning correctly

    The uploadgig account plugin is not functioning correctly for me. When adding an account the interface dispalys "no plugin" and the account is not valid. See attached screenshot.

    In addition the account config file is showing: UploadgigCom:

    [email protected]:XXXX1234
    @limitDL 0

    I've not seen the @limitDL 0 before.

    I'm happy to share my account info with someone who wants to try to fix this. Currently I'm unable to use my account with pyload at all. screenshot 2018-12-04 at 9 25 34 am

    plugin bug 
    opened by artdog123 72
  • [Feature Request] AlldebridCom torrents support (iso RealdebridComTorrent)

    [Feature Request] AlldebridCom torrents support (iso RealdebridComTorrent)

    Adding to AlldebridCom plugin a torrents support through alldebrid API

    Can you please implement same configuration made for RealdebridComTorrent but using alldebrid

    • Target is to use hotfolder as blackhole for .torrent file input, send them to alldebrid API and get download links to queue.


    • torrents can ref multiple files, filefilter before transfert to download queue is a good option

    Tried on my own from other py ref but hard to include in a downloader. Plus, now alldebrid manage a nice and simple API for all that stuff, I am just missing automation. I can provide alldebrid account for testing.

    Additional references

    alldebrid API

    Ref to #3223

    Old code ref DanySK/torrent2magnet BloQster/docker-magnet-alldebrid-jd

    plugin request 
    opened by Jqh63 67
  • pyload-ng doesn't extract rar files

    pyload-ng doesn't extract rar files


    Hi, I recently do a fresh installation of pyload-ng on my Fedora 37 Workstation, and do some test, so, I found that my pyload installation doesn't extract the rar files. I let the debug info:

