A Python library for loading data from a SpaceX Starlink satellite.


Starlink Python

Status: Pre-Alpha

A Python library for loading data from a SpaceX Starlink satellite.

The goal is to be a simple interface for Starlink. It builds upon the work done on starlink-grpc-toolsto connect to Starlink from Python (and I'm also using it to understand gRPC, which I've never used before this).

I'm writing this in order to create a Home Assistant component for Starlink. I'll update the README when I have that started.

I currently have the first iteration of Starlink satellites and am developing with this. Feel free to create an issue if you have a second iteration and want to help add support for this.


The goal is to write an interface that is friendly for users and that abstracts the connection details. For example:

from spacex.starlink import StarlinkDish

def is_my_dish_obstructed() -> bool:
    # Using a context manager automatically connects
    with StarlinkDish() as dish:
        return dish.status.obstructed
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  • Async support

    Async support

    I originally was going to use the Streaming support, but I don't see any benefit to that. Unless I'm missing something about that API, it just creates a bidirectional stream where you get a single response object for every request object you send to the stream.

    opened by pacorain 1
  • Let's see if this works

    Let's see if this works

    I'm kinda just throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks, but hopefully when I merge this PR and create a release, starlink-python==0.1.1 will be uploaded to PyPI

    opened by pacorain 0
  • 0.1.2(Dec 24, 2021)

  • 0.1.1(Dec 19, 2021)

    Since this is the first upload to PyPI, I'm including the entire changelog up to now.

    Note that while starlink-python is being developed, its APIs are subject to change heavily.


    • Prepare to publish to PyPI
    • Write some tests (though nearly not enough)
    • Also write hardware_test.py for new hardware or firmware releases that may break functionality in the future.


    • I discovered that a lot of the stuff I was looking for (such as public IP address) are stored in the router. I should make a StarlinkRouter class.
    • Write more tests to make sure the right gRPC calls are being made to get data.


    • Parsed the rest of DishGetStatusResponse into DishStatus properties
    • Created DishAlert enum for alerts
    • Created OutageReason enum for outages


    • Alias spacex.starlink.dish.StarlinkDish to spacex.starlink.StarlinkDish
    • Refactor StarlinkDish to keep gRPC connection open
    • Add close() methods and context manager (i.e. with StarlinkDish() as dish:)
    • Add ability to get status and parse it with DishStatus class
      • Determine if the dish is connected or obstructed


    • Initial check-in
    • Connects to Starlink
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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