Polars-fun - Example notebooks for how to use pola.rs



Polars is an awesome Rust DataFrame library with Python language bindings.

This repo makes it easy to run Polars code on your local machine.

Setup & installation

  • Clone this repo
  • Run conda env create -f envs/polars-fun.yml to create a virtual environment
  • Run conda activate polars-fun to activate the virtual environment
  • Optionally create synthetic datasets on your local machine to run some of the examples that use larger datasets. Specifically, clone coiled-datasets and run python create-scripts/timeseries.py from the coiled-datasets directory.

Notebook usage

Run jupyter lab to open a browser window where you can easily peruse the notebooks.


The Polars team has done a wonderful job creating an exiting DataFrame library and they should be celebrated for this excellent open source contribution.

Matthew Powers
Data engineer. Like Scala, Spark, Ruby, data, and math.
Matthew Powers
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