ecoglib: visualization and statistics for high density microecog signals


ecoglib: visualization and statistics for high density microecog signals

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This library contains high-level analysis tools for "topos" and "chronos" aspects of spatio-temporal signals (array timesries). The packages are organized for

  • ecoglib.estimation statistical estimation tools for spatial, timeseries, and general data
  • ecoglib.vis multiple plotting modules for visualizing multi-channel timeseries, spatial maps, and other results
  • ecoglib.signal_testing signal diagonstics for electrode based recordings

This library builds on top of ecogdata, which can preprocess electrode recordings from multiple file types


First step: set up ecogdata following instructions here:

Whether you have chosen to use conda or a plain virtual environment, use pip to install ecoglib.

Choose whether to use PyQt5 or PySide2.

  • PyQt5: this is probably the best option (presently), but it is known not to work on Windows 8
  • PySide2: also works, has a less restrictive license

This choice affects the install variation, which is specified in the brackets. You can either clone & install in one step (using PyQt5 in these example, replace with "pyside2" if needed):

$ pip install "ecoglib[pyqt] @ git+"

Or, to track the repository, clone and install separately.

$ git clone
$ pip install ./ecoglib[pyqt]

Install variation for testing

To run tests, install with the [pyqt,test] variation and run

$ python -m pytest --pyargs ecoglib

Docs & demo notebooks

To build API documentation and usage demos, you must clone the repository. Then add [pyqt,docs] to the install command to get Sphinx and other tools. You can now run:

$ cd docs
$ make all

Alternatively, install jupyter and run the notebooks in docs/source/usage_demos interactively.

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