    Debug log

    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  *** Welcome to pyLoad 0.5.0 ***
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  DEBUG               pyload  Indexing plugins...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  Activated plugins: ClickNLoad, ExternalScripts, ExtractArchive, MergeFiles, TORRENT, UnSkipOnFail, UserAgentSwitcher
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  Deactivate plugins: AndroidPhoneNotify, AntiCaptcha, AntiStandby, AntiVirus, AppriseNotify, BypassCaptcha, Captcha9Kw, Checksum, CloudFlareDdos, DeathByCaptcha, DeleteFinished, DiscordNotifier, DownloadScheduler, ExpertDecoders, HotFolder, IRC, ImageTyperz, JustPremium, LinkFilter, LogMarker, MultiHome, PushBullet, PushOver, RestartFailed, SkipRev, TransmissionRPC, UpdateManager, WindowsPhoneNotify, XFileSharing, XMPP
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  DEBUG               pyload  Starting core...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  DEBUG               pyload  Debug level: DEBUG
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  DEBUG               pyload  Setup language...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  DEBUG               pyload  Setup permissions...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  User directory: /root/.pyload
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  Cache directory: /tmp/pyLoad
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  Storage directory: /var/lib/deluge/Descargas
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  Storage free space: 1.78 TiB
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  DEBUG               pyload  Setup network...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  Activating accounts...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Adding user `ing*******`...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  DEBUG               pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Reached login timeout for user `ing****`
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  INFO                pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Login user `ing****`...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:02]  DEBUG               pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: LOAD URL | get={'id': 6659053555, 'sid': 'CtiEJ5Lcn1h2BAX-iCdTxUNhQVh4WjVNcVFzOWYTkMXiqf7XGVb_dRwvyA'} | post=[{"a": "ug", "xfer": 1, "pro": 1}] | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  DEBUG               pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Api Response: [{"u":"CaAXxZ5MqQs","s":0,"since":1425068100,"email":"ing****","emails":["ing****"],"pemails":[],"name":"Juan Carlos Gonzalez","k":"dVbtmFPnx6JxBRhpSb7KNg","c":1,"pubk":"CAC7m-2v2RuVo8WkkbHnwQg4_vTU-3SL0xk4RYKD6nOsbx4IrNt9Qr2I6enqdE8lkGGpDNdUXYPhBqWJL_2iACNdJCJLB0Q7Hi4kiwWSB7WFrOXqaqrZetg3utqHhnQrhcRqY5D9DoJ0Qs1C4i4MWUYteGZNqabmcReh24YaT99CabpNqgYvr3ItidN_o78iwrxtaaXozq1xyT_54jgdhfWQOaAZMRH35_2KWNcuHQJBXsCw-N92WxIUFcmHmqeRC2LqjEAKgm-kxh_JCPWjKwzgr-F-jZB4pJd1ozHq4adVUWGxm-tzpUzPt8J5E9DoV02OQzqWAYj0h1YHKs8PaJDzAAUR","privk":"s9jH-sGptn9K5fnr8B7ndqXYFnBdmz-qMuO1nf7H1LMCdVMscytBnh0xwPu-E8GXofrrlK7ZWBvMRf8UWVhS43rIZNTpIqqxOESIoLLUxtfNOO98yiM_ETdOuvIsj46N4zJc-ZTJ5LkYpG9d5qijQpJKzLkp3T6tnhmOA0ZkGh6NEpoJxl2nJzyfRLmc-LQFhnzu9Ip5pcVAU9E3twE6rABM1n12PPpPj-HqnfZtuSYJHbSxaS7i_mE0VIhmzHWjvBoL8OVEaTjWuSHj0QG-1-3Tzqn5o-Smukh4nJ5bARhMfixodIGSkdhqk_VpPC61gQ40VLVkK7whM2PNScyAC7vBNf7XbLJJrtjWzLrtckWy1JVid-jt8G0zpi4EkBserKOVlSnTRRu_jFn6y2QVXOTT2n8MjCigTgVQ_RJdvgA7m1WZNjh78G89AX-011KRW7au5OTrS918VUSbwfzm_z1HGNf7elayIJl4_JnYUYmrl6FvLJW0vQHv52CgYsEwVz8PXfcDwNSCVFkFBZ-JDkOpp4qlGMhngwsUfdBz_eL7t6TetrrWD2Zb7kek5hLK4dz3EfnjN4Zo1OqGY4R_dzSD1a3xFVIvDTgoC5b9vRgBnZ-38sKPPI3LdTyuCzue4slii4tKqV_gsEil5T9NoS4hhofTR_dMr0WZ84iBlXI2tu_LBgpY1_tJolJw6E0D1F-mSMnKiFQ5q46qM61HbG2vrGwhA3WM4RVeFBiCv6WZVCrCtCxQqFms9AR0YWov4VUIqiu_hlL3vh79dT0jXJKv7EU6quSZd_nXHPqp6-uKpqtw8ALL03WWmCHjs4fVxFH13k63Yc7LgWE-3VSKuRhPIELdgqR1l1KJc45tc_w","*!cam":"EICrPW_zez5pAgp1j1Dg6TF8nTk0x7Gw1DvWAMOR5oW1xqpTh-Uy","*!dn":"EIqjUw-onY1xFTy4TNKNoIFP4tZhj9sQLRShK2XgJAGveccU1hrbvNktAVAmOGUMAlckE244JujG56wYWAr04Xv7lqrNnaeb7qb21FZJ4GH3c83EMTP7_8Eyyyc","*~usk":"JX2tCoPZAPyeILqzjK6hPg","^!afficon":"MQ","^!affid":"QU1GTV9rZVF6VE0","^!csp":"MzE","^!lang":"ZXM","^!lastPsa":"NA","^!obv4":"AQAAAAAAAAAAAAA","^!onboarding":"AAABAQEAAQEB","^!prd":"MTU4NjYyMDU5MToxNTE4NTM2NzkzOjE6MDoxNjU4NDk0NzU0","^!stbmp":"QnBoYU9UVC02NWM","birthday":"MjQ","birthmonth":"Ng","birthyear":"MTk4Mw","country":"TVg","currk":"uSnHGnm8pOuBM779OrfhBg","firstname":"SnVhbiBDYXJsb3M","lasn":"SlBPRzduaUdxNnc","lastname":"R29uemFsZXo","ts":"keHq-1jtdnZk4v7N0IBeBnl48KCGG9dgFoCdw2W-aao","^clv":"MQ","p":4,"flags":{"ach":0,"mcs":1,"mfae":1,"nsre":1,"nlfe":1,"cspe":1,"smsve":2,"refpr":1,"ssrs":1,"aplvp":1,"nobp":1,"pf":1},"aav":1,"ipcc":"MX","ut":"8xeNjpfjueI"}]
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  WARNING             pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Skipped login user `ing****` | Already signed in
