A simple fusee-launcher frontend for macOS


A simple fusee-launcher frontend for macOS (Universal). Supports macOS >= 10.9.

It has libusb statically linked, so you don't need to install anything else to use it.

All credit to Qriad who made the original launcher - this is merely a frontend.


Please note - the app will not work unless you move it outside of the distribution .dmg.

How to create

.app builds can be found on the release page. You can also build from the repo, if you wish.

  1. Make sure you have Xcode installed.
  2. Clone the libusb repository.
  3. Build the libusb dynamic library according to their instructions.
  4. Rename the produced libusb-....dylib to libusb.lib.
  5. Move libusb.lib to the assets/ folder of this repository.
  6. chmod +x create_app.sh
  7. ./create_app.sh
  8. You're done - the app is located in the dist subfolder.
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  • Binary only supports 11.0 and up

    Binary only supports 11.0 and up

    This is due to the installer basing the bundled binaries on the installed version of python on my system (12.1).

    Building with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set to 10.9 results in a binary having a min version of 11.0.

    bug urgent 
    opened by mistyhands 5
  • 0.1.2 Wont start up.

    0.1.2 Wont start up.

    The old version worked besides the hanging after pushing but this new version wont even startup for me. Says CrystalRCM is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

    Any Ideas?

    opened by skwiz0d 2
  • 0.1.2(Dec 7, 2022)

  • 0.1.1(Jan 26, 2022)

  • 0.1.0(Jan 25, 2022)

    Please see the latest release 0.1.2 for a fix to versions older than Monterey!

    First release.

    This might not work on older versions of macOS, with the app stating it was damaged. The build flags suggest the earliest usable release is 11.0. This will be fixed soon, but for now, it's only been tested on Monterey.

    Note: You need to move the .app outside of the dmg for it to work.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    CrystalRCM.dmg(18.71 MB)
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