Python library for interacting with the Wunderlist 2 REST API



Wunderpy2 is a thin Python library for accessing the official Wunderlist 2 API. What does a thin library mean here?

  1. Only the bare minimum of error-checking to pass the Wunderlist API specifications is performed (e.g. there's no checking whether a task's title is empty, even though the Wunderlist web client enforces nonempty titles).
  2. There aren't any 'convenience' functions, like getting a list by name instead of ID (that being said, I'll likely get tired of repeating the same things myself, write a few, and bundle them in a separate helper module).


pip install wunderpy2

Usage & Examples

Getting a client

Wunderlist uses OAuth2 to allow applications to access users' data, so you'll need to create an application before doing anything. If you only want to access your own Wunderlist, generate an access token after creating your application and use it and the client ID as follows:

import wunderpy2
api = wunderpy2.WunderApi()
client = api.get_client(access_token, client_id)    # Fill in your values

If you want other Wunderlisters to use your application, you'll need to see the "Redirect users to request Wunderlist access" section of the authorization docs in order to get a temporary code when a user has authorized your app. Once you have the code, you only need one more step:

api = wunderpy2.WunderApi()
access_token = api.get_access_token(temporary_code, client_id, client_secret)   # Fill in your values here
client = api.get_client(access_token, client_id)    # Fill in your client ID

Wunderlist Objects

All Wunderlist objects are merely Python objects with special keys. For convenience, these keys are laid out in a class format in Note that not every object will have every key (e.g. List objects with type 'inbox' do not have creation metadata).


Creating a task with a due date, note, 'starred' flag, and subtask:

lists = client.get_lists()
list = lists[0]
task = client.create_task(1234, "My new task", due_date="2015-08-02", starred=True)
client.create_note(task[wunderpy2.Task.ID], "My note")
client.create_subtask(task[wunderpy2.Task.ID], "My subtask")

Shuffling the order of tasks within a list (see the Positions endpoint documentation):

import random
task_positions_obj = client.get_task_positions_obj(list[wunderpy2.List.ID])
ordering = task_positions_obj[wunderpy2.Task.VALUES]
client.update_task_positions_obj(task_positions_obj[wunderpy2.TaskPositionsObj.ID], task_positions_obj[wunderpy2.TaskPositionsObj.REVISION], ordering)


  • Endpoint implementation:
    • Avatar
    • File
    • File preview
    • Folder
    • Reminder
    • Task comment
    • Upload
    • User
    • Webhooks?
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