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  INFO                pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Grabbing account info for user `ing****`...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  DEBUG               pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: LOAD URL | get={'id': 4698233408, 'sid': 'CtiEJ5Lcn1h2BAX-iCdTxUNhQVh4WjVNcVFzOWYTkMXiqf7XGVb_dRwvyA'} | post=[{"a": "uq", "xfer": 1, "pro": 1}] | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  DEBUG               pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Api Response: [{"mxfer":2199023255552,"pxfer":2199023255552,"caxfer":51193056278,"csxfer":0,"srvratio":25.000381475547417,"balance":[],"stype":"S","scycle":"1 M","srenew":[0],"sgw":["Google"],"sgwids":[3],"utype":4,"smixed":0,"suntil":1676557060,"bt":0,"tah":[0,0,0,0,0,0],"tar":0,"tuo":0,"tua":0,"ruo":0,"rua":0,"rtt":1}]
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  DEBUG               pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Account info for user `ing****`: {'login': {'password': '**********', 'timestamp': 1672969742.7362623, 'valid': True}, 'data': {'login': 'ing****', 'maxtraffic': None, 'options': {'limit_dl': ['0']}, 'plugin': <Account MegaCoNz>, 'premium': True, 'trafficleft': 2147830199274, 'type': 'MegaCoNz', 'validuntil': 1676557060, 'mega_session_id': 'CtiEJ5Lcn1h2BAX-iCdTxUNhQVh4WjVNcVFzOWYTkMXiqf7XGVb_dRwvyA'}}
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  INFO                pyload  Activating plugins...
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `pyload_start`
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: Found HjSplit 0.02 | Found SevenZip 16.02 | Found UnZip 3.11.1 | Found UnTar 3.11.1
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  WARNING             pyload  ADDON TORRENT: torrents / magnets are not associated with any plugin
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  INFO          pyload.webui  Starting webserver:
    [2023-01-05 19:49:03]  DEBUG               pyload  *** pyLoad is up and running ***
    [2023-01-05 19:49:07]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ClickNLoad: Backend found on
    [2023-01-05 19:49:07]  INFO                pyload  ADDON ClickNLoad: Proxy listening on
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  INFO                pyload  Added package WinToUSB containing 1 links
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  INFO                pyload  Download starts: cV1hSQYK
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_preparing`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Setting connection timeout to 60 seconds
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Setting maximum redirections to 10
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Use custom user-agent string `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:87.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/87.0`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Plugin version: 0.57
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Plugin status: testing
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  WARNING             pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Plugin may be unstable
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Config option `use_premium` not found, use default `True`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  INFO                pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Grabbing account info for user `ing****`...
    [2023-01-05 19:51:19]  DEBUG               pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: LOAD URL | get={'id': 4871118448, 'sid': 'CtiEJ5Lcn1h2BAX-iCdTxUNhQVh4WjVNcVFzOWYTkMXiqf7XGVb_dRwvyA'} | post=[{"a": "uq", "xfer": 1, "pro": 1}] | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  DEBUG               pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Api Response: [{"mxfer":2199023255552,"pxfer":2199023255552,"caxfer":51193056278,"csxfer":0,"srvratio":25.000381475547417,"balance":[],"stype":"S","scycle":"1 M","srenew":[0],"sgw":["Google"],"sgwids":[3],"utype":4,"smixed":0,"suntil":1676557060,"bt":0,"tah":[0,0,0,0,0,0],"tar":0,"tuo":0,"tua":0,"ruo":0,"rua":0,"rtt":1}]
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  DEBUG               pyload  ACCOUNT MegaCoNz: Account info for user `ing****`: {'login': {'password': '**********', 'timestamp': 1672969742.7362623, 'valid': True}, 'data': {'login': 'ing****', 'maxtraffic': None, 'options': {'limit_dl': ['0']}, 'plugin': <Account MegaCoNz>, 'premium': True, 'trafficleft': 2147830199274, 'type': 'MegaCoNz', 'validuntil': 1676557060, 'mega_session_id': 'CtiEJ5Lcn1h2BAX-iCdTxUNhQVh4WjVNcVFzOWYTkMXiqf7XGVb_dRwvyA'}}
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Grabbing link info...
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Link info: {'name': 'cV1hSQYK', 'hash': {}, 'pattern': {'ID1': 'cV1hSQYK', 'K1': 'caC9nxvMJUDM31l7gGKi8xE8IHiPhPXRDjcS6XHDilI', 'ID2': None, 'K2': None, 'NID': None}, 'size': 0, 'status': 7, 'url': ''}
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Previous link info: {}
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Link name: cV1hSQYK
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Link size: N/D
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Link status: starting
