A collection of online resources to help you on your Tech journey.


License PRs Welcome

Everything Tech Resources & Projects

About The Project

Coming from an engineering background and looking to up skill yourself on a new field can be difficult. So I’ve decided to embark on a project that is dear to my heart. ♥️

This repository will contain a list of FREE resources, projects and hands-on exercises for you to attempt and up skill yourself so that you can find a role in your respective field. This project will be focused on those trying to enter the Tech field (like Software Engineering 👨‍💻 , DevOps 🛠 , Cloud 🌩 , Cyber Security 🛡 , Data Science/Engineering 📊 , Machine Learning etc 🤖 ) 🆓

The project will be maintained by the community FOR the community! 🚀 We currently have experts 😎 in the field who are already contributing to this project.

Who is this for?

Everyone. This is a platform which will enable individuals across all levels to learn new technologies and/or validate their existing knowledge.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion or project idea that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create your branch (git checkout -b patch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin patch)
  5. Raise a pull request

Links to Resources




Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Microsoft Azure:

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Git (version control)

Networking fundamentals



Containers (Docker and Kubernetes aka K8s)

Continuous Integration, Continuous Development (CI/CD)

Managed containers (EKS/AKS/GKE)


More-open source tools and more things to consider learning

Mohamed A
Platform Engineer - passionate about all things Cloud & DevOps.
Mohamed A
Open Source Management System for Botanic Garden Collections.

BotGard 3.0 Open Source Management System for Botanic Garden Collections built and maintained by netzkolchose.de in cooperation with the Botanical Gar

netzkolchose.de 1 Dec 15, 2021
ChronoRace is a tool to accurately perform timed race conditions to circumvent application business logic.

ChronoRace is a tool to accurately perform timed race conditions to circumvent application business logic. I've found in my research that w

Tanner 64 Aug 04, 2022
A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extremely easy.

discord-super-utils Documentation Secondary Documentation A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extr

106 Dec 19, 2022
Removes all archived super productivity tasks. Just run the python script.

delete-archived-sp-tasks.py Removes all archived super productivity tasks. Just run the python script. This is helpful to do a cleanup every 3-6 month

Ben Herbst 1 Jan 09, 2022
A simple and convenient build-and-run system for C and C++.

smake Smake is a simple and convenient build-and-run system for C and C++ projects. Why make another build system? CMake and GNU Make are great build

Venkataram Edavamadathil Sivaram 18 Nov 13, 2022
A Python program that generates a maze that solves itself using DFS

Maze Generator And Solver Program Purpose: Generates a maze that then solves itself Language: Python and Pygame Algorithm: Randomized DFS / Floodfill

Joshua Liu 1 Jul 25, 2022
Code for ML, domain generation, graph generation of ABC dataset

This is the repository for codes for ML, domain generation, graph generation of Asymmetric Buckling Columns (ABC) dataset in the paper "Learning Mechanically Driven Emergent Behavior with Message Pas

Peerasait Prachaseree (Jeffrey) 0 Jan 28, 2022
An early stage integration of Hotwire Turbo with Django

Note: This is not ready for production. APIs likely to change dramatically. Please drop by our Slack channel to discuss!

Hotwire for Django 352 Jan 06, 2023
Python project setup, updater, and launcher

Launcher Python project setup, updater, and launcher Purpose: Increase project productivity and provide features easily. Once installed as a git submo

DAAV, LLC 1 Jan 07, 2022

SECRET SANTA / KRIS KINGLE Note: Before executing the script, make sure to turn

DEV_FINWIZ 10 Dec 06, 2022
Albert launcher extension for rolling dice.

dice-roll-albert-ext Extension for rolling dice in Albert launcher Installation Locate the modules directory in the Python extension data directory. T

Jonah Lawrence 1 Nov 18, 2021
A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, VueJS projects.

Cookiecutter A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python

18.6k Jan 02, 2023
A Python wrapper API for operating and working with the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library

gdsclient NOTE: This is a work in progress and many GDS features are known to be missing or not working properly. This repo hosts the sources for gdsc

Neo4j 100 Dec 20, 2022
The official Repository wherein newbies into Open Source can Contribute during the Hacktoberfest 2021

Hacktoberfest 2021 Get Started With your first Contrinution/Pull Request : Fork/Copy the repo by clicking the right most button on top of the page. Go

HacOkars 25 Aug 20, 2022
Q-Tracker is originally a High School Project created by Admins of Cirus Lab.

Q-Tracker is originally a High School Project created by Admins of Cirus Lab. It's completly coded in python along with mysql.(Tkinter For GUI)

Adithya Krishnan 2 Nov 14, 2022
Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter written in Python

Welcome to Pygments This is the source of Pygments. It is a generic syntax highlighter written in Python that supports over 500 languages and text for

1.2k Jan 06, 2023
A place where one-off ideas/partial projects can live comfortably

A place to post ideas, partial projects, or anything else that doesn't necessarily warrant its own repo, from my mind to the web.

Carson Scott 2 Feb 25, 2022
Get information about what a Python frame is currently doing, particularly the AST node being executed

executing This mini-package lets you get information about what a frame is currently doing, particularly the AST node being executed. Usage Getting th

Alex Hall 211 Jan 01, 2023
This library attempts to abstract the handling of Sigma rules in Python

This library attempts to abstract the handling of Sigma rules in Python. The rules are parsed using a schema defined with pydantic, and can be easily loaded from YAML files into a structured Python o

Caleb Stewart 44 Oct 29, 2022
Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python.

natsort Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python. Source Code: https://github.com/SethMMorton/natsort Downloads: https://pypi.org/project/natsort

Seth Morton 712 Dec 23, 2022