This is a python wrapper for "the best api in the world"


This is a python wrapper for my api

api_url = ""

This wrapper now has async support, its basically the same except it uses asyncio


  • Generate a qr code for text, url, image, or basically anything, in many different, fancy formats
  • OCR: Get text from an image or an image URL
  • Meme: Smartly get a meme from any topic (sourced from reddit)
  • Basic generators are:
    • compliment: returns a compliment
    • would you rather: returns a would you rather question
    • joke: Returns a (bad) joke

Getting started

  • Install the package from pypi
pip install dhravyaAPI

Dependency: requests

pip install --upgrade requests

Usage and examples


>>> # Get an 8ball response
>>> from dhravyaapi import DhravyaAPI
>>> dhravyaapi = DhravyaAPI() # Create a new instance of the API
>>> response = dhravyaapi.eightball()

For OCR:

>> # Or, if you have a url: >>> text = dhravyaapi.ocr(url="")">
>>> from dhravyaapi import DhravyaAPI
>>> dhravyaapi = DhravyaAPI()
>>> text = dhravyapi.ocr(image=BytesIO(open("1u8om0jymh581.jpg", "rb").read()))
>>> # Or, if you have a url:
>>> text = dhravyaapi.ocr(url="")

To get a Meme:

>> # Note that this returns a dictionary if url_only is False">
>>> from dhravyaapi import DhravyaAPI
>>> dhravyaapi = DhravyaAPI()
>>> meme ="memes")
>>> # Note that this returns a dictionary if url_only is False

To generate a qr code:

>> # Note that this returns an image object that can be saved to a file">
>>> from dhravyaapi import DhravyaAPI
>>> dhravyaapi = DhravyaAPI() # Create a new instance of the API
>>> qr_code= dhravyaapi.qrcode(query="Hello, World!", drawer=1, mask=1)))
>>> # Note that this returns an image object that can be saved to a file

Basic generators:

>>> from dhravyaapi import DhravyaAPI
>>> dhravyaapi = DhravyaAPI()
>>> compliment = dhravyaapi.compliment()
>>> from dhravyaapi import DhravyaAPI
>>> dhravyaapi = DhravyaAPI()
>>> wyr = dhravyaapi.wyr()
>>> from dhravyaapi import DhravyaAPI
>>> dhravyaapi = DhravyaAPI()
>>> joke = dhravyaapi.joke()

Async usage:

Its basically the same as synchronised version, except you need to await every call. example:

QR code:

from dhravyaAPI import AsyncClient
import asyncio
client = AsyncClient(loop=asyncio.get_event_loop())
async def do_stuff():
  qr_code = await client.qrcode(query="This is an example", drawer=3)
  # Do whatever you want with the qr code

Meme example:

from dhravyaAPI import AsyncClient
import asyncio
client = AsyncClient(loop=asyncio.get_event_loop())
async def get_meme():
  meme = await"python")
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