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Processing url:
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: ID: cV1hSQYK, | Key: caC9nxvMJUDM31l7gGKi8xE8IHiPhPXRDjcS6XHDilI | Type: public | Owner: None
    [2023-01-05 19:51:20]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: LOAD URL | get={'id': 9213226825, 'n': 'cV1hSQYK', 'sid': 'CtiEJ5Lcn1h2BAX-iCdTxUNhQVh4WjVNcVFzOWYTkMXiqf7XGVb_dRwvyA'} | post=[{"a": "g", "g": 1, "p": "cV1hSQYK", "ssl": 1}] | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
    [2023-01-05 19:51:21]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Api Response: [{"s":36784122,"at":"tqpgAIvZBp8U7Shy3WCwy0gLKkTbBIZ1MwGFZwhq1N-lN0xqg0q_u78QQEeNAJqiuGdNZI59hWbalcYIlmp3Hw","msd":1,"tl":0,"g":"","ip":["","2001:678:25c:2216::27"]}]
    [2023-01-05 19:51:21]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Decrypted Attr: {'c': 'TvnECrBastSMA-e9YsH2qQSHXq9j', 'n': 'WTUSBV75MIC.rar'}
    [2023-01-05 19:51:21]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: DOWNLOAD URL | get={} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | disposition=False | resume=None | chunks=None
    [2023-01-05 19:51:22]  DEBUG               pyload  Content-Disposition: DWxPEFHi9ldoawfkA2UrhC6CMzun-BUPRzWFmlF8YC87bTX8Wf8shgmP6XJ-G0T2MptpQafx8VBD4V_NU7bzX-B8Ip6zEOEJfb8kP-xg4FZ2XL-4l4Uizxv1mHHpBQ
    [2023-01-05 19:51:22]  DEBUG               pyload  Ignoring Content-Disposition header
    [2023-01-05 19:51:27]  DEBUG               pyload  Chunk 1 download finished
    [2023-01-05 19:51:27]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: File saved
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: File decrypted
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: Checking download...
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER MegaCoNz[1]: File is OK
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_processed`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `package_processed`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  INFO                pyload  Download finished: WTUSBV75MIC.rar
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_finished`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  INFO                pyload  Package finished: WinToUSB
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `package_finished`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: Use for extensions: .001|.7z|.bz2|.bzip2|.gz|.gzip|.lha|.lzh|.lzma|.rar|.tar|.taz|.tbz|.tbz2|.tgz|.xar|.xz|.z|.zip
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  INFO                pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: Check package: WinToUSB
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `all_downloads_processed`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  All downloads processed
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: Targets for SevenZip: [(1, '/var/lib/deluge/Descargas/WinToUSB/WTUSBV75MIC.rar', '/var/lib/deluge/Descargas/WinToUSB/')]
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  INFO                pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: WTUSBV75MIC.rar | Extract to: /var/lib/deluge/Descargas/WinToUSB/
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `all_downloads_finished`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  All downloads finished
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: Password:
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: Verifying using password:
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  EXTRACTOR SevenZip: EXECUTE 7z l -scsUTF-8 -sccUTF-8 -bso0 -bsp1 -aos -xr!*.nfo -xr!*.DS_Store -xr!index.dat -xr!thumb.db -p- -slt /var/lib/deluge/Descargas/WinToUSB/WTUSBV75MIC.rar
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: Password Correct
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: Extracting using password:
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  EXTRACTOR SevenZip: EXECUTE 7z x -scsUTF-8 -sccUTF-8 -bso0 -bsp1 -aos -xr!*.nfo -xr!*.DS_Store -xr!index.dat -xr!thumb.db -o/var/lib/deluge/Descargas/WinToUSB/ /var/lib/deluge/Descargas/WinToUSB/WTUSBV75MIC.rar
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  ERROR               pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: WTUSBV75MIC.rar | Archive error | ERROR: /var/lib/deluge/Descargas/WinToUSB/WTUSBV75MIC.rar
    Can not open the file as archive
    [2023-01-05 19:51:28]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `archive_extract_failed`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:29]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `all_downloads_finished`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:29]  DEBUG               pyload  All downloads finished
    [2023-01-05 19:51:29]  ERROR               pyload  ADDON ExtractArchive: WTUSBV75MIC.rar | Extract failed
    [2023-01-05 19:51:29]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `package_extract_failed`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:29]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `archive_processed`
    [2023-01-05 19:51:29]  DEBUG               pyload  ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `all_archives_processed`

