Discord bot developed by Delhi University Student Community!
Libraries Used
- Can purge messages in bulk
- Drop-Down menu for assigning roles
- Ask the bot anything and it will answer you in yes and no
Discord bot developed by Delhi University Student Community!
AniSearch The source code of the AniSearch Discord Bot. Contribute You have an idea or found a bug? Open a new issue with detailed explanation. You wa
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RoProxy A Discord webhook proxy passthrough for roblox. Setup Your port and endpoint are in the config.json, make sure both app.py and config.json are
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Michelle is a Discord Bot coded in Python with Discord.py by Mudit07.
⚠️ DEPRECATED This repository is no longer maintained. You can still use a REST client like Requests or other third-party Python library to access the
⭐️ String Session Generator ⭐️ Genrate String Session Using this bot. Made by TeamUltronX 🔥 String Session Demo Bot: Environment Variables Mandatory
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说明 之前为了将B站看过的动画迁移到bangumi写的, 本来只是自己用, 但公开可能对其他人会有帮助. 仓库最近无法维护, 程序有很多缺点, 欢迎 PR 和 Contributors 使用说明 Python版本要求:Python 3.8+ 使用前安装依赖包: pip install -r requ
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