Isso – a commenting server similar to Disqus
Isso – Ich schrei sonst – is a lightweight commenting server written in Python and JavaScript. It aims to be a drop-in replacement for Disqus.
See for more details.
Isso – Ich schrei sonst – is a lightweight commenting server written in Python and JavaScript. It aims to be a drop-in replacement for Disqus.
See for more details.
Telegram Logger A simple python package to send your app logs to a telegram chat
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poezio Homepage: Forge Page: Poezio is a console Jabber/XMPP client. The initial goal was to provi
Mugen Bot A small bot I made to practice python and allow people to publically select random characters on a discord server. Uses py-cord, as that is
Python FedEx SOAP API Module Author: Greg Taylor, Radek Wojcik Maintainer: Python FedEx Developers License: BSD Status: Stable What is it? A light wra
Introduction This repository contains the code for the paper Sentence Bottleneck Autoencoders from Transformer Language Models by Ivan Montero, Nikola
bloodhound-quickwin Simple script to extract useful informations from the combo BloodHound + Neo4j. Can help to choose a target. Prerequisites python3
A simple application that provides your current OpenEmu game as an RPC state in Discord via PyPresence. How to use Unzip and open the latest x86_64 ve
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🐒 stonks-o-fetcher A Simple modular tool to fetch and parse data related to the stock market. Getting started For the moment the only source is this
火币网交易接口的最简封装(只管用,不用再关注细节) 提供火币网交易接口的python封装,提供买入、卖出、查询账户余额等接口 接口说明 order_value() 进行买入操作,参数为买入的币和买入的金额 买入返回的详情数据: {'单号': '272229546125038', '成交数量': 0.
DiscordOauth2Join Protect discord server invite links! Setup I will not help setting up the discord application, but just python. First, install the r
Instagram Exploitation Framework About IEF Is an open source Instagram Exploitation Framework with various Exploits that could be used to mod your pro
iso6.9-08122021b-1.2beta Isobot is originally made by notsniped#0002. This is a remix of by αrchιshα#5518. isobot6.9 is a Discord bot written
VRML Team Stat Searcher Displays Team Name, Team Rank (Worldwide), and tier of all the players in your pubs. GUI WIP: Username search works & pub name
disco Disco is an extensive and extendable Python 2.x/3.x library for the Discord API. Disco boasts the following major features: Expressive, function
👋 corpwechat-bot是一个python封装的企业机器人&应用消息推送库,通过企业微信提供的api实现。 利用本库,你可以轻松地实现从服务器端发送一条文本、图片、视频、markdown等等消息到你的微信手机端,而不依赖于其他的第三方应用,如ServerChan。 如果喜欢该项目,记得给个
Shitpost Selfbot A discord self-bot to automate shitposting for your everyday needs. Caution: May be a little racist. I have no clue where we are taki
Your Song A chat bot who can recommend music for you. Project Documents Dir I
☑️ FAIR test fair-test is a library to build and deploy FAIR metrics tests APIs supporting the specifications used by the FAIRMetrics working group. I