    Additional references


    bug pyLoad Next 
    opened by ingjcgonzalez 0
  • Does not use correct filename after redirect

    Does not use correct filename after redirect


    When accessing a URL that redirects to the real file, pyload uses the filename from the original URL instead of the final (redirected) location.



    redirects to


    using the "Location:" header.

    pyload will download the file correctly, but will name it "download.php" instead of "".

    Debug log

    [2022-12-22 00:17:18]  INFO                pyload  DOWNLOADER DefaultPlugin[5]: Processing url:
    [2022-12-22 00:17:18]  DEBUG               pyload  DOWNLOADER DefaultPlugin[5]: DOWNLOAD URL | get={} | post={} | ref=False | cookies=True | disposition=True | resume=None | chunks=None
    [2022-12-22 00:17:19]  DEBUG               pyload  Content-Disposition: 
    [2022-12-22 00:17:19]  DEBUG               pyload  Chunk 1 chunked with range 0-96054245
    [2022-12-22 00:17:19]  DEBUG               pyload  Chunk 2 chunked with range 96054245-192108490
    [2022-12-22 00:17:19]  DEBUG               pyload  Chunk 3 chunked with range 192108490-
    [2022-12-22 00:18:36]  DEBUG               pyload  Chunk 2 download finished
    [2022-12-22 00:18:37]  DEBUG               pyload  Chunk 3 download finished
    [2022-12-22 00:18:37]  DEBUG               pyload  Chunk 1 download finished

    Additional references


    bug pyLoad Next 
    opened by Steltek 0
  • Webserver not accessable

    Webserver not accessable


    i installed Pyload-ng on a clean Ubuntu 22.04, Jammy, ARMHF-Platform:

    sudo apt-get -y install wget mc nano lsof
    sudo apt-get -y install  python3-pil  python3-openssl  python3-pycurl tesseract-ocr  gocr  python3-django  openssl  unrar-free  rhino
    sudo apt install -y libffi-dev rustc cargo libssl-dev
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt install -y python3-pip
    sudo pip install --upgrade pip
    sudo pip install --pre pyload-ng[all]
    /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/pyload_

    (no error-Messages until all installations)

    IP-V6 manually deactivated

    i can't attach the WebUi :-(

    Please, could someone help me?

    Output Ports:

    lsof -i -P -n COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME systemd-n 64 systemd-network 17u IPv4 495725 0t0 UDP systemd-n 64 systemd-network 20u IPv6 495972 0t0 UDP [fe80::8043:a9ff:fecb:640e]:546 systemd-r 72 systemd-resolve 13u IPv4 494448 0t0 UDP systemd-r 72 systemd-resolve 14u IPv4 494449 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) python3 168 root 5u IPv4 509282 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) python3 168 root 7u IPv4 509325 0t0 TCP *:9666 (LISTEN)

