On some platforms, brp-compress zips man pages without distutils knowing about it. This results in an error when building an rpm for nose. The rpm build will report either that an unpackaged file was found, or that an expected package file was not found. If you see such an error when using the bdist_rpm command, uncomment the 'install_script' line in the '[bdist_rpm]' section of nose's setup.cfg file. This should fix the problem by fixing the man page filename in the generated rpm spec file.
nose is nicer testing for python
A pytest plugin, that enables you to test your code that relies on a running PostgreSQL Database
This is a pytest plugin, that enables you to test your code that relies on a running PostgreSQL Database. It allows you to specify fixtures for PostgreSQL process and client.
API Test Automation with Requests and Pytest
api-testing-requests-pytest Install Make sure you have Python 3 installed on your machine. Then: 1.Install pipenv sudo apt-get install pipenv 2.Go to
A modern API testing tool for web applications built with Open API and GraphQL specifications.
Schemathesis Schemathesis is a modern API testing tool for web applications built with Open API and GraphQL specifications. It reads the application s
A Library for Working with Sauce Labs
Robotframework - Sauce Labs Plugin This is a plugin for the SeleniumLibrary to help with using Sauce Labs. This library is a plugin extension of the S
A folder automation made using Watch-dog, it only works in linux for now but I assume, it will be adaptable to mac and PC as well
folder-automation A folder automation made using Watch-dog, it only works in linux for now but I assume, it will be adaptable to mac and PC as well Th
Nokia SR OS automation
Nokia SR OS automation Nokia is one of the biggest vendors of the telecommunication equipment, which is very popular in the Service Provider segment.
Screenplay pattern base for Python automated UI test suites.
A simple Python script I wrote that scrapes NASA's James Webb Space Telescope tracker website using Selenium and returns its current status and location.
A simple Python script I wrote that scrapes NASA's James Webb Space Telescope tracker website using Selenium and returns its current status and location.
Generates realistic traffic for load testing tile servers
Generates realistic traffic for load testing tile servers. Useful for: Measuring throughput, latency and concurrency of your tile serving stack. Ident
🐍 Material for PyData Global 2021 Presentation: Effective Testing for Machine Learning Projects
Effective Testing for Machine Learning Projects Code for PyData Global 2021 Presentation by @edublancas. Slides available here. The project is develop
Pytest-rich - Pytest + rich integration (proof of concept)
pytest-rich Leverage rich for richer test session output. This plugin is not pub
CNE-OVS-SIT - OVS System Integration Test Suite
CNE-OVS-SIT - OVS System Integration Test Suite Introduction User guide Discussion Introduction CNE-OVS-SIT is a test suite for OVS end-to-end functio
Ward is a modern test framework for Python with a focus on productivity and readability.
Ward is a modern test framework for Python with a focus on productivity and readability.
模仿 USTC CAS 的程序,用于开发校内网站应用的本地调试。
ustc-cas-mock 模仿 USTC CAS 的程序,用于开发校内网站应用阶段调试。 请勿在生产环境部署! 只测试了最常用的三个 CAS route: /login /serviceValidate(验证 CAS ticket) /logout 没有测试过 proxy ticket。(因为我
Hypothesis is a powerful, flexible, and easy to use library for property-based testing.
Hypothesis Hypothesis is a family of testing libraries which let you write tests parametrized by a source of examples. A Hypothesis implementation the
Automated mouse clicker script using PyAutoGUI and Typer.
clickpy Automated mouse clicker script using PyAutoGUI and Typer. This app will randomly click your mouse between 1 second and 3 minutes, to prevent y
pytest plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failures testing modes.
xdist: pytest distributed testing plugin The pytest-xdist plugin extends pytest with some unique test execution modes: test run parallelization: if yo
A simple script to login into twitter using Selenium in python.
Quick Talk A simple script to login into twitter using Selenium in python. I was looking for a way to login into twitter using Selenium in python. Sin
A utility for mocking out the Python Requests library.
Responses A utility library for mocking out the requests Python library. Note Responses requires Python 2.7 or newer, and requests = 2.0 Installing p
Getting the most out of your hobby servo
ServoProject by Adam Bäckström Getting the most out of your hobby servo Theory The control system of a regular hobby servo looks something like this: