Random Turkish name generator with realistic probabilities.
Based on Trey Hunner's names package.
The package can be installed using pip
with the following command
pip install git+[email protected]
No other packages are required.
Here are examples of all current features:
>>> import trnames
>>> trnames.get_full_name() # gender is set randomly if not given
'Emine Ozdemir'
>>> trnames.get_full_name(gender='male')
'Mustafa Berber'
>>> trnames.get_first_name() # gender is set randomly if not given
>>> trnames.get_first_name(gender='female')
>>> trnames.get_last_name()
The probabilities of first and last names are parsed from 49,611,709 individuals, 24,534,483 men and 25,077,226 women, born between 1888 and 1991.
Names that are seen in less than 100 individuals are not used.
This project is released under an MIT License.