    Output Pyload: [2022-12-16 18:10:14] INFO pyload *** Welcome to pyLoad 0.5.0 *** [2022-12-16 18:10:14] DEBUG pyload Indexing plugins... [2022-12-16 18:10:15] INFO pyload Activated plugins: ClickNLoad, ExternalScripts, TORRENT, UnSkipOnFail, UserAgentSwitcher [2022-12-16 18:10:15] INFO pyload Deactivate plugins: AndroidPhoneNotify, AntiCaptcha, AntiStandby, AntiVirus, AppriseNotify, BypassCaptcha, Captcha9Kw, Checksum, CloudFlareDdos, DeathByCaptcha, DeleteFinished, DiscordNotifier, DownloadScheduler, ExpertDecoders, ExtractArchive, HotFolder, IRC, ImageTyperz, JustPremium, LinkFilter, LogMarker, MergeFiles, MultiHome, PushBullet, PushOver, RestartFailed, SkipRev, TransmissionRPC, UpdateManager, WindowsPhoneNotify, XFileSharing, XMPP [2022-12-16 18:10:16] DEBUG pyload Starting core... [2022-12-16 18:10:16] DEBUG pyload Debug level: TRACE [2022-12-16 18:10:16] DEBUG pyload Setup language... [2022-12-16 18:10:16] DEBUG pyload Setup permissions... [2022-12-16 18:10:16] INFO pyload User directory: /root/.pyload [2022-12-16 18:10:16] INFO pyload Cache directory: /tmp/pyLoad [2022-12-16 18:10:16] INFO pyload Storage directory: /root/Downloads/pyLoad [2022-12-16 18:10:16] INFO pyload Storage free space: 52.06 GiB [2022-12-16 18:10:16] DEBUG pyload Setup network... [2022-12-16 18:10:16] INFO pyload Activating accounts... [2022-12-16 18:10:16] INFO pyload Activating plugins... [2022-12-16 18:10:16] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder pyload_start [2022-12-16 18:10:16] WARNING pyload ADDON TORRENT: torrents / magnets are not associated with any plugin [2022-12-16 18:10:16] INFO pyload.webui Starting webserver: http://localhost:8000 [2022-12-16 18:10:16] DEBUG pyload *** pyLoad is up and running *** [2022-12-16 18:10:21] DEBUG pyload ADDON ClickNLoad: Backend found on http://[::1]:8000 [2022-12-16 18:10:21] INFO pyload ADDON ClickNLoad: Proxy listening on

    Thanks for a hint :-)

    bug pyLoad Next 
    opened by BeCube1 0
  • soundcloud pluginerror failed to retrieve client id

    soundcloud pluginerror failed to retrieve client id

    1569 2022-11-30 20:33:32 INFO pyload DOWNLOADER SoundcloudCom[15]: Processing as free download... 1570 2022-11-30 20:33:32 WARNING pyload DOWNLOADER SoundcloudCom[15]: Free download failed | Failed to retrieve client_id 1571 2022-11-30 20:33:32 DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder download_processed 1572 2022-11-30 20:33:32 DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder package_processed 1573 2022-11-30 20:33:32 WARNING pyload Download failed: Descroix - Chill Out Gardens 08 - Boom Festival 2018 | Failed to retrieve client_id what does it mean ? jdownloader was DLing without issues or asking for credentials

    plugin bug pyLoad Stable 
    opened by luck428 0
  • Downloads stay in

    Downloads stay in "queued" mode forever if maximum retries reached


    After reaching maximum number of retries for a free slot downloading stops forever and even after a restart of pyload all files stay in "queued" mode. The only way to solve this problem is to reboot the host OS and then pyload will start trying to download files again. This happens in my case with plugin but I guess it might happen with every plugin that has the option to set a maximum number of retries for a free slot. Possible solution would be a checkbox for unlimited tries.

    Debug log



    Additional references


    bug pyLoad Stable 
    opened by MaluNoPeleke 0
Free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python
Spotify Playlist Downloader With Python

Spotify Playlist Downloader This will let you download Spotify playlists for free without Premium. It gets all the songs from the API and downloads th

Yasho 16 Sep 28, 2022
Userscript qutebrowser for downloading audio / video from youtube using aria2

Yt-Downloader Userscript qutebrowser for downloading video / audio from youtube using aria2 by hint links. Requirements Rofi youtube-dl aria2 dunst In

Ara 0 Dec 11, 2021
Youtube Video Downloader Using Python Gui Appliction with progress Bar

