aws companion script to generate sshconfigs with auto bastion host discovery



This script will interate over instances found by and if those instances are not publically accessible it will search the associated VPC for any public instance that can be used as a bastion. Additionally it will create host aliases for any DNS records found in route53 that match the instance's IP(s) and CNAME records. The resulting output can be added to your ~/.ssh/config.


This scipt depends on the script and ec2.ini configuration file to work. You also need a working AWS_PROFILE as expected by the boto module.


  • and ec2.ini are installed.
  • group_by_vpc_id = True in ec2.ini
  • SSH keys are named on your filesystem to the value of ec2_key_name. (You can use symlinks)

Setup environment

Create a python environment for testing

# python3 -m venv ec2-bastion-sshconfig

Enter the environment

# source ec2-bastion-sshconfig/bin/activate

Install required python modules

# pip install -r requirements.txt

Set ENV vars

# export AWS_PROFILE=default
# export EC2_INI_PATH=/usr/local/etc/ec2.ini


# ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--profile PROFILE] [--ec2Py EC2PY]
                                [--ec2PyINI EC2PYINI] [--sshUser SSHUSER]
                                [--sshKeyPATH SSHKEYPATH] [--sshPort SSHPORT]
                                [--debug DEBUG] [--awsDNSProfile AWSDNSPROFILE]
                                [--tld TLD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --profile PROFILE     Specify AWS credential profile to use.
  --ec2Py EC2PY         inventory script to use.
  --ec2PyINI EC2PYINI   inventory config file to use
  --sshUser SSHUSER     SSH username
                        PATH to SSH keys
  --sshPort SSHPORT     Alternate SSH port
  --debug DEBUG         Set to True to enable debug msgs
                        The AWS profile used to interact with route53
  --tld TLD             tld to append to hostnames
Option Description Default
--profile AWS_PROFILE used to run $AWS_PROFILE
--ec2Py Full path to the script $PATH
--ec2PyINI Full path to the ec2.ini configuration file $EC2_INI_PATH
--sshUser Username to populate the User parameter in ~/.ssh/config. If set the IdentityFile parameter will be set to the value of ec2_key_name found by (requires --sshKeyPATH) $USER
--sshKeyPATH Full path to local folder containing ssh key files. None
--sshPort Alternate port to try in addition to the default SSH port "22"
--debug Show debug messages False
awsDNSProfile AWS_PROFILE used to read from route53 "default"
--tld DNS zone for which your instances belong ""


# python ./ \
  --profile test \
  --ec2Py /usr/local/bin/ \
  --ec2PyINI /usr/local/etc/ec2.ini \
  --sshUser ec2_user \
  --sshKeyPATH ~/.ssh/ec2_keys \
  --sshPort 2222 \
  --awsDNSProfile default \
  --tld | tee -a ~/.ssh/conf.d/

####   vpc-99999999999999999   ###################

# <--
Host bastion i-99999999999999999
  ForwardAgent yes
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  Port 2222
  User ec2_user
  IdentityFile /data/home/username/.ssh/ec2_keys/test.pem
# -->

# <--
Host web-1 i-99999999999999991
  ForwardAgent yes
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  User ec2_user
  IdentityFile /data/home/username/.ssh/ec2_keys/test.pem
  ProxyJump bastion
# -->

# <--
Host web-2 i-99999999999999992
  ForwardAgent yes
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  User ec2_user
  IdentityFile /data/home/username/.ssh/ec2_keys/test.pem
  ProxyJump bastion
# -->

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