Youtube-Video-Downloader Youtube Video Downloader Using Python Gui Appliction with progress Bar Module Used Pytube Tkinter Pil Urllib Bytes Io LICENSE

Community Programmer 6 Dec 19, 2022
Vinetrimmer-DRM-TOOL - Widevine DRM downloader and decrypter for AMZN|NF|STAN And all

🍃 ✂️ Vinetrimmer Widevine DRM downloader and decrypter. Thanks to wvleaks for t

Vlad Tănăsescu 20 Jan 13, 2022
Simple package for Sublime Text 4; download URL's for local viewing and editing

URLDownloader This is a simple example package that allows you to easily download the contents of any web URL to edit locally. Given a URL, the packag

Terence Martin 3 Mar 05, 2022
Python code to crawl computer vision papers from top CV conferences. Currently it supports CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, SIGGRAPH

Python code to crawl computer vision papers from top CV conferences. Currently it supports CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, SIGGRAPH. It leverages selenium, a website testing framework to crawl

Xiaoyang Huang 39 Nov 21, 2022
YoutubeDownloader - Download any public Playlist from Youtube

YoutubeDownloader Download any public Youtube Channel / Playlist Features Bulk d

17 Nov 12, 2022
Web Downloader With Python

Web Downloader Introduction This module will provide API to download the webpage components : html file, image file, css fil, javascript file, href li

3 Dec 28, 2022
Downloads state flags from wikipedia for states/regions from all countries

world-state-flags Downloads state flags from wikipedia for states/regions from all countries This data is NOT curated Uses

João Ribeiro Bezerra 2 Dec 15, 2022
A simple Python +3.x script to download videos from Facebook.

Facebook Video Downloader A simple Python +3.x script to download videos from Facebook posts

Kerolos Atef Saber 1 Dec 03, 2021
Download the resources of the Blue Archive easily!

blue-archive-bundle-downloader Download the resources of the Blue Archive easily! Known issue In Windows It works only if the console is "fullscreen"

Ryu juheon 7 Apr 08, 2022
QGIS plugin to dwonload DEMs from

OpenTopography-DEM-Downloader-qgis-plugin QGIS plugin to dwonload DEMs from This plug-in allows you to download DEMs from OpenTopgr

Kyaw Naing Win 7 Sep 20, 2022
Application Updater using an download link

Application-Updater This tool will update your app using an storage link

ExtremeDev 1 Dec 20, 2021
Programmers-quest - Programmer's Quest! An open source MMO built on top of the Panda3D game engine and Astron server

Programmer's Quest! Programmer's Quest! The open source Python 3 2D MMORPG showc

Jordan Maxwell 5 Oct 07, 2022
A manga download script written in python.

manga-dlp python script to download mangas Description A manga download script written in python. It only supports for now. But support f

Ivan Schaller 15 Nov 28, 2022
Arxiv2Kindle is a simple script written in python that converts LaTeX source downloaded from Arxiv and recompiles it to better fit a Kindle or other similar reading devices.

Arxiv2Kindle is a simple script written in python that converts LaTeX source downloaded from Arxiv and recompiles it to better fit a read

Soumik Rakshit 8 Jul 09, 2022
Neon: an add-on for making it easier to handle component interactions

Neon Neon is an add-on for Lightbulb making it easier to handle component interactions. Installation pip install git+

Neon Jonn 9 Apr 29, 2022
Youtube Downloader Telegram Bot 😉

Youtube Dl bot 😉 Prerequisite ffmpeg install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt Setup Bot - Change configuration File - insta

Aryan Vikash 285 Dec 06, 2022
a simple ehentai downloader with jpg 2 pdf

Simple_Ehentai_DownLoader a simple ehentai downloader with jpg 2 pdf 中文介绍 Environment python3.8 How to use before you start,there are some tips. the q

Hibian 6 Dec 11, 2022
DYA ( Ditch YouTube API ) is a package created to power the user with YouTube Data API functionality without any API Key

Ditch YouTubeAPI (BETA) DYA ( Ditch YouTube API ) is a package created to power the user with YouTube Data API functionality without any API Key Detai

Sougata Jana 23 Dec 22, 2022